Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Our way home

2007-10-08 03:49:28 | Daily Talk
Hi, Hab.
How do you do ?

Pretty good thank you.
Long time no see.

Your son seems to grow up.
Hi baby.
How old is he now?

2years old now.
Everyday he bothers me a lot.
But he can speak a lot of words and sentences.

Where did you go today ?
I guess every place is crowded.

We are taking a walk near here.
Now we are climbing this gradient and going to park.
How steep is this ascent ?
I am so tired from walking.

Sorry for interrupting your time.
I should let you go.
Have a nice weekend.

Hey little boy.
Are you satisfied ?
Let's go back home.

bother : 悩ます
take a walk : 散歩する
gradient : 坂道
climb : 登る
go up : 登る
go down : 降りる
ascent : 上り坂
steep : 険しい
shelving : 緩い
interrupt : 中断する
