Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Catch a Cold

2007-11-14 01:46:52 | Daily Talk
Unfortunately I caught a heavy cold so that I have lost my voice today.
To avoid extending my virus, I dicided to be absent for company.
Especially my throat was disorder therefore I was always having candy for cure.
Tanks to take the drugs that my doctor prescribed, I am constantly sleepy.

Eventually I have improved my physical condition.
If possible, I will come to the office tomorrow.

While I healed my self at home, there were a lot of e-mails for me.
I will have to come to the office tomorrow and deal with undone working.
Well, I am going to go to bed.

--- Vocabulary ---
catch a cold : 風邪を引く
have lost my voice : 声が出ない
virus : ウィルス
absent : 休むこと、休み
throat : 喉
disorder : 不調
take the drug : 薬を飲む ★
prescribe : 処方する ★
constantly : 常に
improve : 回復させる、修復する
come to the office : 出社する ★
heal : 治療する、療養する
undone : なされていない
