Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !


2007-10-28 13:04:51 | Daily Talk
We had typhoon yesterday.
It was so stormy weather during the day that I couldn't go out anywhere.

I waked up 11 O'clock that was late too.
First, I had breakfast and started to watch DVD.
I watched american drama "24" that is season 6 in english.
Because I think watching movie or foreign drama in english is effective to enhance english vocabulary and listening ability.

Violent wind was sharpen litlle by little at 17 O'clock.
I made ready to let my flower pots evacuate to safty place.
At last hurricane, strong wind crushed a few flower pots and we had to buy new one.
At 21 O'clock weather recovered.

Recently I was lazy about studying German.
I checked educational program that I usually recorded on Hard Disk Recorder.

By the way, I brought a few articles under internet auction.
If I got some money from this trading, I want to buy new iPod that is very light more then previous ones.
I wish they were obtained a high price.

Eventually I went to bed at 4 O'clock ante meridiem.
I have to change life rhythm.

typhoon : 台風
stormy : 激しい
during the day : 日中
go out : 外出する
effective : 効果的
enhance : 強化する
violent : 暴力的な、激しい
sharpen : 強くなる、激しくなる
little by little : 少しずつ
make ready : 準備する
flower pot : 植木鉢
evacuate : 避難する
hurricane : 台風(=typhoon)
recover : 回復する
lazy : 怠けている
educational program : 教育番組
record : 録画する
bring - under auction : オークションに出品する
trading : 取引
light : 軽い
previous : 前の、これまでの
obtain a high price : 高値がつく
eventually : 最終的に
ante meridiem : 午前
rhythm : リズム
