Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Commuting By Train 1

2007-10-11 04:37:06 | Daily Talk
I usually use Yokosuka-Line for my commuting.
There is rush every morning but sometimes I can sit seat.
Today there is a lot of vacant seat.

Can I seat here ?
Of course you can.

At fast I ready i-pod for listning music and english conversation for studying.
This is my daily duty on commuting train.
And if I can't check news before I leave my home, I usually watch mobile phone that can connect internet while moving.
Recently senseless students don't change their mobile to vibrator mode when they get on the train. I am annoyed with that action.
I'll dare to indicate them about that.

A senior asked me that he want to go to ODAWARA.
Where shoud I switch at ?
Well, You must swith from this line to TOKAIDO-Line at next station.
Your train will leave at platform 3 or 4.
If you lose your way ,please ask station staff about train information.
Can you understand ?

This train is approaching next station.
Please ready getting off a train.

commuting : 通勤
vacant : 空いている
daily duty : 日課
senseless : 非常識な
get on : 電車に乗る
be annoyed with : 怒る
dare to do : 思い切って-する
indicate : 指摘する
senior : 老人
switch at : -で乗り換える
switch from A to B : AからBに乗り換える
lose your way : 迷う
approach : 近づく
get off : 電車を降りる
