Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

For Mobile Mail

2007-08-29 13:07:02 | Daily Talk
This is not mobile address but G-mail address.

Can you receive it ?

<Morning Conversation>
I think you are still in bed now.

I wish your good awakening.

<My Status Comment>
I'm going to visit client.

I will return to office about 18:00.

Unfortunately I have to join long meeting concerning tomorrow presentation from now.

Why do they call me at such time?

By the way, I found good restaurant in Yokohama for our happy Christmas.

I wish we go together certainly.

<Amiable Commnet>
I regret that I can't chat with you.

Don’t forget to e-mail me when you returned to house.

<Finish Talk>
Have a pleasant day.
