Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Lucky Soul - Lips Are Unhappy

2007-10-27 12:57:42 | Lyrics
Shake, shake, shimmy.
You know that you soothe the aches and the troubles within me.
Pretending that everything’s cool,
When I’m twenty seven shades of blue,
And my lips are unhappy without you.
My lips are unhappy without you.

Honey suckle, you’re missing.
But I make the morning dew glisten,
By just hoping and wishing.
Pretending that I’ve got a clue.
When I’m twenty seven shades of blue,
And my lips are unhappy without you.
My lips are unhappy without you.

Shake, shake, shimmy, shimmy, etc etc etc

lip : 唇
unhappy : 不運な、悲しい、不満で
shake a shimmy : シミーを踊る
shimmy : 1920年代に流行したダンス、振動する(自)
shake : 震える(自)、振る(他)
soothe : なだめる、和らげる(他)
soothe an ache : 痛みを和らげる
within : -の中の、-の心の中で
pretend : -のふりをする、見せかける、装う
cool : 冷たい、素晴らしい、冷静な
shade : 影
shade of blue : ブルー
suckle : 乳を飲む、-に授乳する、育てる
morning dew : 朝露
dew : 露、しずく
glisten : きらめく
get a clue : 手がかりをつかむ、わかる
clue : ヒント、てがかり

Lucky Soul - Add Your Light To Mine, Baby

2007-10-27 02:00:22 | Lyrics
Add your light to mine, baby.
Add your light to mine.
Add your light to mine, baby.
Together we could shine.

I’ve seen you dancing like no one was looking.
Beneath the fullest moon.
Oh some day soon.
I’m gonna find all the things I’ve been yearning for.
Are you coming too?

Add your light to mine, baby.
Add your light to mine.
Add your light to mine, baby.
Together we could shine.

All the rubbish that ever surrounds us.
Could make a stone wall cry.
But someday I’m,
Going to leap out of this hole and you can too,
If you’re by my side.

Add your light to mine, baby.
Add your light to mine.
Add your light to mine, baby.
Together we could shine.

Baby you’re so fine,
Together we could shine.
Add your light to mine.

beneath : -の真下に
fullest : 最大限の
full moon : 満月
yearn : 切望する
rubbish : ごみ
surround : 包囲する
make cry : 泣かせる、(壊す)
stone wall : 石垣
leat out : 飛び出る、目に付く
mine : 鉱山(cf)