Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !


2007-10-22 11:48:09 | Daily Talk
Yesterday, I was alone because my wife and son have gone home last Saturday.
The day before yesterday, I stayed up so late at night that I wake up at 12 noon.

To begin with, I finished domestic affairs for example washing dishes, cleaning up bathroom, watering the flowers and feeding for cats. Subsequently, I barely had a breakfast.

Well, As I had time to use free, I started to study english. After reviewing english conversation class, I watched movie in english. The title is "Catch Me If You Can" in what Leonard DiCaprio starred. Especially my hearing ability of english is very poor, so I expect this attempt will contribute to enhance my hearing ability.

In the evening, I went to gas station for washing my car that was very foul.
Because of my late waking, sunny sunday ended immediately. In midnight, I watched F1 on TV. There was an exciting competition. Consequently, Finlander Kimi Raikkonen got championship. I was backing up Ferrari therefore I was happy with this result.

I went to bed at 3 ante meridiem.
Recently it suddenly got really cold especially at night.

The day before yesterday : 一昨日
Stay up late : 夜更かしする
To begin with : まずはじめに
Domestic affairs : 家事
Clean up : 掃除する
Water the flowers : 花に水をやる
Feed for pet : ペットに餌をやる
Subsequently : 続いて
Barely : やっと-する
Star : 主演する
Attempt : 行動、試み
In the evening : 夕方
Gas station : ガソリンスタンド
Foul : 汚い、汚れている
Sunny : 天気のよい
Immediately : 直ぐに
Midnight : 深夜
Consequently : その結果
Finlander : フィンランド人
Back up : 応援する
Ante meridiem : 午前
Get cold : 寒くなる
