Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !


2007-10-27 13:36:49 | Daily Talk
Yesterday, I waked up at 8 O'clock.
It was more early than recent days because my wife and my sun would come back home by train.
But they caught a cold, therefore I suggested extending their return.
Frankly speacking I wanted to avoid be infected with cold from them.

Everytime, they become any ill when they stay my wife's family home.
What is the reason ???

At noon, I went to business seminar concerning marketing starategy.
I was interested in that.
Instructor was a famous doctor of philosophy who belongs to Colombia Business School.
But I think translator of presentation was not good.
So I couldn't understand meaning of statement in spots.
If I have good listing ability, I could hear this presentation without translation.

When seminar finished, It was already 18 O'cliock.
Yesterday was friday so I didn't have energy to work.
I decided going back home.

catch a cold : 風邪をひく
extend : 伸ばす、延期する
avoid : 避ける
infect : 感染する
become a ill : 病気にかかる、体調を崩す
family home : 実家
concerning : -に関する
instructor : 講師
doctor of philosophy : 博士
translator : 翻訳する人
statement : 声明
in spots : ところどころ
without : -なしに
