Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Commuting road

2007-10-09 02:07:11 | Daily Talk
There is plenty of garbage that you throw away.
Good morning, Macy.

Good morning Muran.
You looked my embarrassed action.
Can I go with you for station.

Of course.
But we don't have much time.
Just hurry up.

What did you do last weekend ?
When did you go anywhere ?

I went to HAYAMA beach and my family home.
HAYAMA is near Zushi in Kanagawa prefecture.
We went to HAYAMA going over my son's kindergarten.

We are going to let him join a kindergarten that is international school in HAYAMA.
Because we wish he will be able to speak english.
I think english experience at infant stage is very effective for absorbing ability.

What did you do at your family home ?
Of course with your wife and a son ?

We had dinner with my parent.
We ate steak that is very good taste.
I had a good weekend.

garbage : ゴミ
throw away : 捨てる
embarrassed : 恥ずかしい
family home : 実家
go over : 下見する
kindergarten : 幼稚園
infant stage : 幼少期
effective : 効果的
absorb : 吸収する
parent : 両親
