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Suicide site creator faces charges over murder

2007-10-12 04:02:29 | E-mail
An arrested man accused of killing a 21-year-old woman who visited a suicide Web site that he set up has been slapped with a fresh arrest warrant on suspicion of contracted murder, police said.

Served the arrest warrant was Kazunari Saito, 33, a resident of Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture. Saito is already under indictment for violating a drug control law.

Investigators accuse Saito of killing 21-year-old Sayaka Nishizawa in her apartment in Kawasaki late on April 12 by making her consume 20 to 30 sleeping pills and then suffocating her with a plastic bag.

Police said that several days before Nishizawa was murdered, she deposited 200,000 yen into Saito's bank account.

When Nishizawa's father visited her apartment on April 16 to check up on her, he found her body. At first, the cause of her death remained unclear, but in the course of their investigation, police tracked down Saito through call records for Nishizawa's cell phone.

On July 24, Kanagawa Prefectural Police arrested Saito on suspicion of violating the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law by illegally selling sleeping medicine through a cell phone Web site. When they questioned him about Nishizawa's death, he reportedly admitted having killed her.

"She asked me to do it saying, 'Watch over me until the end,' so I killed her," he was quoted as saying.

Police said that Saito set up the suicide site in June 2006. On April 5 this year, Nishizawa posted the first message on the site's bulletin board, and exchanged several e-mails with Saito.

Until 10 days before his arrest, Saito was posting messages saying, "If there are any requests (for murder), I'll take them on," "I don't murder for pleasure." He also claimed, "I've been in this business for quite a long time." He allegedly told people who wanted him to carry out a job to e-mail him on his cell phone.

charge : 容疑、罪、義務
accuse : -に責任を問う
slapped with : -を課される
fresh arrest warrant : 再逮捕
warrant : 令状、証明書
under indictment : 起訴されている
indictment : 起訴
violate : 違反する、破る
investigator : 捜査官
consume : 消費する、飲む
pill : 錠剤
suffocate : 窒息死させる、押さえつける
deposit : 預金、貯金する、入金する
bank account : 銀行口座
remain : -のままである、残る
in the course of : -の過程で、-の経過中に
track down : 見つけ出す、追い詰める
call record : 電話履歴
narcotics : 麻薬 [ナァ・コー・ティク]2
Psychotropics : 向精神薬
admit : 認める、承認する
reportedly : 報道によれば
qauoted as saying that : -と言ったと伝えられる
post : 投稿する
bulletin : 掲示、広報 [ブ・レ・ティン]1
allegedly : 伝えられるところによると
allege : 主張する、陳述する
carry out : 実行する、行う
