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クリスチャンでセクシャルマイノリティのSueのひとりごとやGay Lesbian human rightsリンク集

Message from the Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus

2006-05-08 | Christianity

integritynews-list Digest, Vol 121, Issue 1から転載
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 20:51:17 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: Susan Russell <>
Subject: [Integrity News] Bishop Andrus addresses CA


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

>Address by the Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus to the Special Convention
>to Elect the Eighth Bishop of California on the occasion of his

Delivered via telephone to those gathered at Grace
>Cathedral in San Francisco from his home in Birmingham, Alabama;
6 May 2006.
>Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
>Sheila and I are gladdened, and humbled, by the trust you have placed
>in me, in us. Publicly, I want to say that my heart is with the other
>nominees and their partners. They are uniformly splendid people, and
>I was honored to be in their number.
>Also, to all of you who have been so prayerfully working to bring
>this moment for your diocese, the election of a new bishop, you must
>know that you have exhibited every trait of a Christian community.
>You are a witness to the vitality of the Church in your very way of
>We must all understand, and here I address the diocese of California
>and those listening from elsewhere, that your vote today remains a
>vote for inclusion and communion ? of gay and lesbian people in their
>full lives as single or partnered people, of women, of all ethnic
>minorities, and all people. My commitment to Jesus Christ?s own
>mission of inclusion is resolute.
>And I share with you your strongly expressed commitment to youth, to
>those who do not yet know Christ, our calling as evangelists, and to
>God?s waiting, expectant creation.
>I take this election to be an expression of our common desire to be
>part of the whole, the Communion and the world, in what may be a new
>We will work together in the listening process, lending the unique
>voice of the Bay Area Episcopalians to this great conversation and
>working to end global human suffering.
>Finally, let me say that being nourished as a bishop by the Episcopal
>Diocese of Alabama, fed by the historic and living witness of so many
>heroes of the struggle for human rights, whose words and deeds of
>compassion and justice have inspired and sustained me, I say to you
>the words of a west coast hero ? ?In the cause of peace, we cannot be
>sprinters, we must be long distance runners.?
>Please join me in prayer. God Be With You.
>Oh God of unchangeable power and eternal light: look favorably on
>your whole church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the
>effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the
>plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which
>were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old
>are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their
>perfection by him through whom all things are made, you Son Jesus
>Christ and Lord. Amen.

The Reverend Susan Russell
132 North Euclid Avenue
Pasadena CA 91101


2006-05-08 | ひとりごと
先日、新聞の記事(Washington Times)を読んでカリフォルニア主教選挙のことを書いたが、コメント、トラックバックをいただいたのでいろいろ調べてみたら、候補者はゲイ男性3人ではなかった。大変なまちがいでした。失礼しました。
そもそもワシントンタイムスでは3人の写真を載せて、Three Homosexualsとしか書いてなかったため、てっきり男性の同性愛者だと思い込んでしまった。というのも女性でしかもレズビアンの主教候補者がいたこと自体が私の想像のレベルをはるかに超えていた。まあ私の英語力も????なのだが・・・。



このうち、Michael Barlowe氏とRobert V. Taylor氏がゲイ、Bonnie Perry女史がレズビアンの候補者だった。
聖職者と信徒の代表によって行われるが、最終的に多数の表が集まるまで選挙を行う。ちなみに例のワシントンタイムスの記事では、今回の選挙で主教を確定するには聖職者131、信徒代表117の票が必要だった。そして3回の投票を行って3回目にMark Abdrus氏が聖職者188、信徒161の票を獲得し決定したとのこと。同じ日に3回選挙をするというところがよくわからん。しかし日本の聖公会の主教選挙規程(こちら)でも3分の2以上の票が必要で集まらなければ再度選挙を行うとある。ただ同じ日に3回行われた今回の選挙、どうやってるのだろう。

さて今回、カリフォルニアの主教に選ばれたMark Andrus氏。彼はゲイではないが、貧困や人種差別などの人権問題、そして同性愛者の問題にも熱心に取り組んで来られた方のようで、聖公会の中のLGBTコミュニティ”Integrity"は概ね選挙結果を歓迎している。こちらに会長のメッセージがある。


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