レガスピへの道 (でも時々、菊川)~Road to the Legazpi City Albay!~



2022-02-05 08:39:19 | 静岡県


県発表分 1024人 (下田市5人、東伊豆町2人、熱海市18人、伊東市21人、沼津市94人、三島市26人、裾野市15人、伊豆市6人、伊豆の国市11人、函南町17人、清水町19人、長泉町25人、御殿場市39人、小山町6人、富士市172人、富士宮市78人、島田市21人、焼津市93人、藤枝市44人、牧之原市37人、吉田町30人、磐田市118人、掛川市24人、袋井市28人、御前崎市18人、菊川市16人、湖西市26人、森町2人、静岡市2人、浜松市4人、県外7人)
静岡市発表分 350人
浜松市発表分 425人


【市民の皆様へ 危機管理課からのお知らせ】 

2022-02-05 08:37:59 | 菊川市

【市民の皆様へ 危機管理課からのお知らせ】 


2022-02-05 08:23:16 | 柴犬



にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 柴犬へ


にほんブログ村 シニア日記ブログ 60歳代へ


2022-02-05 08:08:40 | フィリピン



にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ フィリピン情報へ


February 4, 2022

2022-02-05 05:28:09 | フィリピン

February 4, 2022 Today is the beginning of spring in the Japanese calendar. (In Japan, there are calendar days that represent the seasons. 24 solar terms divide a year into 24 equal parts according to the number of days or the visible position on the ecliptic of the sun, and give the name that represents the season to the day that includes the division point. .) Spring has come on the calendar, but this is the coldest time.


Today, I will pick up and comment on the articles I was interested in from the Manila newspaper and Asian economic news.


On the 2nd, the Philippine Senate and Senate Committee approved a bill requiring SIM card purchasers of mobile phones to register their IDs. It is established after the signature of President Duterte. The aim is to prevent crimes that abuse mobile phones. It also applies to existing SIM card users and requires registration within 180 days of enforcement.

⇒ Most overseas, prepaid SIM cards are sold, so travelers buy them. My main Filipino phone is Globe's prepaid SIM. However, Japanese mobile phone SIM cards are postpaid. In Japan, it is easy to open a bank account and there is no maintenance fee, so most people open one or more bank accounts. In addition, the usage fee for postpaid is automatically deducted from the bank account. Therefore, when you make a postpaid contract, it will be automatically deducted from your bank account or credit card, and you will need an ID card with a photo of your face. Prepaid mobile phones and SIMs are also sold by some operators in Japan, but there are not many people who make a contract because an ID card with a face photo is required at the time of contract. Nowadays, prepaid SIMs are sold at vending machines at airports, etc., but the payment method is a credit card. In addition, prepaid SIMs sold at airports are dedicated to data. The reason why the use of prepaid SIM is not progressing in Japan is that there is a gap in the contract with postpaid, it is expensive, and there is a mechanism to identify an individual like postpaid. However, in Japan, prepaid SIMs that were previously sold are sold at high prices on the Internet. The reason is that even if it is used for a crime, the identity is not revealed. From today, the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China. Articles on the internet say that China should not use the smartphones that it uses all the time, but cheap smartphones that can only be used in China. Otherwise, all the information on the smartphone you use all the time will be extracted via the network.


Robledo presidential candidate responds to the South China Sea issue.

Vice President Robledo, who is running for the Philippine presidential election in May, cited the modernization of the Coast Guard and the Navy and the application of the Philippines-America Mutual Defense Treaty as a response to the crisis of the sovereignty dispute with China in the South China Sea. Manila Bulletin reported on the 2nd.

⇒ Presidential candidate Robledo will become a candidate more favored by the United States due to such remarks. In yesterday's article, former ministers and ambassadors of the Neunoi Aquino administration said they would support Robledo. The US government has determined that it is better for the new American candidate Robledo to become president than the Marcos administration to maintain the power of the United States in Southeast Asia.

From the Manila Shimbun on February 5th

2022-02-05 05:09:53 | フィリピン

From the Manila Shimbun on February 5th

Mr. Bonbon is absent from the debate program again. Five candidates including Mr. Robledo attend.
Mr. Marcos was absent from the debate program on the participation of presidential candidates sponsored by the Philippine Broadcasting Bureau, but Mr. Robledo and five other candidates attended.

The online debate program for presidential candidates in May this year was recorded on the 4th, sponsored by the Philippine Broadcasting Station Federation (KBP), which is a member of television and radio stations nationwide and their managers. It is a full-scale discussion program that is simultaneously distributed to more than 300 member companies nationwide, such as major TV broadcasting stations and AМ / FМ radio stations, and the differences in policies of each candidate are clearly understood through interviews with well-known TV casters. It was a great opportunity for a voter, but Bonbon Marcos, who runs alone in the polls, was absent because he had "another appointment." Marcos also forgot to appear on a television interview with commercial broadcasters GМA's presidential candidates last month.

Vice President Robledo was in contrast to Mr. Marcos. According to Vice President Twitter, Mr. Robledo attended an online debate on the morning of the 4th, renting a computer at an office near the airport just before boarding a domestic flight from Manila Airport to visit the disaster area of ​​Typhoon Odette. Comments on the SNS are spreading that Mr. Marcos, who is reluctant to hold a debate, is "weak" to the Vice President who participated in the debate and developed his own theory by cutting lunch time.

After all, Vice President Robledo, Senator Laxon, Mayor Moreno Manila, Senator Pacquiao, and Degusman Labor Mass Party leader participated in the debate. KBP Chairman Hermann Basbanyo sent an invitation to the six candidates, according to an English-language newspaper star on the 3rd. Had revealed that he had arrived. And on the 4th, ABS-CBN, a major commercial broadcaster, announced on Facebook that Mr. Marcos had appeared on the same station's cooking program recorded at the same time as the online debate program. In addition, prominent caster Korina Sanchez, who hosted the show, reported on Twitter that "I'm sure I requested the show, but it was the Marcos officials who specified the date and time." There is.

Marcos explained that the reason why he forgot the TV interview program of GМA was that "host Jessica Soho has a prejudice as an anti-Marcos family." After this, he responded to a one-on-one interview with another TV show and a program on the radio station DZRH, but on the January 28 interview program scheduled for the GМA radio station DZBB, he said, "To Dabao. I haven't been able to connect to the internet, so I hurriedly canceled the appearance.

In the debate program on the 4th, five candidates interviewed about various policies and problems such as drug crackdown, measures against domestic communist armed groups, infrastructure policy and Manila Bay landfill project, legalization of online chicken fighting and government corruption problem. Received and explained their own positions. (Kinobu Sawada)

Today's news

January inflation rate 3%, the lowest level since November 2008
The National Statistical Office announced that the inflation rate in January this year was 3.0% compared to the same month of the previous year. Low level since November 2020

Considering further acceptance of foreign capital Dito, the third telecommunications company
Following the passage of a bill to amend the Public Service Law by Parliament, Dito, the third telecommunications company, has indicated that it will consider accepting more foreign capital.

Amendment to the Public Service Law is insufficient, pointed out by a private think tank
Private think tanks point out that "unless administrative corruption is corrected, investment will hardly increase even if the law is revised."

JICA supports agribusiness at BARMM
JICA provided capacity development support to agriculture-related businesses such as the Islamic Autonomous Region of Bansamoro.

"Cancellation of vaccination for 5 to 11 years old" Parents filed a complaint with the Keson District Court
A group of parents who oppose the new corona vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 sued for suspension

Presidential adviser "No need for lockdown" "The alert level system will continue" and the government
In response to the government's decision to allow foreign travelers who have completed vaccination to enter the country, Presidential Advisor of the Conception recommends that the regulation be lifted, saying that "lockdown is not necessary".

To 8564 newly infected people
The number of newly infected people was 8,564, and the cumulative number of infected people was 3,594,002.

Last month on the coast of Cebu City where the body of a Japanese was found
In January, the body of Japanese Tamayama Tadao (69), whose Chinese character is unknown, who lives in Pasig City, was found in Cebu City.

Half of OFWs are not covered by social insurance Government think tanks
Philippine Development Institute announces research results that 47% of OFWs are not enrolled in social health

Appointed Pope Ambassador of Rwanda to the Pope of Rome
Pope appoints Filipino Priest Arnaldo Sanchez Catalan (55) as Pope Ambassador to Rwanda

The topic of tabloids

Shooting his cohabiting partner and his daughter
A man who was a police informant in Cebu City was arrested for killing his co-resident partner and his daughter with a gun. It was Generin Bontilao (31) and his daughter Hana Ouano (15) who were killed. The two were shot in the head. Another daughter, Jona Ouano (11), was hospitalized due to a serious illness. According to police, the arrested Jean-Jean Moko was routinely violent against Mr. Bontilao. The suspect is upset by Mr. Bontilao who has cut out a farewell to endure the violence. He is said to have boarded the house and fired a gun. (4th, P Journal)