レガスピへの道 (でも時々、菊川)~Road to the Legazpi City Albay!~



2024-07-03 11:28:45 | Jimny
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
First thing in the morning, I bought a door for the new room I'm making.
The Jimny carrier is not just for show.

2024年7月3日 水曜日

Thursday afternoon, July 6, 2023 Drive through Legazpi city in Jimny and go to see the sink from

2023-07-15 23:14:55 | Jimny

Thursday afternoon, July 6, 2023 Drive through Legazpi city in Jimny and go to see the sink from

2023年7月6日、木曜日の午後。ジムニーでレガスピ市内をドライブし、シティハードウェアからCiti Plusへ流し台を見に行く。

Thursday afternoon, July 6, 2023 Drive through Legazpi City and go to City Hardware to see the si

2023-07-15 19:58:50 | Jimny

Thursday afternoon, July 6, 2023 Drive through Legazpi City and go to City Hardware to see the si
