レガスピへの道 (でも時々、菊川)~Road to the Legazpi City Albay!~


ただいま 朝の散歩中です。 2021年1月5日

2021-01-05 09:58:41 | 柴犬

「緊急事態宣言」を発令される一都三県と大阪地区の陽性者数の推移をみる事で、「緊急事態宣言」の無意味さが解るのではないでしょうか? 基本、密が原因でしょうね。 菊川市は人口密度も低いですし、人に会う事もそんなに無いので、安全地帯と言えるでしょう。

Good morning.
I have been praying for "the end of China virus" at Mineda Shrine this morning as well.
Did the visit work? Yesterday, there were 24 new positives in Shizuoka Prefecture and 0 in Kikugawa City.
Four people from outside the prefecture complained of fatigue in Shizuoka prefecture and tested positive in the PCR test.
The number of positive people in Fuji City is also decreasing.
It seems that Prime Minister Suga will issue an "emergency declaration" to the three prefectures within this week, but some of the current mass trash and opposition parties seem to have the purpose of issuing an "emergency declaration". It has become.
By looking at the changes in the number of positive people in the three prefectures and Osaka areas where the "state of emergency" is issued, the meaninglessness of the "state of emergency" may be understood. Basically, it was probably due to denseness. Kikukawa city has a low population density and we rarely meet people, so it can be said that it is a safe zone.
Let's live well and do our best this year so as not to lose to "China virus".

ただいま 朝の散歩中です。 2021年1月5日


2021-01-05 06:59:02 | 柴犬


Good morning.
I have been praying for "the end of China virus" at Mineda Shrine this morning as well.
There were 30 new positives in Shizuoka prefecture yesterday and 1 in Kikugawa city without visiting.
Positive people in Kikugawa City are in contact with positive people in the prefecture.
One person from outside the prefecture complained of fatigue in Shizuoka prefecture and had a positive PCR test.
From today, the year-end and New Year holidays are over, and some people will return to work.
Some of you may be visiting your business partners at the beginning of your work, but as a special age this year, please stop visiting your business partners and say hello to the New Year by phone, email or remote.
Let's live well and do our best this year so as not to lose to "China virus".
