Yassie Araiのメッセージ


Asanikki 210213 Of  my memory of childhood. It is Miura Misaki fishing harbor.

2021-02-14 21:41:25 | 自分史

Asanikki 210213 Of  my memory of childhood. It is Miura Misaki fishing harbor.


Photo is presented by courtsy of David Street


I have once lived in this area moved from bombardment of air raid of B29 from the metropolitan area, Kawasaki city. My mother took her three kids, a daughter 8years, son 5years, and son 2 years. I think at the area of top hill, there a school where I attended with my sister. I suppose a location in this picture view, we rent the room of which is stock house of closes shop. I used to play around there, looking fishes from the quay, and field located in that hill. Remembering crying caused by painful frostbite with fourth finger of right finger, that surely gave my mother in sadness. I remember Buddist temple ,names Dai Chin Ji . They kindly took care of our family. We soon got back to Kawasaki admidst of bomberment. Our home was burnt, and her husband had devoted himself for gaurd the producton line of machine of factory in charge of manager. My mother set up her mind to seeking occasion of die with her husband,together. This scene makes me coming out of my memory of childhood. It is Miura Misaki fishing harbor.


(David Street)

That is an amazing story. Thanks for sharing. I liked the calmness and seeing the boats.

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from Cape Town, South Africa (Leona Syke)
2021-02-16 21:00:49
From Leona Syke
Beautiful, Yasumasa

You sent Today at 8:55 PM 2021/2/16
Pleased it shared with you, Leona. Thanks.

