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朝日記240721 Wiki英文翻「可謬主義」つづき2

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朝日記240721 Wiki英文翻「可謬主義」つづき2


表紙へかえる;朝日記240721  Wiki英文翻訳 「可謬主義について Fallibilism


参照See also[edit]

文献  References

    1. ^ Peirce, Charles S. (1896–1899) "The Scientific Attitude and Fallibilism". In Buchler, Justus (1940). Philosophical Writings of Peirce. Routledge. p. 59.
    2. Jump up to:a b Haack, Susan (1979). "Fallibilism and Necessity"Synthese, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 37–63.
    3. Jump up to:a b Hetherington, Stephen. "Fallibilism"Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    4. ^ Anastas, Jeane W. (1999). Research Design for Social Work and the Human Services. Columbia University Press. p. 19.
    5. ^ Levi, Isaac (1984). Messianic vs Myopic Realism. The University of Chicago Press. Vol. 2. pp. 617–636.
    6. ^ Aikin, Scott F. (2014). "Prospects for Moral Epistemic Infinitism"Metaphilosophy. Vol. 45. No. 2. pp. 172–181.
    7. ^ Annas, Julia & Barnes, Jonathan (2000). Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Scepticism. Cambridge University Press.
    8. ^ Hobbes, Thomas (1974). De homine. Cambridge University Press. Vol. 20.
    9. ^ Rorty, Amélie; Schmidt, James (2009). Kant's Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Aim. Cambridge University Press.
    10. ^ Aristotle (350 B.C.E.). Physics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    11. ^ Cooke, Elizabeth F. (2006). Peirce's Pragmatic Theory of Inquiry: Fallibilism and Indeterminacy. Continuum.
    12. ^ Kuhn, Thomas S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press.
    13. ^ Thornton, Stephen (2022). Karl Popper. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    14. ^ Forrai, Gábor (2002). Lakatos, Reason and History. p. 6–7. In Kampis, George; Kvasz, Ladislav & Stöltzner, Michael (2002). Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology, and the Man. Vienna Circle Institute Library. Vol. 1.
    15. Jump up to:a b Zahar, E. G. (1983). The Popper-Lakatos Controversy in the Light of 'Die Beiden Grundprobleme Der Erkenntnistheorie'. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. p. 149–171.
    16. Jump up to:a b c Musgrave, Alan; Pigden, Charles (2021). "Imre Lakatos"Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    17. Jump up to:a b Kiss, Ogla (2006). Heuristic, Methodology or Logic of Discovery? Lakatos on Patterns of Thinking. MIT Press Direct. p. 314.
    18. Jump up to:a b Lakatos, Imre (1978). Mathematics, Science and Epistemology. Cambridge University Press. Vol. 2. p. 9–23.
    19. ^ Popper, Karl (1995). The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality. Routledge. p. 16.
    20. ^ Kockelmans, Joseph J. Reflections on Lakatos’ Methodology of Scientific Research Programs. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 59. pp. 187–203. In Radnitzky, Gerard & Andersson, Gunnar. The Structure and Development of Science. D. Reidel Publishing Company.
    21. ^ Quine, Willard. V. O. (1951). "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"The Philosophical Review Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 20–43.
    22. Jump up to:a b Haack, Susan (1978). Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 234; Chapter 12.
    23. ^ Niemann, Hans-Joachim (2000). Hans Albert - critical rationalist. Opensociety.
    24. ^ Lakatos, Imre (1962). "Infinite Regress and Foundations of Mathematics (in Symposium: The Foundations of Mathematics)". Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes. 36: 145–184 (165). JSTOR 4106691. Popperian critical fallibilism takes the infinite regress in proofs and definitions seriously, does not have illusions about 'stopping' them, accepts the sceptic criticism of any infallible truth-injection. However, Lakatos' interpretation of Popper was not equivalent to Popper's philosophy: Ravn, Ole; Skovsmose, Ole (2019). "Mathematics as Dialogue". Connecting Humans to Equations: A Reinterpretation of the Philosophy of Mathematics. History of Mathematics Education. Cham: Springer-Verlag. pp. 107–119 (110). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01337-0_8ISBN 9783030013363S2CID 127561458. Lakatos also refers to the scepticist programme as a 'Popperian critical fallibilism.' However, we find that this labelling could be a bit misleading as the programme includes a good deal of Lakatos' own philosophy.
    25. Jump up to:a b c Kadvany, John (2001). Imre Lakatos and the Guises of Reason. Duke University Press. pp. 45, 109, 155, 323.
    26. ^ Falguera, José L.; Rivas, Uxía; Sagüillo, José M. (1999). Analytic Philosophy at the Turn of the Millennium: Proceedings of the International Congress: Santiago de Compostela, 1–4 December, 1999. Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. pp. 259–261.
    27. ^ Dove, Ian J. (2004). Certainty and error in mathematics: Deductivism and the claims of mathematical fallibilism. Dissertation, Rice University. pp. 120-122.
    28. Jump up to:a b Gödel, Kurt (1940). The Consistency of the Continuum-Hypothesis. Princeton University Press. Vol. 3.
    29. ^ Enderton, Herbert. "Continuum hypothesis"Encyclopædia Britannica.
    30. Jump up to:a b Cohen, Paul (1963). "The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 50, No. 6. pp. 1143–1148.
    31. ^ Goodman, Nicolas D. (1979) "Mathematics as an Objective Science"The American Mathematical Monthly. Vol. 86, No. 7. pp. 540-551.
    32. ^ Cantor, Georg (1877). "Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre"Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Vol. 84. pp. 242-258.
    33. Jump up to:a b Hosch, William L. "Cantor's theorem"Encyclopædia Britannica.
    34. ^ Forster, Thomas. E. (1992). Set Theory with a Universal Set: Exploring an Untyped Universe. Clarendon Press.
    35. ^ Goodman, Nicolas D. (1979) "Mathematics as an Objective Science"The American Mathematical Monthly. Vol. 86, No. 7. pp. 540-551.
    36. ^ Marciszewskip, Witold (2015). "On accelerations in science driven by daring ideas: Good messages from fallibilistic rationalism"Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40, no. 1. p. 39.
    37. ^ Rogers, Hartley (1971). "Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability"Journal of Symbolic Logic. Vol. 36. pp. 141–146.
    38. ^ Post, Emil L. (1944). Recursively enumerable sets of positive integers and their decision problems. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.
    39. ^ Kleene, Stephen C.; Post, Emil L. (1954). "The upper semi-lattice of degrees of recursive unsolvability"Annals of Mathematics. Vol. 59. No. 3. pp. 379–407.
    40. ^ Dove, Ian J. (2004). Certainty and error in mathematics: Deductivism and the claims of mathematical fallibilism. Dissertation, Rice University. pp. 120-122.
    41. ^ Lakatos, Imre; Worrall, John & Zahar, Elie (1976). "Proofs and Refutations". Cambridge University Press. p. 9.
    42. ^ Moon, Andrew (2012). "Warrant does entail truth"Synthese. Vol. 184. No. 3. pp. 287–297.
    43. ^ Dutant, Julien (2016). "How to be an infallibilist"Philosophical Issues. Vol 26. pp. 148–171.
    44. ^ Benton, Matthew (2021). "Knowledge, hope, and fallibilism"Synthese. Vol. 198. pp. 1673–1689.
    45. ^ Friedman, J. (2022). Intolerance: Premodern Roots and Modern Manifestations. Taylor & Francis. p. 12. ISBN 978-1-000-80294-8. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
    46. ^ Helm, P. (2010). Calvin at the Centre. OUP Oxford. p. 92. ISBN 978-0-19-953218-6. Retrieved 2023-06-01.

Further reading[edit]

  • Charles S. Peirce: Selected Writings, by Philip P. Wiener (Dover, 1980)
  • Charles S. Peirce and the Philosophy of Science, by Edward C. Moore (Alabama, 1993)
  • Treatise on Critical Reason, by Hans Albert (Tübingen, 1968; English translation, Princeton, 1985)

External links[edit]


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