Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記171225 音楽紙芝居と 今日の絵

2017-12-25 21:17:04 | 自分史


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

My Dear Friend!


朝日記171225  音楽紙芝居と 今日の絵

 紙芝居のオマージュです。ふたつ コウノトリになった王様 と サンタの最初のプロジェクトです。

 今日の絵は三つ Morning walk views 1、と 2 そして Urbane reboundです。


徒然こと 1 no. 484音楽紙芝居2コウノトリのなった王様


説明 A king was become a big bired. Ongaku kaiga no.384 is presenting Ongaku Kaimshibai( musico board drama) here.

A king and his minister was turned to change big bird by chanting a magic spell.

They did not kmow their back way spell. How could you imagine that they come successfully back to themselves of original state?
Musice covering by Jaap Romlock's " Would you dace this wals once more?"


<form id="watch-headline-title-form" class="hid" action="/watch_inlineedit_ajax?action_save_video=1" method="post">

徒然こと 2  no. 381音楽紙芝居1santa first project


説明 This is Ongaku kaiga in terms of Kamishibai,(Board Drama).
The drama is 'Santa's first project'. Thanks.

 (Morning walk view 1)


(Morning walk view 2)


(Urbane Rebound)




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