
katorikku jyohou


2016-08-04 | 伝統派 十世会


From the website "Non Possumus" July 27-30 and more.
 From 1995 on, +Fellay has been conducting the business and operations of  
the SSPX according to a woman "mystic?" called Madame Rossiniere.  This  
woman who receives her information "from the sky", who has informed +Fellay  
that the only way the priests of the SSPX can be sanctified is if  
they "listen to her orders and to establish an organization within the SSPX  
that follows her guidance 100%".  This semi secret organization of priests  
within the SSPX is from whom all higher officials or district superiors and  
governing officials are taken from. This woman has told +Fellay, who has  
swallowed her revelations completely, that he, +Fellay will be "great in  
the Church", that they must join Rome, that the SSPX is going to save Rome,  
the Church and the world, as long as they listen to her completely and  
follow her "orders or suggestions".

After reading this revelation one realizes that +Fellay, who appears to be  
completely under the influence of this person, Madame Rossiniere, has  
succumbed to a "Charismatic/Pentacostal" visionary of sorts - that only  
through her and the establishment of this "secret order of priests" can the  
SSPX and later the Church obtain sanctification - in other words  
sanctifying grace from this person and not the sacraments.

