
katorikku jyohou

1918ドイツ皇帝ヴィルヘルムとケルンの枢機卿から後のピオ12世への忠告の手紙 これを知ってたピオ12は何故典礼を変えさせたのか?

2018-12-23 | 教皇



On Saturday, the 300th anniversary of the Freemasonry, the German historian Michael Hesemann republished on Facebook a letter he found in the Vatican Archives. It was written on November 8th 1918 by Cologne Cardinal Felix von Hartmann to the Nuncio in Germany, Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII.

Cardinal von Hartmann's letter contains information from the German Emperor, Wilhelm II, according to whom “the Grand Orient (the largest of several Masonic organisations in France) has decided to depose all Sovereigns, then to destroy the Catholic Church, then to imprison the Pope and finally to establish a world government under the leadership of the American high finance built on the ruins of the former middle class society.”


