


2018-08-15 17:29:32 | 日記



对于一些比较羞涩特别是不喜欢public speaking的同学来讲,Presentation可能会是一种挑战。除了要找合适的资料还得特别注重眼神交流,还有发音,小动作等……这些都会计入评估的。建议小组Presentation最重要的就是要找大腿!!!找大腿!!!找大腿!!!





Lab Report

如果你是理科生Lab Report是绝对逃不了的一种assignment!只要你是学理科或者工科专业都会有实验课,实验结束后,一般会要你根据你自己的实验结果,写Lab Report,也就是实验报告.Lab Report的格式跟Essay类似,区别在于篇幅比Essay小,也不需要太多的引用(2-3个即可),最重要的是实验的结果跟相应的计算过程以及实验的过程跟成败!


顺带一提的是由于科学实验的逻辑性以及学术性,Lab Report对于语法的要求是比较高的,所以大家不要因为自己学的是理科或者工科专业就认为会算会做题就行了,而忽略了语言语法的运用。

注意:Essay跟Lab report由于描述的内容比较客观性,是不允许出现第一人称跟第二人称的。



一些非实习的课有时候也会让学生看一些资料或者视频根据内容写Reflection,Reflection的篇幅比之前介绍的Essay,Lab report要小很多,大概三四百个单词就行了,而且允许使用第一人称,因为Reflection讲的是自己的事,有点类似写日记,是从主观角度描述的,所以可以使用第一人称,但大家不要真的把Reflection当作是在写日记哦,Reflection是有一个固定的格式的,就是Gibb’s Reflective Cycle


Group assignment

Group assignment其实也是Group assignment的一种形式。除了Presentation之外Group assignment还有其他的形式:






这种Group assignment要想拿高分说难也不难说简单也不是那么简单,首先小组里一定要有一个靠得住的leader,有一个超级负责任的大神leader助攻,assignment完成的效率真的是biang biang高!!!其次分配任务要合理平均以保证每个人最后都拿到合理的贡献分!








北美作业代写:Urban thematic culture construction

2018-08-15 17:28:36 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Urban thematic culture construction,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了城市主题文化建设。城市主题文化,是针对一个城市的特质目标、特质载体、特质形态所做出的一种规划和塑造的过程。面对城市化建设的快速发展,如今城市文化建设处于最关键、最紧迫的历史阶段。世界许多大中城市在对各自在新世纪中的发展战略时,都将文化战略作为城市整体发展战略的核心。

Urban theme culture is a process of planning, framing and shaping for a city's trait target, trait carrier and trait form. A city is a place where citizens live both materially and spiritually. The theme -- one of the most important urban development propositions for the mission of urban dominance, mainstream, subject and doctrine: culture -- is a special cultural form based on the characteristics of urban theme.

With the rapid development of China's economy and the rapid development of urbanization, the urbanization level has increased from 1995 to 2008 by 1.45% continuously, and the differences between workers and farmers, between urban and rural areas, and between regions have been gradually narrowed. Culture is the soil that economy depends on to develop continuously, the material foundation that culture relies on to develop nowadays China, socialization communication condition has produced profound change. Urbanization is at 1% a year. China will be able to achieve preliminary urbanization by 2020. The layout of urban culture construction and the mode of cultural development also change accordingly. The concentration of production leads to the concentration of people's living, living and entertainment demands. The city originally as a political, economic, transportation and financial center will truly become a cultural center, entertainment center and cultural consumption center. People's demand for culture will also produce new changes, and the ability and demand of self-expression and self-entertainment will be enhanced. The level of art appreciation has improved, and the interest has become more and more extensive. Facing the rapid development of urbanization, urban culture construction is in the most critical and urgent historical stage.

With the acceleration of urbanization in today's China, the convergence of urban goals, the duplication of functions, the homogeneity of industries, and the unitary image have been troubling the development of Chinese cities. The development of China's urbanization has been seriously affected, urban theme culture has been pushed to the most important agenda of urbanization construction. The construction of a city or not the construction of a city theme culture is not an optional problem in the construction of urbanization, but a necessary problem in the development of urbanization at this stage. Without constructing the thematic culture of the city, the city aims to converge, the functions are repeated, the industry is homogeneous, and the image is unitary, so the development will be unrestrained, which will inevitably present the situation of "one side of a thousand cities".

The key to the problems of "one side of a thousand cities" and "characteristic crisis" in today's cities is the lack of "overall creativity" in urban planning and design. Without "overall creativity" in urban planning and design, urban architecture will be disordered, and the harmonious relationship between urban systems will be absent, and the theme cultural intention will be absent.

The emergence of urban theme culture development strategy integrates various elements, systems and forms of the city in the spatial layout in the coordinates of urban theme culture, thus realizing the planning concept of "integral creativity", "integral creation" and "integral order" of the city.

With thematic cultural planning and design, a city can reveal a quality from the disordered information, which makes the urban characteristic elements exert a potential. It has a distinctive theme symbol and theme system. Through the image symbol of urban theme culture, it is imprinted in people's mind, enabling people to clearly identify and select the theme intention of this city, which greatly improves the "recognition degree" of the city. This is the result of realizing the "overall creativity" of the city through the urban theme culture.

Only by constructing the thematic culture of a city can the ambiguous image and brand of a city be highlighted clearly, and can the city influence the world, form hot spots, form attention, form brands and iconic symbols. Only by constructing the urban theme culture can the city's characteristics be demonstrated, the city's unique resources be formed, and its own theme cultural advantages can be found in the differentiated competition. Urban theme culture is a personalized cultural image and brand concept of a city, forming a highly unified and perfect combination of urban spirit, culture, economy and architecture to form a unique image, brand and core competitiveness of a city.

Therefore, whether from the perspective of urbanization or from the perspective of urban cultural construction, urban characteristic cultural construction, and the construction of world famous cities, it is necessary to build the unique culture of the city -- and the theme culture of its own city.

The construction of urban theme culture can realize the maximization of urban value, the optimization of urban value and the advancement of urban form. It has many strategic significance. A city with distinctive thematic culture can give play to the comparative advantage of a city according to its own characteristics, and change the comparative advantage into a competitive advantage through dislocation development, strong development and advantageous development. To form a highly differentiated development strategy, grasp the initiative of competition in the global economic integration competition, and finally enable cities to stand out in the differentiated development strategy and realize the real core competitiveness of cities.

A city should carry out the strategic orientation of urban theme culture through the concept of urban theme culture development. Urban theme culture spatial form design, urban theme culture spatial layout, urban theme culture facility arrangement, urban theme culture function cultivation. Build the image of urban theme culture and conduct the brand marketing of urban theme culture. Through urban theme culture system construction, urban theme culture get the biggest development and utilization of resources, city theme cultural resources get the maximum extension and expansion, city theme culture resources get the biggest enlarge and expand, the urban theme culture resources in all areas of the city, each system, and got the largest in the industry sectors, and city theme cultural resources and elements in urban space, RongJing, order, structure, function is developed to maximize and optimization, city theme culture becomes the city's largest cultural soft power and the urban core.

Many large and medium-sized cities in the world take the cultural strategy as the core of the overall urban development strategy when they think systematically and deeply about their development strategies in the new century. The construction of urban thematic culture will be taken as a development strategy.

In London in 2000, puts forward a spatial development strategy - "London" plan, the plan for the city of London as a culture, a number of specific measures are put forward to build her to become a world city: emphasis on cultural diversity to enhance the attraction of the city of London as a world, update the local community, to increase the chances of development. At the same time, put forward the cultural industry development strategy of London. The decree calls for cultural industry policies to be applied to arts, tourism and sport, monuments, London's history and archaeology, museums and galleries, libraries, natural treasures and antiquities, radio, film and other media. From this, we have seen its important ideas of developing cultural industries and establishing cultural cities: in order to consolidate London's role as the city of the world, it should enhance its cultural wealth and cultural diversity, attract important international activities and seek global cultural partners; To enhance pride in cultural identity as a diverse and creative urban citizen; The development of London's public places, whether parks, libraries, streets or subway stations, should be a place for everyone to participate and contribute to the renewal of the city's culture. To enable all londoners to participate and contribute by ensuring the city's cultural life, not just the domain of the cultural elite: to develop tourism strategies that recognize the importance of cultural diversity as a key feature of London's tourist attraction; Promoting creativity in the education area, ensuring young people growing up in London have the opportunity to develop their creative skills and vitality; Use creative industries as a means of promoting local economic development and social integration.


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Assignment代写:Artistic features of western composition

2018-08-15 17:28:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Artistic features of western composition,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方作曲的艺术特色。歌剧起源于意大利,经过长期的发展,已成为一种独特的艺术形式。在德奥的艺术家中,海顿的歌剧作品除了意大利歌剧以外,还有德语歌唱剧、幕间剧等,剧中宏伟的合唱与优美的咏叹调完美结合,对生活的热爱表现得栩栩如生,而宗教的色彩已十分淡薄。

Opera originated from Italy and has become a unique art form after a long period of development. When talking about the history of opera development, we have to mention Mozart, weber, Wagner and other famous musicians. Mozart's contribution in promoting the development of the opera was very great. Although his life was so short, it was just like a dazzling meteor across the sky of the opera. The following is a brief introduction of the music features of several famous deao opera creators and their far-reaching influence on deao opera.

In addition to the Italian operas almeida and Orlando the knight, Haydn's operas include German singing plays, interludes, etc., but most of them are made for the needs of employers. The German oratorio genesis and the four seasons, inspired by hendel, are his best religious works. With its magnificent chorus and graceful arias, the love of life is vivid and religious. Although the beginning and the end of "four seasons" are related to religion, it depicts the four seasons in the countryside and the love between men and women. The vivid imitation of the sounds of nature reveals a rather simple sense of humor.

Mozart's achievements in modern music history can only be described as genius. He was a famous Austrian composer. In the long years of the development of german-austrian opera, Mozart played a role that no german-austrian musician could match. In the creation of the opera, Mozart has a very mature and comprehensive creative thought, he put the melodic structure of music and the plot movements of the drama skillfully connected, has contributed to a strong "Mozart" style of opera with the formation of a unique opera art style.

More than twenty operas written by Mozart during his lifetime contain many genres. Therefore, opera is his favorite field of creation. His opera "the marriage of figaro" brought the comic opera to unprecedented heights, while the German singing drama "the magic flute" set an immortal monument to the German national opera. In Mozart's opera. Each character has different characteristics. For example, in the opera don Juan, the characters are rich and colorful, with lyric images, tragic images, lively images and so on. In addition to giving the characters different characteristics, Mozart also gave the characters various emotions in different environments as the story developed.

Mozart not only developed the duet, but also the comic opera, so that the opera subject range expanded. Mozart combines the joy of life into opera, which is the main reason why the figures in Mozart opera are so full and energetic. Mozart's life was a short one, but he left a huge legacy of music's. Even now, people are still singing Mozart's legacy, and those unforgettable Mozart operas are often displayed in the opera halls and TV screens.

Beethoven, the famous classical music master, wrote only one opera in his life, fidelio, but his influence was profound. He absorbed a variety of music genres and adopted the dialogue of the German singing drama, which has both the comedic style of singing drama and the style of the French revolution's "save the opera". The final song is a typical cantata.

Weber is a composer of "comprehensive art." He had a very clear ideal of the German romantic opera. His "free shooter" is based on legendary German folk tales. The vocal part has the simple tones of German folk songs, allowing different instruments to play different roles. Depending on harmony and orchestra to enhance the atmosphere of the stage. Later "ariant" embodied his ideal of developing German romanticism, which, needless to say, ran through music, with a structure similar to grand opera. The theme of music appeared repeatedly, in an attempt to make music coherent and unified. "Oberon" is also based on a German epic poem, and the overtures of all three operas are rich in orchestral music. Color, to the future generation of opera overture creation has a far-reaching impact.

Wagner is an important representative of the German opera. He is not only a conductor, a writer, a poet, but also a composer and a reformer. Wagner's music thought is very complicated and full of contradictions. Through specific practice and self-study, he sublimated his art culture and enriched his music knowledge. A feature of Wagner's opera is its philosophical content. Because of his love for philosophy, Wagner came into contact with many philosophical thoughts through extensive reading, which guided Wagner like a beacon, thus making Wagner's music style and way of doing things change with his personal thoughts. "Music philosophy" is a feature of Wagner's opera. It is also a wonderful work of art.

The dominant motive is the important composing technique of Wagner's opera. In fact, the dominant motive appears in music works of Mozart, schumann and liszt. Although Wagner is not the founder of the dominant motive, he carries it forward. "Ring of nibelungen" is the most representative opera of Wagner. The whole opera is permeated with a large number of dominant motives. This opera is magnificent and voluminous, which can be regarded as a classic in the history of opera.

Aria is an important part of opera. In this respect, the composer's very independent features are fully highlighted. They have a strong national consciousness. Kaiser are comparatively influential deo opera composer/songwriter composer, his opera genre is rich, and the music style is varied, a feature of his most significant is his Italian arias successfully inserted into the deo opera works, and the seeds of the comic opera deeply buried into the deo opera in the soil.

The German and Austrian people never stop their pursuit of the beauty of opera art. They dare to break the tradition, are highly creative, and are good at integrating various factors that are conducive to the development of opera art, and finally make the theme of opera to be expressed more clearly and naturally. It is precisely because of this characteristic that the German and Austrian people have gradually developed the German and Austrian opera into a more influential form in the global opera art. Among them Wagner and Mozart's typical German opera composer characteristics have to be mentioned. Their influence on the opera was also very great and profound. It is precisely because of these extraordinary music talents and their profound philosophical ideas that the german-austrian opera is so infectious on the stage.

Mozart may be the greatest musician in the history of world music, but he did not give up the essence of drama for music. Although Wagner and some other German idealists had a negative attitude towards Mozart's opera creation, after hundreds of years of development, people have learned how to appreciate Mozart's opera. Although Wagner's idea of opera creation is different from Mozart's, their music direction is even completely opposite, but they eventually come to the same position. Wagner is a German opera composer, Mozart is an Austrian opera composer, two music features can fully represent the entire german-austrian opera development of the highest level. Because a good opera is like a happy marriage. The opera of Wagner and Mozart is a rare balance between drama and music. A successful opera. Its music must always match the drama's situation, and cannot lose its creator's special charm and independent logic. With their unique music talent and dramatic talent, the german-austrian people have grasped the secret of opera success. Therefore, the German opera has been greatly developed in the historical flood.

The creation style of German opera originated from classicism and experienced the transition period of romanticism. Through the brief introduction of several great deo-opera artists, we can see the various paths that deo-opera has gone through in the long course of development. Nowadays, deao opera seems to be locked in the museum in the form of an ancient object, with few new and influential large-scale opera works emerging. I believe that with the continuous development of music art, more deao opera masters will emerge in the future, injecting fresh blood into our spiritual life.


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Paper代写:Euramerican ocean news

2018-08-15 17:27:42 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Euramerican ocean news,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了欧美海洋新闻。关于海洋题材的报道,欧美媒体有着百多年经验。欧美海洋生活类新闻由于符合人们对未来新生活的憧憬,往往比说教及枯燥的经济科技数据更有说服力,这些报道在吊起人们胃口的同时,潜移默化地提高和强化着人们的海洋意识。而信息化时代,任何一个地方出现的有趣海洋生活方式,立刻会被许多地区追捧。

The American and European media have more than 100 years of experience in reporting on the ocean.

From the cult of science fiction like "twenty thousand miles under the sea" to the obsession with new ships, oil on the seabed, to the concern about naval warfare, maritime disputes and environmental protection, each period of time has presented a different excitement. This is closely related to the current situation and scientific and technological progress. The concept of globalization, global warming and environmental protection has not been around for a long time, but it has a far-reaching impact on international politics, society and economy. As a result, the context of Marine news reports has been affected and presented a diversified trend.

In accordance with people's longing for a new life, the Marine life news is often more convincing than the lectures and boring economic and technological data. These seemingly "pediatric" reports have aroused people's appetite while subtly improving and strengthening people's Marine awareness. In the information age, the interesting Marine lifestyle in any place will be instantly sought after by many regions. So there's a big market for this kind of news.

More than 460 of the world's more than 500 megacities and megacities are located in coastal and offshore areas. These citizens pay close attention to the sea news and often lead the fashion, whose lifestyle even affects the inland residents. The journalist met a couple who drove 10 hours from the inland country of Switzerland to the seaside to experience various kinds of "Shanghai style" life.

Based on this, the western media did not worry about the new Marine lifestyle type of coverage no one saw, an important example is the concept of private boat Tours. In the past, private boats were considered a symbol of wealth, but the constant publicity of the media and businesses has led to a growing realization that a small boat can be affordable for a mid-level car. As people get richer, many people who drive for as little as two or three hours to the beach follow coastal residents, buying their own boats and spending weekends at the beach with their families. People created a new way of life, which also led to the development of yacht industry and tourism. These days, the annual French international yacht show is packed with people, as well as the motor show, highlighting the fascination with the new lifestyle of ocean leisure, which is also a time for the media to show its hand.

There are still a lot of new Marine life. The development of tourism, sightseeing and recreational fishing industry has become a new highlight of Marine life. With the development of activities close to nature such as "observing whales at sea", people have a sincere love for the sea. Model airplane competition, surfing and leisure are also the subject of continuous media coverage, and the travel of luxury cruise ships that can travel around is the event covered by the major TV and newspaper. This kind of subject often outshines professional ocean news, therefore cannot ignore.

Increasing frequency of national contact with the sea is an important phenomenon of all rising countries. On this trend, any new Marine lifestyle is more likely to be accepted, and journalists can't dismiss the future based on the status quo or rigidly dismiss certain concepts as unrealistic. Advocating a maritime lifestyle, journalists need keen insight and an ability to accept new things.

Marine consciousness cannot be propagated without Marine ecology and environmental protection. However, this kind of report is the easiest "scattered, small, exclusive", how to reverse this situation? Actually, the reporter should break through thinking set, seek can "centralized, a lot and diversity" cut way. At present, the coverage of large-scale events with international effects is the best breakthrough to expand the radiation power of Marine news and the best opportunity to publicize Marine awareness.

Marine climate issues, oil spill incidents, Marine animal ecological issues, tsunami disasters, new energy boats crossing the ocean, and other events and hot spots can be interpreted by themselves, and each major event can release multiple Marine elements at the same time.

For example, on 19 November 2002, the tanker prestige, flying the flag of the Bahamas, sank off the northwest coast of Spain. This is the biggest environmental disaster to hit the region. Over the past year, thousands of tons of toxic heavy oil spilled from the ship into the waters off galicia, Spain, affecting fishing there. It has also soiled hundreds of beaches in countries such as Spain, France and Portugal, killing many seabirds, fish and coral.

At the beginning of the prestige incident, in addition to the narrative report of the event, relevant reports also included: "single hull ship or double hull ship good", "supertanker: how big is big", "how to deal with the aftermath", "accounting for the Marine loss caused by the prestige incident"; A scientific interpretation of the accident site known as the "dead coast"; Reefs, storms and international shipping.

All kinds of text and image reports focus on "bombing", which greatly arouse people's awareness of protecting the ocean and realize that the ocean is also an indispensable level for survival. Only with a high degree of care for the ocean territory of their own country can they protect their homeland from destruction. Since then, relevant reports have continued for several years. This incident has made the whole Europe keep in mind what is called "black tide" and europeans have a new understanding of ocean awareness. Under the supervision of the masses and the media, the measures of protecting the sea area have been greatly strengthened.

It is worth mentioning that in the prestige event, although the ocean is only a secondary element in the report, it is an indispensable element. The specific and in-depth report on the ocean undoubtedly greatly strengthens people's understanding of the impact of the whole event. If we ignore the interpretation of ocean elements and write "kuroshio" in order to write "kuroshio", not only the analysis is superficial, but also the opportunity to improve people's understanding of Marine knowledge.

Marine research is divided into "scientific research" and "social science strategy".

The former has been warming since the 1980s. At that time, problems such as the el nino phenomenon, the greenhouse effect, the rise of the ocean surface and the abnormal arctic melting of ocean currents were increasing day by day.

Western countries attach great importance to the international universality of scientific research, which not only concerns national honor, but also shows a country's level and degree of emphasis on Marine research. Last year, for example, a joint study by experts from Europe and the United States found that ocean currents created a huge floating area of garbage in the northeastern Pacific, almost as big as central Europe. This news has attracted worldwide attention. Compared with Europe and the United States, China's reports on Marine scientific research are mostly based on daily news and conference reports, with less fruitful reports. Media usually directly translate foreign achievements, domestic research influence is small.

Actually, our country Marine scientific research foundation is solid. The oceanic and Antarctic offices have experts and scholars from all walks of life, and the oceanographic research system of some coastal provinces is very perfect. However, compared with Europe, the relevant departments in China have a weak awareness of propaganda and have less opinions in the media. Another case in point is that China's top ten ocean news ranking is often dominated by conference news and the promulgation and implementation of policies and regulations.

The "ocean strategy" category of ocean reporting is also heavy. Marine politics is currently the most popular subject in the international maritime world. For example, although there are not many maritime disputes in Australia, there are many experts and scholars studying maritime politics. The most famous Marine policy research center of wollongong university even attracts many retired naval generals. Therefore, it is closely related to maritime departments and directly provides decision-making support for political, military and economic sectors. However, some experts in law of the sea, Marine politics and maritime rights in Europe and America often express their opinions through the media. The studies of these experts have become an important basis for the country to exercise its voice in the sea and a focus of media attention in other countries.

On May 19, the news that the United States has found 17 tons of treasures including gold COINS on the seabed, worth 500 million us dollars, attracted the interest of many western media, including CNN and BBC.

The difficulty of salvaging a sunken ship, the advanced Marine science and technology equipment, and the story of the salvator's "sea" industry are being talked about by the media. A piece of news reflects the countless ties between European and American countries and the sea.

European and American countries generally realize that there is no way out for them to isolate themselves from activities in the vast human public space such as the ocean, which is the fundamental reason for them to attach importance to Marine news reporting.

These ideas were promoted by the media, which greatly strengthened people's awareness of the sea. For example, films such as Titanic, the end of life, the old man and the sea, battle of midway and the submarine base often appear in science fiction movies, tell people the concept of "the sea is with us" from another perspective. And involving the sea of literature, comics and other works are countless.

In addition, various kinds of Marine sports competitions are also emerging one after another. Sailing and boat RACES across the ocean arouse people's strong sense of ocean participation and heroic feelings. One of the characteristics of such activities is the high participation of the masses, which is a great opportunity for the media to attract attention.



Essay代写:The nature of the market economy

2018-08-15 17:06:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The nature of the market economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了市场经济的性质。市场经济是人类经济系统发展的一个阶段,具有专业化的生产性质和广义联合产权的制度性质。与之前的经济系统想比,市场经济的性质突出体现在联合产权制度性质上平等的参与权、共享的收入权和普遍保障权。

Market economy is a stage of human economic system development, with the nature of professional production and the nature of the generalized joint property rights. Compared with previous economic systems, the nature of market economy is highlighted in the nature of the generalized joint property rights system: equal participation rights, Shared income rights and universal security rights. Countries in transition and developing countries should not place too much emphasis on privatization, but should first make it clear that individuals enjoy full rights of participation, income and security in the market economy.

Relying on market regulation to maintain economic operation is an important feature of modern economy. What is the nature of the market economy? This question is fundamental to economics. In modern economic theory, the definition of the market is in a more nihilistic position than the long-questioned definition of the enterprise. In the classic microeconomics textbooks of pinker and rubenfeld, the market is the place where buyers and sellers interact to form prices. Mr Samuelson and Mr Nordhaus went further, arguing that the market was a mechanism for setting prices. There are two problems with this mainstream understanding: one is conceptual. The problem consists of two distinct definitions: the market and the market economy. The market can come into being anytime and anywhere, while the market economy is an economic system based on price adjustment. The market is an important part of the market economy, not the whole. The second is the overemphasis on price. Zhang wuchang believes that price is a standard of competition and competition rules are needed. The overemphasis on price makes economics a subject of choice analysis. On the one hand, economics becomes a powerful analytical tool or method, which leads to the road of "imperialism". On the other hand, the study of economics lacks substance and becomes blackboard economics. Economics is not so much a social science as an instrumental subject. Many economists recognize this problem. The new institutional economists, represented by coase, alchin, Williamson and chang wuchang, proposed to make economics realistic. Therefore, the definition of market economy cannot be replaced by price mechanism. Market economy is a concept with broader connotation. Neoclassical economics simply states that clear private property rights are the rules of the game, and survival of the fittest is the rules of reward and punishment. But the definition of property right needs cost, and clear property right is hard to appear; Human limited reason cannot predict what the fittest is. Moving towards the research object - real economy is the need of economic development. After coase lifted the lid on the enterprise, Williamson lifted the veil on the capitalist economic system in the nature of the capitalist economy. The market economy is newly explained in this classic book, that is, the market economy provides alternative governance mechanism for various transactions. But is the nature of a market economy the search for a governance mechanism for a variety of transactions? What's the difference between this and the idea of looking for a price for all sorts of transactions? The two are essentially the same. The nature of the market economy cannot be seen from individual transactions. In economic reality, this kind of static and individual analysis has limited further understanding of market economy. Understanding the nature of the market economy requires a dynamic, holistic analysis. From the dynamic point of view, market economy is a stage of human development; Overall, the market economy is productive and institutional. Our answer here is: what kind of production mode is the market economy? What kind of system is it? How does market economy evolve?

An economic system is a system of production and institutions. Based on Marx's theory of productive forces and relations of production, economic system is a system that produces products for human beings in the first place. At the same time, economic system is a system that organizes various elements together according to certain rules. On the whole, economic system is the combination of production system and system. From a dynamic perspective, the evolution of economic system is the interaction of production mode and system. Therefore, the analysis of economic system should be carried out from two aspects: mode of production and economic system.

The mode of production is the basic attribute of economic system. The production of products is the first economic mission of the economic system. Efficient production is a necessary condition for an economic system to function well. The mode of production is a broader concept than the technology of production. The mode of production is not only what kind of technology products are produced by, but also how the factors of production are combined. Is the production of the economic system socialized or decentralized? Omnipotent, or professional? It's a combination of elements, not just technology. The combination of production technology and factors affect and determine each other. The development and evolution of production technology is largely the accumulation of science and technology. The analysis of economics should pay more attention to the combination of factors rather than the development of production technology.

The nature of the economic system is more embodied in the nature of the system. An economic system itself is productive and has its own unique mode of production. At the same time, the characteristics of this economic system different from other production systems are also embodied in the characteristics of the system. Compared with pure production, the system has a richer connotation and can highlight the characteristics of an economic system. Therefore, the study of economic system needs to carry out more sufficient research on institutional characteristics.

In the study of mainstream economics, microeconomics attaches importance to the study of production and consumption equilibrium based on the price mechanism, while macroeconomics attaches importance to the study of economic growth based on the production function, and some institutions are classified as simple preconditions. New institutional economics studies the institutional rules within the market economy. But these researchers started with individual property rights. This paradigm, with obvious individuality, has advantages in analyzing a specific system or rule, but may lack in grasping the institutional characteristics of a kind of economic system. For example, from the perspective of individuals, the private property rights system of slave society and capitalist society are not significantly different, but are economic rules that rely on property rights to obtain income. Therefore, it is a beneficial attempt to change the existing research Angle.

Three dimensions of the whole system study. When the economic system is viewed as a whole, the question of the system as a whole becomes: how the rights of the whole are allocated. The economic system is a production and distribution system. The corresponding institutional dimensions should also revolve around the production system and distribution system. The first dimension can then be abstracted as: how are the rights to participate in production configured? We hereby abstract this right as the right of participation, that is, how the rights of human society to participate in the economic system are configured. The second dimension can be abstracted as: how is the output of the economic system allocated? In the second dimension, it can be extended to two levels: the allocation of groups participating in the production of the economic system and the allocation of non-participating groups, which are two different distributions. For the sake of research refinement, we subdivide the system of this dimension into two dimensions. We position the distribution of participating producers as the second dimension right, which is called the right of income. The allocation of non-producers as the third dimension of rights, known as security rights. In this way, we subdivide the overall system of the economic system into three dimensions of rights: rights of participation, rights allocation of human rights to participate in the economic system; Income rights, the distribution of the right of the producer to receive income from the economic system; Security rights, the allocation of rights for non-producers to receive income from the economic system. In the following part, we will analyze the institutional nature of market economy system from these three dimensions.

The market economy represents a more advanced production system. The advanced nature of market economy is reflected in that most economic activities are incorporated into professional production. Producers no longer produce what they need but what others need. Professional production has improved production efficiency and brought the human economy into an unprecedented stage of prosperity. It is under the premise of market economy that human began the industrial revolution and created a new era of human history. Before the industrial revolution, Western Europe had entered the market society. What brings large-scale professional production to human society is market revolution above all. As soon as the market economy appears, it shows the great superiority compared with the previous mode of production and makes human output reach an unprecedented height.

The market economy represents a deepening degree of professional production. The advantage of market economy in production is mainly reflected in professional production. Market economy not only created a new kind of specialized production mode, but also made this kind of specialized deepening. Above all, market economy makes professional limits ceaseless enlarge. The modern market economy covers almost all industries. Few industries can exist independently of the market economy. Secondly, the market economy makes the national economy present the specialized characteristic. Countries are closely linked together through the market economy and specialize according to their comparative advantages. Countries that are not integrated into the market economy are already difficult to develop. Third, market economy deepens professional production. The specialization division of modern economy becomes more and more detailed, and new subdivided industries are formed constantly. As the specialization deepens, the relationship between individuals becomes closer and closer. The whole market economy reflects the characteristics of collective labor cooperation.

Market economy is a development stage of human economic activity. The production of primitive society is accompanied by human beings. The production is carried out in the unit of tribe and community. Simple division of labor is carried out within the tribe. In the slave society, the production unit was the slave owner's farm, and the main purpose of production was self-consumption. In feudal society there were more diverse ways of farming the land, more industries, but the aim was to maintain a supply of goods for a king or feudal dependency; In the later period of feudal society, professional production was expanded continuously, which brought great changes in production, and new production methods emerged: market economy and human society also entered capitalist society. Therefore, from the perspective of historical process, the market economy is not always existing, but a stage of human production development.

The market economy system has relatively equal participation rights. Again, we emphasize our vision of the market economy as a whole, or as an organic production system. Who can take advantage of this production system? Or who has the right to participate in the production system. In primitive society, the production system is used and served for a tribe. In feudal society it belongs to a certain king or feudal Lord, used by the king and the landlord. In the market economy, the system has changed heterogeneity. The production system of a market economy no longer belongs to one person or class. Individuals can participate in the production system relatively equally, and this right is guaranteed by the law. The market economy gives everyone full participation. Full participation rights bring about sufficient competition and become the premise for individuals to obtain income from the production system. As Smith said, the market economy is based on altruism, and it is difficult for non-altruistic individuals to have the right to participate, which ensures that the right to participate in the market economy is not absolutely equal.

Market economy system has the share sex income right. With the deepening of specialization, labor in market economy is naturally collective, and any individual's goal is completed on the basis of social collective cooperation. This brings market economy to produce the share of fruit distribution. In the market economy system, individuals mainly participate in the market economy by virtue of their own factors, and make market-worthy behaviors to gain income. This income abstracts the price of marginal contribution in neoclassical economics. But in reality marginal contributions are not available at low cost. Factor prices are simply a measure of income, more to achieve incentive goals than to accurately describe contributions. From this perspective, the market economy does not have an accurate contribution measurement mechanism, but an effective incentive mechanism. As long as the factors of production have the characteristics of market professional production, they can obtain income from the market economy. The income of the entire economic system is Shared by owners of different elements: capitalists, ordinary laborers, technicians, and professional managers.

Market economy system has universal safeguard power. In addition to direct access to income through the market, the market economy system also has indirect means of income. In the market economy, some individuals do not have the conditions to participate in professional production, such as the disabled, the elderly, children, patients and so on. Such people can earn income by asking for transfer payments, better education, etc. This type of income was sporadic in slave and feudal society, but it was prevalent in market economy, especially in successful market economy countries. Accordingly, the individual that does not have sufficient factor of production, also have the right to obtain income to market economy. Through sufficient safeguard right, market economy met mankind whole demand.

The institutional nature of market economy is joint property right. Through the above analysis, we find that the market economy system gives human beings relatively sufficient rights of participation, income and security. Individuals can freely participate in the market economy, can ask for income from the market economy, can ask for basic living security. From the perspective of the market economy as a whole, the right arrangement for the market economy is public. The market economy system is a system of joint participation and common benefits. We define the rights of market in three dimensions: the right to participate, the right to receive and the right to guarantee. The most peripheral system of market economy is united property right system above all. On the basis of joint property right system, a relatively perfect property right system has been developed for the reasonable competition. Neoclassical economists ignore the role of the system, new institutional economists only pay attention to the property rights system, and the more integrated and fundamental joint property rights system is ignored. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance to confirm the joint property right system of market economy.

