


2018-08-02 17:41:32 | 日記





…Even if the strictest legislation were employed, it wouldn't necessarily have the giant impact on health that many imagine.




…There are simply so many of such examples that it seems odd to some that anyone would even question the benefits of aid.




…The average person might be able to find a lot of use in quality machine translator but it is unlikely that such translators will ever replace language learning.


…Although providing free education to so many is a massive financial burden, the economic gain of having well-educated population, including those from poor backgrounds, should not be underestimated.




…In terms of “bang for buck” nothing beats nuclear, and with an ever expanding world population and ever increasing energy demands, cheap and plentiful energy has never been at more of a premium.




…This would not have been possible so quickly without a period of learning and assimilation of foreign techniques and practices.





北美作业代写:Education difference between Chinese and Japanese universities

2018-08-02 17:40:24 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Education difference between Chinese and Japanese universities,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中日大学教育差异。教育是一个国家综合国力的体现,是国家发展的不竭动力。中日两国教育各有特色,存在差异。日本高等教育在21世纪已经取得突出成就,逐步实现高等教育的普及化,教育体制也不断完善。与中国相比,中国在对于大学生进行系统训练和培养时,比较注重培养学生严密的逻辑性和知识的经典性。而日本在大学教育中一方面注重培养服务于经济、社会发展的人才,另一方面也注重培养具有国际视野的专业性人才。

Education is the embodiment of a country's comprehensive national strength and an inexhaustible driving force for its development. Education of China and Japan have their own characteristics and differences. Japan's higher education has made outstanding achievements since the second world war, gradually realizing the popularization of higher education, and the education system has been constantly improved. The higher education of China and Japan are different in development stage, educational level, hierarchical structure, system and other aspects, and pay attention to the differences, so as to improve China's education system and further explore the reform and development direction of education.

Since the reform and opening up, with the slogan of "rejuvenating the country through science and education" and "strengthening the country through talents", education in China has been divided into children education, elementary and secondary school education, higher education, university education and other off-campus education. However, education is the main examinee, and education system needs to be further developed. Under the nine-year compulsory education system, there are still a lot of phenomena such as "crazy make-up lessons", "problem solving tactics", "heavy class", "cramming education", etc., which indicates that there are still too utilitarian colors of "learning while superior ones" in China's education and the phenomenon that only attach importance to the cultivation of theoretical knowledge but fail to combine with practice.

In the development of education, beducation has been increasing in China, and education is becoming more and more popular. In today's rapid economic development, in order to better promote economic development and improve the national quality level, higher education is also expanding. The school is constantly strengthening the overall quality of the students and improving education facilities, such as projectors, computer rooms and libraries, to provide hardware support for the development of education. On the other hand, strengthening the construction of teachers team, improving the recruitment level and regular training, etc. provide guarantee for the development of education.

Japan attaches great importance to education in Meiji restoration. Compared with China, Japan has a poor level of cultural development. However, it is the inborn insufficient cultural level that promotes the study of advanced culture in Japan. Through the development of education and the cultivation of talents, education has promoted the development of the country. As early as 1872, Japan began to implement the compulsory education system, and people's literacy and cultural level were improved as a whole. While the nine-year compulsory education has been widely popularized, there have also been some flaws in education in Japan, such as students' laziness. Japan's education is growing. At present, due to the advancement of the legalization of national universities, higher education and national universities in Japan are changing. The high education population peaked at 2.05 million in 1992 and began a gradual decline. Education in Japan is still worth further study in education system, purpose and investment.

When conducting systematic training and training for college students, China pays attention to cultivating students' strict logic and classic knowledge. The research direction of college students is more monotonous, and with the deepening of study, the trend of single deepening is more obvious during the study of master's degree and doctoral degree. The division between disciplines is too detailed, and the division between disciplines is even more pronounced. Most of the talents are professional elites, who pay attention to cultivating the mastery of professional knowledge and the characteristics of academic thinking. As a result of the development of new theories and new technologies and the requirements of the current situation for talents, general education courses and compulsory courses of major platforms are constantly being added. The study of modern history, ideological cultivation and law education in literature and science also proves the progress and development of education in China. Some Chinese universities and colleges have also established humanities departments and offered related humanities courses as elective courses. In a word, while paying attention to the rigorous logic and the classical nature of knowledge, it has become a consensus among Chinese universities to infiltrate disciplines and cultivate versatile talents.

In university education, Japan pays attention to cultivating talents that serve economic and social development on the one hand, and on the other hand, it pays attention to cultivating professional talents with an international perspective. Based on Japan's policy and goal of "building a country with science and technology", education not only trains "standardized talents", but also pays more attention to cultivating talents with individuality and creativity. Japan's standards for students are: "broad mind, strong body, rich imagination", "freedom, self-discipline and public spirit". This puts forward higher standards and requirements for education in Japan. The formation of the basic objective of education in Japanese universities is not only an inevitable phenomenon in the development of science and technology and economy, but also a unique historical and cultural accumulation in Japan. As early as the Meiji restoration, Japan's class hierarchy, yansen, did not have a similar system to China's imperial examination system to break class rule. People perform their respective functions, pay more attention to the relevant knowledge applicable to their own class in their class status, and have more personality and creativity.

The extracurricular activities of students in Japanese universities are rich in content and various in form. All kinds of extra-curricular activities mainly organized by the school involve economy, politics, sports, art and other multidisciplinary fields. Through extra-curricular activities, students can better meet their various demands, adjust the pressure of learning and improve their interest in learning. The combination of practice and theory has cultivated talents for all-round development. On the other hand, students voluntarily organize the implementation of voluntary services, or work-study and other life skills. In China, the extracurricular time also began to develop slowly. However, compared with Japan, the organized and conscious extra-curricular activities started to develop gradually after the reform and opening up. China's extracurricular activities mainly lie in the formation of student social activities groups. The student societies organized by certain interests and hobbies are very common in Chinese universities and have become an important form of extracurricular activities in China. On the other hand, in addition to work-study and part-time activities, Chinese universities will conduct social practice activities in the form of certain homework. As a typical "second class", this project has obvious effects, but it also has mandatory and formal colors in the form of homework.

Japan has conducted in-depth research and development on education from four aspects: basic guiding ideology, higher education objective and functional thought, management thought and higher education internationalization. Japan's higher education has greatly raised the government and public awareness of education. By supporting and improving the development of higher education through laws and policies, the idea of education is constantly diversified and personalized. The development of the compulsory education system also promotes the wide spread of higher education and the multifaceted audience. The general trend in education goals and functions is more and more, more and more detailed. However, education does not offer ideological education courses in Japan, which makes the national thoughts have certain distance from the thoughts of college students. In Japan, education is used to guide students directly with textbooks and daily rules, which is easy to form extreme and ineffective adverse reactions. On education, Chinese university students are offered the first pass of ideological education, and the idea is education through collective learning. Moreover, education class for humanistic quality is set up to guide students' thoughts. Education sets up a big world view, outlook on life and values to the party through the group day activities organized by students themselves in school. In daily life practice to further carry on the thought education.

There are obvious differences between China and Japan in higher education. Chinese universities are mostly composed of ordinary universities and private colleges, and the funds are allocated and subsidized by the government. As a powerful country of education, Japan is mainly composed of state and private universities, and private colleges gradually occupy a large part. Higher education has entered the popularization stage. The differences of education between China and Japan are mainly reflected in four aspects: development stage, educational level, hierarchical structure and system. However, university education is all based on cultivating new talents and innovative scientific and technological talents that promote social and economic development. It also faces the same problem. At present, education system in China is mainly exam-oriented education, which is gradually transitioning to education for quality. Education methods are mostly the teaching of traditional textbook knowledge. At present, education in Japan is greatly influenced by the west, and it pays attention to the cultivation of education and practical ability.

Education of Chinese and Japanese universities also has great differences in the establishment of administrative institutions of education. As a system that serves the development of education, Japan has two types of three-level system. Each supervisory organization restricts each other, is relatively independent and develops together. China is more likely to work for supervisory organs under the leadership of the central government. There is a relationship of subordination and subordination among education administrative organs. Education system is also different in content and scope of inspection. Japan to supervise education, from the detailed content of the perspective. Inspections are more extensive and Japanese inspections involve detailed education aspects. China conducts more supervision and deployment from the perspective of "supervision and administration", which represents certain authority. Due to different national characteristics and actual situation, China and Japan in the education administration, democratic participation and specialized level also have differences in Japan's emphasis on the specialization of education personnel and people to the problem of education participation, China's administrative system in this area should not be confined to internal staff, more related scope should be expanded. The inspection system of China and Japan has its own characteristics.

Both China and Japan are in the Confucian culture circle, but China has been deeply influenced by the Confucian culture for thousands of years, and has been deeply influenced by the utilitarian concept of "learning while being superior" in the imperial examination system. In the exam-oriented education development today, there exists a "key school" system. China's education needs to get rid of the dross of traditional ideas. While Japan was deeply influenced by Confucian culture, it also began to learn western culture in modern times. The openness, individuality and innovation tendency of education system all show the characteristics of western culture, and the "orchidology" with western technology and culture as its main content is also extremely popular in Japan. On the other hand, Japan's education nationalism has a deep influence, and education is also closely carried out around nationalism. In education concept, Japan lacks the overly utilitarian color of education in China and emphasizes the practicability and quality cultivation, which will be more close to the fundamental ideology of Chinese Confucianism to some extent.

China is paying increasing attention to education and increasing financial input. Since the birth of education, intellectuals in China have attached great importance to the attention of parents and students in today's society. The degree of attention is increasing, but the importance of education quality needs to be further strengthened. Despite the rapid development of education in recent years, the university enrollment rate is still not high. With the new education system in Japan, the investment in education accounts for a large part, and the emphasis on education quality is worthy of China's reference and learning.

China's education policy has been developed in line with the country's major policies and policies to better promote the country's political and economic development. Education system is very strict, and the implementation of various systems is relatively strict. However, in China's education administrative system, education supervision legal system is not perfect, and supervisors and school personnel have a certain deviation in their understanding of supervision activities. The inspectors cannot clearly understand the real and comprehensive situation of the school, which is not conducive to making targeted and constructive Suggestions, and cannot timely solve existing problems. China's higher education system needs further development. Japan's supervisory system has entered a stage of improvement, with a demonstration role in education policy. Education and education are the main obligations, but the popularization of higher education and education will lead to the lazy psychology of the public, causing the problem of low quality of talents.

Education has been transformed from a single system into diversified and diversified, and higher education has been further and more standardized. Education aims to cultivate talents and gradually transform to education. Higher education pays more attention to the cultivation of innovative talents, and will have more and more close relations with the industry and the whole society.

The concept of higher education has changed and the importance of education has been continuously strengthened. From education to education. The higher education is not only regarded as the responsibility of the government and the regulation of the law, but also as the matter of the society and the people. Higher education should not be regarded as a place for vocational training, but as a basis for lifelong learning and so on, so as to constantly strengthen the attention to education.

Higher education became more popular, and university enrollment rates increased. The popularization of higher education is the inevitable trend of the development of higher education in the world and the inevitable future trend of the development of higher education in China. At the same time better and more effective training of all-round development of personalized, innovative talents.

Education school system was further improved. We will learn from Japan's supervisory system, further adjust and improve China's education administrative system, and increase public participation and professionalism. We will encourage and support social forces in running schools and create a relatively relaxed social environment. On the other hand, give full play to the promotion role of the government and law. We will further give full play to the government's planning role in higher education, introduce relevant laws and policies, strengthen higher education law enforcement legislation and create a sound legal environment. We will strengthen the links between policies and laws and standardize the management of private colleges and universities. The development of education is further promoted through purposeful planning.

Chinese universities will become more and more international and gradually cultivate more world-class talents who specialize in one subject in multiple fields. Promote the internationalization of higher education. We will strengthen scientific research activities in cooperation and exchanges with other countries and learn from advanced education concepts and education mechanisms. Actively carry out activities related to scientific research, education-related activities, more extracurricular exchanges and activities. To strengthen communication and exchanges between institutions of higher learning and international colleges.

At a time of rapid economic development and constant changes in social structure, the environment for developing education business is constantly changing. Education has also adapted itself to the changes of The Times and promoted the development of the society. Through a comparative study of education differences between China and Japan, the advantages and disadvantages of China and Japan in education are dialectically and comprehensively recognized. One is education, and the other is education. China should learn the advantages of education from Japan. Under the concept of education and the reform of education system, the government promoted and the public participated in jointly building a new type of higher education system. Meanwhile, we should pay attention to the strengths and advantages of education in China, strengthen communication and exchanges with education in Japan, and cultivate new talents. China's higher education has been continuously developed and improved in the process of continuous learning, learning, absorbing and surpassing, so as to better cultivate all-round talents and promote the development of China's entire education career. China is not far away from the popularization of higher education, and diversified higher education is coming to us.


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Assignment代写:American graduate student education

2018-08-02 17:39:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- American graduate student education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的研究生教育。美国研究生教育的发展非常迅速,其博士学位有传统研究型、一级职业学位等类型。传统研究型博士以研究高深学术为主要目标,适用于绝大部分学科。而一级职业学位其培养目标不是指向学术研究,而是指向完成一定课程学习后的职业实践,反映的是高层次的职业水准。此外,美国的非全日制研究生发展迅速,国家的教育体制鼓励成年人继续接受教育。

At present, the quality of postgraduate education in China needs to be further improved, and education needs to be constantly reformed. Education of American graduate students is recognized as a successful model of education in the world.

From 1901 to 2007, 271 Americans won the Nobel Prize, making it the largest number of Nobel Prize winners in the world. They have made the most outstanding contribution to the progress of human science and technology, and also proved the success of education system in the United States. Education, a graduate student in the United States, has been recognized as the essence of education in the United States. It is generally agreed that the education level of graduate students represents the education level of a country to some extent, reflects the development and reserve of a country's intellectual resources, and marks a country's ability to compete in science, technology and economy. Education has also been developing vigorously in recent years in China, with the continuous expansion of enrollment. The quality of postgraduate education has become a hot issue in universities and society. The research on education of American graduate students can help us better understand the deficiency of education of Chinese graduate students, and actively absorb, learn from and explore the formation characteristics and successful experience of education of American graduate students in a targeted way, so as to improve the current education training mode of graduate students and further improve the quality of education of graduate students.

Education has developed rapidly in the United States. Since the 1980s, it has awarded more than 300,000 master's degrees and 30,000 doctoral degrees annually. Doctor's degree has the traditional research type, the application research type, the first class occupation degree and so on. The traditional research doctor mainly aims to study advanced academic research, which is applicable to most subjects. Applied research doctorates are mainly distributed in applied fields, including nearly 50 types of doctor of education, doctor of law, doctor of public health and doctor of engineering. The primary vocational degree is also called the occupational doctor, and its training goal is not to point to academic research, but to the professional practice after completing certain courses, reflecting the high-level professional level, which is parallel to the research doctor. In addition, part-time graduate student has developed rapidly in the United States, the state education system encourages adults continue to accept education, not in office to study a degree and a full-time student to discriminate, at the same time, the American university also the graduate courses are set between 4 PM to 7 points, make on-the-job personnel to attend class in no time. More than 50 percent of graduate students in the United States are on the job.

The United States attaches great importance to exchanges and cooperation among schools, universities and the international community. Almost every day, there are various kinds of academic reports, seminars, lectures and so on in American universities. At the same time, American universities attract outstanding talents from all over the world to the United States to accept education. According to statistics, one of the two graduate students in the United States is a foreign student, and foreign teachers who teach in American universities account for a large proportion. In the 1980s alone, there were 300,000 scientists who moved to the United States from all over the world. The classroom of American university is like a place where all kinds of cultures and ideas blend freely. Although the color of skin is different and the clothes are different, there is no racial and ethnic boundary and estrangement.

Graduate students in the United States will receive an admission manual when they enter the university. There are compulsory or optional courses for each major. For example, the educational doctor training program of the university of new Mexico stipulates the curriculum setting of relevant professional fields and puts forward the requirement of completing the program for four years. The main task of the first two years is to take courses under the guidance of professional tutors. There are compulsory courses and any courses you want to take. In the third year of college, students comprehensively enter the scientific research work of relevant subjects. After completing the scientific research, they will summarize the scientific research results into a doctoral thesis, and then explain their scientific research results through the defense, and obtain a doctor's degree.

American graduate student education attaches great importance to the study of basic theories. While participating in a large number of scientific research work, graduate students must take courses of basic theories according to the different conditions of various disciplines and majors. At the same time, to practice and training target, subject research direction related courses and seminars, to help them make good discipline knowledge, understanding academic frontiers, master the methods of engaged in scientific research, and is beneficial to develop the academic horizon of the doctoral students, inspire creative inspiration, to find and determine the value of the subject, for the high quality and scientific research of innovative.

The education concept in the United States attaches great importance to and encourages students to analyze and deal with problems in different ways, and this concept has played an incisive role in the education stage of graduate students. The teacher's lecture is very concise and enlightening, often throwing questions to students, encouraging students to find their own answers and discuss with each other. American college classes are more like seminars than lectures you said I heard.

The United States has relatively perfect scholarship, financial aid mechanism. Graduate students typically have to pay for education, while doctoral students typically use scholarships and grants from state, federal, industrial, university, non-profit and other social organizations to solve economic problems

American universities usually offer some financial aid for students to apply for, but different universities make different rules to decide which students get it. The university of new Mexico, for example, has grants for Hispanic students.

Foreign students in the United States are generally funded by teaching or research assistants. The national foundation of the United States sends most of the funding for graduate education to university teachers in the form of contracts for research projects. Some of the funds teachers receive can only be used to pay graduate students or postdocs to help them complete their research tasks and objectives. As the research assistant or teaching assistant of the professor, the graduate student completes the research project of the tutor or assists the professor to complete some teaching work, thus obtaining the corresponding labor subsidy, which is used to pay the tuition fee and living expenses.

The evaluation of American graduate student education is divided into two aspects: one is the evaluation of whether the graduate student is qualified or not, and the other is the evaluation of university graduate student education level.

American universities have strict review procedures and quality assurance measures for doctoral students and have formed a multi-level quality assurance system. It is required that doctoral students should master the development trend of science and technology at home and abroad, explore new technologies, new technologies, new methods, new ideas and new theories, especially emphasize originality, and refrain from repeating the projects already carried out by others. In addition, the American society is also a very trustworthy society. If a doctoral supervisor graduates an unqualified doctoral student, it will greatly damage his personal reputation and that of the research institution.

In the United States, there are also many social institutions independent of the government and education institutions that evaluate and certify undergraduate education and graduate education. The degree certificates issued by universities and education institutions recognized as unqualified cannot be recognized by the society.

There are many problems in China's postgraduate training. We can learn from the successful experience of education in the United States and reform China's postgraduate training system based on China's national conditions. The standards and types of postgraduate education in China are too monotonous, mainly education for scientific research graduate students. The major and discipline Settings are not reasonable. In the future education of our graduate students, we should set diversified training goals, and truly teach students according to their aptitude and make the best of their talents, instead of confining talents in a unified mode, so that the training of talents can truly meet the needs of the society. Education has few funding channels and low investment, far from meeting the practical needs of graduate education. My personal study and work experience have proved that it is a luxury for an adult to go off the job and go to college and get a graduate degree. If adults can study and discuss with traditional students, it is beneficial for both sides to make progress, which has been proved in the higher education in the west.


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Paper代写:Corporate marketing strategy

2018-08-02 17:38:48 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Corporate marketing strategy讨论了企业的营销战略。企业的营销战略涉及到企业全局性、长远性的发展,所以要根据自身的特点,以市场为导向,采取一系列行之有效的经营策略和合理的竞争策略,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the development of market economy, Chinese enterprises have begun to focus on the market, study the market and compete with each other for the market. In addition, foreign companies continue to invest in the Chinese market, further aggravating the market competition. The scope of competition has also developed from the simple competition in the commodity market to the diversified competition in the present market.

With the further deepening of the reform and opening up of the country and the sustained development of the market economy, Chinese enterprises have begun to pay attention to the market, research and analyze the market, and compete with each other for the market. In addition, the continuous investment by foreign multinationals in the Chinese market has further intensified the competition in the Chinese market. Chinese enterprises have changed from labor-intensive to technology-intensive in the past, and modern enterprises have changed from the competition of manpower, financial resources and material resources to the competition of information, methods and processes. The scope of competition has also developed from the simple competition in the commodity market in the past to the diversified market competition in the present. The competitive means are more abundant, and more and more attention has been paid to the enterprise's brand, reputation, quality and technology.

In order to occupy the market at the fastest speed, enterprises have increased the market competition and intensified the market competition. Price war is the most obvious method. As a result, the profits of enterprises are declining. As a modern enterprise, it should maximize profits rather than reduce prices to obtain sales.

Marketing concept is the thought and understanding formed by enterprises in the process of marketing development and adapting to the new marketing environment. It is the soul of enterprise marketing innovation. The innovation of ideas should have four aspects, namely, correct market consciousness, quality consciousness, competition consciousness and cooperation consciousness.

Since the 1990s, with the continuous development of the market economy and the continuous improvement of people's demands, marketing methods have tended to develop in a diversified way with the deepening and expansion of the marketing field. Political marketing, green marketing or ecological marketing, relationship marketing, etc.

The marketing model of modern enterprises presents the development trend of combination, flatness and conceptualization. In the increasingly fierce market competition, it is impossible for independent individuals to "fight alone".

Marketing technology refers to the technology and methods adopted by enterprises in the course of marketing activities. Including target market determination, product positioning pricing and so on. At present, most of the small and medium-sized enterprises in China have not really mastered the professional marketing technology, so it is necessary to set up a professional marketing planning department in the enterprise, select senior staff with excellent performance to be responsible, and employ professional marketing consultants to assist them in formulating and implementing the enterprise's marketing plans. Processes and procedures of marketing planning: market situation analysis, decision of marketing objectives, formulation of various related strategies, selection of the best strategies, acquisition of management recognition, formulation of tactical plans, integration of enterprise plans.

The enterprise marketing strategy involves the overall and long-term development of the enterprise. Therefore, a series of effective management strategies and reasonable competition strategies should be adopted according to the characteristics of the enterprise and market-oriented, so as to stand unbeaten in the fierce market competition.

What is marketing? Marketing is the process of meeting the needs of consumers. Marketing theory includes three levels, namely, planning, management and marketing. The starting point of marketing is the customer and the target of service. The purpose of marketing is to establish a long-term mutually beneficial relationship with customers. The marketing system is to take the company as the unit to unify a series of resources such as supply and sales to conduct marketing, that is, all staff marketing. It has formed a marketing network integrating market development, product sales, payment recovery, after-sales service and information feedback. So that production units can concentrate on production, scientific research, quality, management, cost reduction, efficiency, no longer because of marketing work and differentiation of energy, forming production specialization, marketing intensification.

Marketing is a complex marketing activity composed of multiple departments and links of an enterprise, which includes multiple decisions. Therefore, the marketing decision-making mechanism has become a crucial link in the marketing process. Marketing decision-making mechanism has democratic participation mechanism, even if employees participate in the decision-making mechanism of enterprises, including the ways and relevant systems for employees to participate in the decision-making of enterprises in different forms. Employee participation in enterprise decision-making can be divided into direct participation and indirect participation. Direct participation mainly includes voting, petition and hearing. Indirect participation mainly includes pre-decision research, media and people's representatives to express their opinions. There is also the expert participation mechanism, that is, the mechanism that allows relevant experts outside the enterprise to participate in the decision-making process of the enterprise. Expert participation in enterprise decision-making is divided into individual participation and organizational participation, formal participation and informal participation.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory tells us that human needs are divided from low to high: physiological needs, security needs, social needs, needs to be respected and needs to be self-actualized. Only when people meet the needs of the lower level will they gradually pursue the needs of the higher level. When it comes to reality, as salesmen fighting on the marketing front, what they value most is profit. Therefore, enterprises must follow the principle of interest first, in order to effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of marketing personnel.

In order to promote the marketing strategy of enterprises quickly, it is necessary to have a high-quality and capable sales team. How to strengthen the enterprise marketing team construction? First, strengthen training and improve the marketing capability as soon as possible. Second, we should employ experts and consultants to improve our professional knowledge. Third, regular meetings should be held to improve working methods. Fourthly, we should strengthen the construction of marketing team and constantly enrich and strengthen the sales team so as to win in the fierce market competition. Fifth, adopt the competitive elimination mechanism to enhance the vitality and vitality of the marketing team.

The competition of modern enterprises has developed into the competition of after-sales service. Take a look at haier today. The construction of after-sales network and after-sales service team has spread all over the country and achieved remarkable results. Therefore, the competition between enterprises in the future will be the competition of service. How to do good after-sales service? First, create user profiles; To issue product feedback card; Third, regular visits to users; 4. Timely handling of product failures.

The basic function of advertising publicity is to deliver the product information to the users in a timely manner, and to induce the demand through the dissemination of information, so as to guide the users to take purchasing action. The characteristic of advertisement is that it has a strong propaganda, influence and fast propagation speed. The role of advertising is to communicate timely information and promote sales. Enterprises should select appropriate media and publicity scope according to the use and characteristics of commodities, otherwise the expected effect cannot be achieved.

Enterprises produce products to meet the needs of users, so enterprises should become product experts. Configure value-added solutions for users because companies sell not just products, but an idea that users agree with. According to different consumer groups, different product configuration, price strategy, marketing channels are adopted. Haier has tailored products for users' needs according to different users in foreign countries, which fully shows that users have begun to gradually participate in the marketing strategy of the enterprise, and the product marketing strategy will tend to be diversified.


Essay代写:The type of market economy

2018-08-02 17:15:32 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The type of market economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了市场经济的模式类型。市场经济一经产生,便成为最具效率和活力的经济运行载体。迄今为止,全世界绝大多数国家都纷纷走上了市场经济的道路。而美国的自由主义市场经济模式,德国和北欧一些国家的社会市场经济模式,法国、日本的行政管理导向型市场经济模式是迄今世界各国中比较成熟的市场经济模式,它们各有特点,各具风格。

Once market economy comes into being, it becomes the most efficient and dynamic economic operation carrier. So far, most countries in the world have embarked on the path of market economy. The market economy system of the United States, Germany and Japan is a relatively mature market economy model among the countries of the world.

The market economy system of the United States, Germany and Japan is a relatively mature market economy model in all countries of the world. In 1991, the research report of the world organization for economic cooperation and development proposed three main models of successful market economy: the liberal market economy model of the United States; Social market economic models in Germany and some northern European countries; France, Japan's administrative management - oriented market economy model.

The American model is the "enterprise independent" market economy model, also known as the "liberal market economy". It attaches great importance to protecting the rights of enterprises as the subject of micro-economic activities. The government seldom touches enterprises directly, but points to the market. Its system and operating characteristics mainly include:

The cornerstone of the U.S. market economy is the free enterprise system. As an independent subject of market activities, enterprises have relatively complete and adequate rights. Micro decisions such as what to produce, how much to produce and how to produce are usually made by enterprises themselves. America's free-market economy is focused on corporate freedom. Of course, the "autonomy" of enterprises is based on a complete legal basis. Therefore, enterprises generally attach great importance to legal work in business operations. Smaller companies employ full-time lawyers, and larger companies generally set up legal departments.

The market is the central link of economic operation, and the government's macro-control activities are concentrated in the market. The us government emphasizes the rationality of the market, the restriction of monopoly and the protection of competition. The United States has passed a series of anti-trust legislation to create a fair competition environment for enterprises by legal means. In addition, since the effectiveness of market regulation depends on whether the market signals to enterprises are true, the us government takes it as an important responsibility to make market signals true as possible, with the main objectives of counter-cyclical and anti-inflation.

The intervention and intervention of the us government in economic operation is also conducted in accordance with the law. Within the scope of legal authorization, according to the analysis of the overall market demand, the us government adopts either loose or tight fiscal policies and monetary and financial policies. Its direct purpose is to expand or compress the effective demand in the market. Through the change of the general situation of supply and demand in the market, enterprises are guided to make decisions and adjustments in the form of market response. The us government's macro-control measures place less emphasis on specific functions, economic planning and industrial policies.

In the American model, the relationship between the government, the market and the enterprise and their respective status are generally defined by clear laws. In particular, the behavior of the government should be based on legislation. The macro-intervention and adjustment of the government must also be carried out in law and implemented through legislation, which has a high degree of openness.

The German model, the so-called social market economy model. Germany believes that it implements a macro-controlled social market economy, which is opposed to both economic laissez-faire and economic domination. Instead, it combines the principles of individual free creation and social progress and realizes "social justice" through limited state intervention. Its system and economic operation features mainly include:

Market competition is the most powerful driving force for promoting economic development and the most important pillar of society. Monopoly and "immoral competition" are the biggest threats to the effectiveness of market mechanisms. The primary objective of government intervention is to establish and maintain a reasonable market competition order and eliminate factors that hinder the functioning of market mechanism. On the basis of market freedom, enterprises are also free; The autonomy of enterprises is also a necessary condition for the effective function of market mechanism.

The effectiveness of market mechanism depends on the order of economic environment and the stability of economic operation, which mainly refers to price stability, currency stability, growth stability and income stability. Therefore, the policy means of macro-control are mainly system policy, stability policy and social policy. Institutional policy is to ensure sufficient and effective market competition policy; Stabilization policies include the stability of prices, currencies, employment and economic growth through fiscal, monetary, income and structural policies. Social policies include income redistribution and social security.

Germany's market economy strives for economic efficiency and social equity. In order to safeguard social equity, Germany has introduced the system of "co-determination" between employers and employees under supervision and influence through legislation. Workers have the right to participate in decisions on a range of specific issues relating to their employment and income. In addition, Germany further expanded its social security system. Through the "tripartite payment" system of the government, enterprises and employees, a relatively complete and high level of medical care, unemployment, retirement and accident insurance, as well as social welfare and social relief system have been established.

In the German social market economy system, legal security plays a very important role, establishing and maintaining an orderly, reasonable and fair competition order through various legislation. Transparency is high in institutional relations.

The Japanese model, known as government guidance, is also known as "corporate market economy". Japan attaches great importance to the role of the government in economic development. The government not only regulates the market, but also directly guides enterprises, and focuses on the latter. The characteristics of Japan's market economy system and operation are as follows:

Japan's "government-guided" market economy does not mean that the independent development of enterprises must take full account of various signals from the government, but mainly seeks the coordination between the government and enterprises. In this kind of institutional relationship, the cooperation between the government and enterprises and the joint participation in decision-making are emphasized, and then the specific implementation is carried out at the macro and micro levels respectively. Enterprises are still independent micro-economic entities, but they are obviously constrained by the government's economic plans. In this sense, their degree of autonomy is relatively low.

While playing a role in market regulation, Japan attaches importance to the role of government macro-control on the allocation of social resources. The relationship between government and enterprises in Japan is based on the relationship between the market and enterprises. The role of government macro-control is not to replace market regulation, but to strengthen the role of market mechanism and make up for the deficiency of market regulation.

Japan's "government-led" style is also reflected in its economic organization system. From the government to the semi-official economic review and approval council, to the horizontal connection between the private industry groups and enterprises, it is a multi-layer system of sub-officials and people with full participation in the government-led and people-oriented economy. Officials and people communicate with each other, exchange views and combine organically. In this way, it is not only convenient for the government to formulate economic policies that are practical and balance the interests of all parties, but also conducive to the response and voluntary implementation of economic policies by enterprises and the public.

From the perspective of the post-war development of Japan's economy, the government's intervention in economic activities is especially favorable for economic planning and industrial policies. The main task of the economic plan is to put forward the long-term trend and general goal of the national economic development, as well as the policy measures and means to achieve the goal. Industrial policy was presided over by miti idea of industrial structure and industrial organization policy, pointed out the developing target of industry, the industry, and from tax, finance and other aspects to the industry at a certain discount, to promote the industrial structure, technological structure and optimizing export structure, improve the international competitiveness of enterprises.

Japan's market economy model emphasizes the cooperation between government and enterprises, which not only has the government's random supervision and guidance to enterprises, but also has the phenomenon that enterprises often seek government guidance and support. Because of this close link, it is not always possible to resort to legal proceedings everywhere, so Japan's market economy is less open and less transparent.

