

作业代写:Legal negotiations

2018-08-28 17:38:26 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Legal negotiations,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了法律谈判。法律谈判在欧美国家,它是指由律师代理当事人参加,运用法律知识和诉讼经验对各种可能后果进行全面评估后,借助律师技能和谈判技巧实施的庭外利益博弈。毫无疑问,法律谈判是一种庭外和解的行为,最终目的是达成和解协议和谈判协议。我们要做的,就是大力提倡这种通过法律谈判来达成谈判协议来解决纠纷的方式。

As a low-cost dispute settlement method, legal negotiation is gradually recognized and accepted by us. Therefore, it is necessary for us to think deeply about how to understand the localization of legal negotiation in China, the nature of legal negotiation and the negotiation agreement reached through legal negotiation.

Legal negotiation in European and American countries, it refers to the out-of-court benefit game implemented by lawyers and negotiation skills after comprehensive evaluation of various possible consequences through legal knowledge and litigation experience. When legal negotiations are translated and introduced into China, it is necessary for us to think seriously about them.

According to the general understanding, negotiation is an act and process for people to reach consensus through consultation in order to coordinate the interests of each other and meet their needs. Negotiation is an issue we cannot avoid. It exists in all aspects of our life and work. At present, one of the more professional negotiations is business negotiations. Legal negotiation is also one of the professional negotiations. The direct reason for negotiation is that the parties involved in the negotiation have their own needs, or an organization they represent has some needs, and the satisfaction of the needs of one party cannot ignore the needs of the other party. Therefore, the main purpose for both parties to participate in the negotiation should not only be based on the pursuit of their own needs, but also through the exchange of views for consultations, so as to jointly seek a solution to the problem acceptable to both parties.

In the United States and the United States, "legal negotiation" mainly involves the parties and their legal negotiation lawyers in legal negotiation. After a comprehensive evaluation of the possible consequences of court proceedings with legal knowledge and litigation experience, the parties can use lawyer skills and legal negotiation skills to achieve the settlement of disputes for negotiation purposes. The subject of legal negotiation is the person and his lawyer. When it was introduced to China, there was no authoritative definition of "legal negotiation", so the concept of "legal negotiation" was popular but vague in China. In our country, if there are negotiation lawyers participating in legal negotiation, but if there is no lawyer participating in legal negotiation, is the negotiation to solve the dispute of legal problem called legal negotiation? When a concept is introduced in countries with different systems, what it really means is often different, but when a concept or term, especially a social science term, is introduced, it is necessary to localize it, and legal negotiations are of course disproportionate. We cannot exactly copy the Anglo-American concept of "legal negotiation".

First, British and American countries are case law countries. The legal system of British and American countries and the legal system of mainland China belong to two different legal systems. The Anglo-American law system, also known as the common law system, has the tradition of precedents. Case law is its formal legal source, that is, the precedents of the superior court are binding on the lower court in the trial of similar cases. In the developed countries of Britain and the United States, there are a large number of cases, which the ordinary people cannot easily master, and they have to rely on professional lawyers for litigation and legal negotiation.

Second, the main defense system of British and American countries is confrontation system. On judicial system, in the judicial system design, the British and American countries the main defense system is the adversary system, also called "debate", which is using in civil cases and criminal cases of the public prosecutor and the defendant lawyer in a court of law against each other, put forward their own evidence, ask witnesses, questioning witnesses, on the basis of mutual debate, the judge chaired the hearing, and make a judgment on both sides debate and dissent, but not active investigation, only ACTS as a negative moderator role. It can be seen that in the UK and the us, dispute settlement cannot be achieved without lawyers, especially legal negotiation.

However, when it is introduced into China, whether the legal negotiation must involve lawyers, and whether our "legal negotiation" should be the same as that of the British and American countries, which requires lawyers to participate in legal negotiation. The author thinks that any negotiation based on law should be legal negotiation, not limited to lawyers' participation. Because our country is a written law country, ordinary people can find relevant legal regulations just like lawyers if they want to, and there is no need to look for legal basis in countless cases like common law countries.

Therefore, in the indigenization of "legal negotiation" in China, the author believes that the negotiation based on facts and with law as the criterion should belong to legal negotiation.

Legal negotiation is an act of out-of-court settlement with the ultimate aim of reaching a settlement agreement and negotiating an agreement. As negotiations to resolve the dispute by party law is not beyond the law free agreement between the parties, but on the premise of according to law, confirm the relevant legal fact, by the parties concerned or the agent, the use of legal knowledge and experience of litigation for a variety of possible consequences to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, and with the help of a personal action skills and negotiation skills and implementation of the game, eventually find interests balance, to achieve an optimal solutions to problems. With the development of non-litigation dispute settlement system, out-of-court settlement also rises and develops. Through legal negotiation, both parties measure their interests and find the best interest balance point in the negotiation process, so as to achieve the maximum win-win result in the sense of both parties. At present, ADR is being taken seriously by our country. Legal negotiations as an out-of-court settlement will also be taken seriously.

The so-called private relief means that when the parties consider that their rights and interests have been infringed, they do not go through the legal organs and procedures without the neutral intervention of a third party in the dispute settlement process, but rely on their own and private power to achieve the dispute settlement, including coercion and negotiation. Legal negotiation is an act of private relief, which is the relief method chosen by the parties themselves. As a private remedy, it is the best way to settle disputes through legal negotiation. Private relief is precisely because it is cheaper, more convenient, faster and more effective for the parties to protect their rights, so they choose private relief instead of public relief. The remedies through legal negotiation can more reasonably assess the possible results if litigation is used to resolve disputes. In this way, on the basis of equality, both parties of the dispute trust each other, understand each other, measure the interests of both sides, and reach the most reasonable legal solution to the dispute.

Legal negotiation is based on facts and takes law as the criterion. The negotiation of law belongs to the action of the parties to punish their own private interests, which belongs to the autonomy of will. Both parties to the negotiation adopt the civilized and rational way of confrontation, and independently choose the dispute settlement mode through voluntary negotiation and consultation, which is the manifestation of the parties' autonomy of will. Through the communication between both parties, through careful negotiation and communication, both parties agree to maximize their interests and achieve win-win results. In the process of negotiation, both parties' will is free, the way of communication and negotiation is free, and the way of delivery and execution is also free. Therefore, the autonomy of will is an indispensable theoretical basis and primary condition for legal negotiation. In the process of legal negotiation, we should respect the personal right choice of the parties and their expression of intention.

A negotiated agreement is a contract. Since both parties choose disputes through voluntary negotiation and consultation, the negotiation agreement reached through legal negotiation is actually a contract signed by both parties. Of course, the agreement signed by both parties should conform to the provisions of law. General civil and minor criminal cases can be negotiated through legal negotiations to sign the negotiation agreement. When the negotiation agreement is signed, both parties should follow the principle of equality and voluntariness. At present, our country is in the period of social transition, all sorts of contradictions is relatively concentrated, the emergency obvious increase in social production, life, legal behavior is a kind of settlement negotiations, but the law talks is not ordinary reconciliation act, but a serious talks by use of legal knowledge after settlement behavior, is a measure of interest, of course, both parties through final settlement. For resolving disputes through legal negotiation, we should strongly advocate such kind of negotiation through legal negotiation to reach a negotiation agreement to resolve disputes.


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Assignment代写:Classical oil painting

2018-08-28 17:37:58 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Classical oil painting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了古典主义油画。古典主义,指的是以古希腊和古罗马艺术为基础的历史传统的美学观点的一种艺术形式。而在当前社会,由于社会道德水平整体下降,以金钱作为成功与否的评判标准,人们心思浮躁的社会环境下,古典主义油画对于人们精神文明建设以及形成良好的人文环境具有十分重要的意义。

Art can bring beauty to people, bring spiritual impact and then cause soul thinking. In the field of art, it is divided into different fields and different schools. The article should analyze the characteristics of classical oil painting. Classical oil painting originates from Europe and America and is popular, but the core of classical oil painting and its connotation are similar to Chinese classical art to a certain extent. Classical oil painting has its unique artistic appeal and has a great influence on people's spiritual demand in real life, which is conducive to improving people's spiritual life.

What is classicism? Does classist oil painting have a meaning with the classicism we are talking about? What are the similarities between classicism and ancient Chinese art? Classicism is an art form, referring to the historical tradition of aesthetics based on ancient Greek and Roman art. Classical painting was mainly popular in Europe in the 18th century. Artists were dissatisfied with the luxurious rococo art serving the aristocracy and turned to Greek and Roman art for themes. Classical painting school and classical oil painting mainly reflect the spirit of classicism: ideal, harmony, elegance, etc. However, oil painting is not original in China, but imported from central China. It has not been developed for a long time in China. The development and influence of western classical oil painting in China is mainly through Chinese scholars and painters to study in Europe and America or Japanese students to introduce. Classical oil painting has been developing in China for nearly a hundred years. In fact, it is mixed with a variety of modern art. Under the persistent pursuit of several generations of oil painters, it keeps seeking for progress in frustration and finally has a certain development and perfection. The development of the classical oil painting and its spirit and China's ancient excellent works of art reflect the unity of nature and humanity, the principle of harmony is relatively consistent.

First of all, we are from the perspective of oil paintings, have already mentioned in front of the oil painting into China from western countries such as, so in China, oil painting, as a new form of painting, at the time of transmission will not only spread to China, the form of painting skills and create more western aesthetic ideas and artistic tradition spread to a certain extent. However the history of Chinese and western culture is different, interpersonal communication and expression must be different, thus classical oil painting was introduced into China, Chinese scholars or painters during the process of writing, can appear the impact of the culture, the Chinese oil painting in both China and the west, however, neither Chinese nor western state.

Although we say that art is similar in essence and is a reflection of people's psychological activities or reality, the art form can only be formed after a long period of development in different nations, with strong national characteristics. In the process of artistic creation, many scholars or creators have walked some detours. As a whole, oil painting has achieved certain development in China, and may have more Chinese characteristics in the future. In recent years, some mistakes may occur in the creation of oil paintings in China.

Classical oil painting originated from Europe and the United States, also accord with the aesthetic way of Europeans and Americans, Chinese oil painting in the process of development, more is not starting from the aesthetics of China, facing the public appreciation is not China, but will the be fond of of western critics or the western collectors and comment in a higher position, this way of blindly follow the western oil painting is not classical oil painting development in China, can only say classical oil painting spread to China. Art forms that lack a mass base on Chinese soil may be difficult to develop in the long term in China. Therefore, in the process of absorbing classical oil painting, Chinese oil painting creators or artists cannot fully westernize, but should create according to the Chinese way of art appreciation, form an art form with Chinese characteristics, and establish a good mass foundation in China.

What is classicism? The meaning of classicism is a concept of differentiation, an ideology of the past of mankind. Here we refer to the classical art and the classical oil painting mainly refer to the spiritual symbol of its connotation. The influence of classicism oil painting in China makes people think about the meaning of classicism, but many people deviate from the meaning of classicism. The classic is not to restore the ancient ways, not to simply present the things of the past, but to convey certain spirits to the public through works. Chinese culture is extensive and profound. In the process of the introduction of classical oil painting into China and the influence of Chinese cultural expression form, we must pay attention to the integration of Chinese elements and Chinese culture with such expression form, so as to form a new cultural expression form with Chinese characteristics. It may take some time to be accepted by the masses, and the art creators may have to go through a great test.

Under the persistent pursuit of several generations of painters, Chinese classicism oil painting experienced a series of setbacks, but the continuous in-depth study of western classicism oil painting finally formed the oil painting with Chinese characteristics, and promoted the continuous development of Chinese oil painting. In the development of Chinese oil painting, this in-depth study will continue, and the communication between Chinese and western culture will also promote the development of Chinese classical oil painting and Chinese oil painting. The cultural connotation of classical oil painting, such as "ideal, harmony and elegance", is similar to Chinese classical art, which makes the integration of art more simple. At present, Chinese oil painting has formed the contemporary oil painting art with Chinese characteristics, breaking the traditional and single oil painting style, and at the same time, paying more attention to the development in the direction of pluralism, freedom and individuality, instead of the single art creation with certain tendency.

Modern Chinese oil painting, realistic and expressive oil painting style has been the mainstream, abstract, concept and other types of creation is also growing. As the change of people's thoughts, as well as the world cultural fusion, classical oil painting art creation in China will gradually revealed, the influence of oil painting has now become an important part of Chinese culture, is the painter and art creators in the process of artistic creation, will be China's modern life, the cultural idea and aesthetic are taken into account, with characteristic of Chinese oil painting has quite a reputation in the international market. However, at the same time, the development of science and technology has made other forms of visual art with strong impact constantly emerge. In this case, the oil painting art to have the space for development, must be close to people's spiritual needs, enhance its artistic performance effect.

People's life contains two aspects, material life and spiritual life. Before the material life is satisfied, people will put food and clothing in the first place, and the spiritual life will inevitably be looked down upon. Nowadays, the material living standard of our people has been greatly improved. However, when the material life has been improved, the acceleration of the pace of life and the increasingly fierce social competition have also led to many people being under pressure or impetuous state. The change of information and cultural communication mode enables the information to be spread rapidly, constantly updated, and the fast food culture appears. Meanwhile, the constantly updated information makes people unable to calm down, and it is difficult to examine their own state and inner heart, so it lacks the improvement of spiritual cultivation. Now, you can see a relatively common phenomenon: people are impetuous and restless, and news or new events are constantly updated. When people are still discussing this matter, they are quickly attracted to the next thing, so it is difficult to have a rational analysis and judgment. This has a bad effect on individuals and on society. In addition, due to the development of Internet and other Internet technologies, a lot of bad information is also in people's sight. Adults may be less affected by the judgment ability, but it is very unfavorable for the construction and cultivation of teenagers' values. Therefore, it is necessary for both individuals and society to strengthen cultural attainment and the construction of spiritual civilization. What role can classic oil painting play in People's Daily life? In the current society, the overall moral level has declined, and money is taken as the criterion of success or failure. In the social environment with impetuous thoughts, classical oil painting is of great significance for the construction of spiritual civilization and the formation of a good humanistic environment. Classical oil painting at present we have already said, the development situation of classical oil painting is now in China have a certain development, classical oil painting reflects the life, life, changes over time, and combined with traditional Chinese culture, has certain mass base, more profound ideological basis. The core and connotation of classical oil painting is ideal, harmony and elegance, reflecting the pursuit of ideal and harmony and tranquility. Excellent classical oil painting has certain charm, can let people in the appreciation, the mood is relaxed, the spirit is satisfied. Art is contagious and people are influenced by art works. The harmonious atmosphere shown in the works can make people feel happy and comfortable. In the appreciation of art, slow down your pace and get rid of the complex external environment and living conditions, so as to achieve peace of mind. In China, classical oil painting can be used to improve people's spiritual needs for the following reasons: Chinese classical painting artistic conception, but China's modern fine arts education largely made most of the contemporary aesthetic idea, most people think of Chinese oil painting oil painting as realistic as possible, lifelike image and display of real life, to the appreciation of Chinese oil painting in the mind. The art form of classical oil painting can make more people calm down to think. The development and progress of science and technology and the emergence of high-tech image technology have made people more interested in the way of art appreciation or the variety of art, but the role of classical oil painting is still there, and there is still a large audience group, which is still of great significance to people's spiritual civilization.

We can sometimes hear some people complain about the world, for all the status quo of society, we also have a look not to the past, "after 95" children's world view and values and how their moral status, whether for its future development and social progress is good, it is worthy of our thought. Here we refer to the practical significance of classicism oil painting and the influence of art on people. In ancient China, Confucius, the most important representative of Confucianism, advocated to guide the people by means of art. He believed that art could consolidate political and moral norms and restrictions. In modern times, we will talk about the construction of spiritual civilization as well as national soft culture and soft power. The connotation and core of classical oil painting can enable people to distinguish the ugly beauty and good and evil in the process of appreciation, and create people's yearning for beauty, simplicity, harmony and elegance, so as to help the appreciators establish correct values, purify the mind and improve the spiritual level.

Works of art can be accepted and recognized mainly by seeing whether their forms of expression and communication, including their spiritual connotation, can change with the change of people's mental state to adapt to the development of The Times. Classical oil painting has been developing for a long time in China, and there has been a certain audience group in China. The world is changing, and the presentation form of art is also changing. Classical oil painting is also in constant development now. In the form of artistic expression, the realistic significance of classical oil painting is to express the Chinese classical culture or the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in a unique form. In the construction of spiritual civilization, classical oil painting is more important, the spiritual connotation and core of classical oil painting is the ideal and spiritual yearning pursued by modern people. The spirit or thought is the pioneer that guides the progress of The Times. In this aspect, the classical oil painting guides the thought or spirit, which can show the excellent traditional culture of China and the spirit advocated by modern times in the works and influence people's thoughts, so it plays an irreplaceable role in the construction of modern culture. Art infection to people and is gradual, can let people psychologically produce subtle changes gradually, under the influence of various culture as well as a variety of transmission way, want to classical oil painting work better, not just in writing attentively, also need on the ways to select the correct way, can achieve better results.


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Persuasive Essay写作步骤解析

2018-08-28 17:37:37 | 日記
第一次听到Persuasive Essay的留学生肯定是非常迷茫,因为以前根本就没听说过。Persuasive Essay,其实一种说服力文章,除了陈述自己的观点并以说服,并且需要列举论证和层层论证。虽然Persuasive Essay很难写,但只要同学们掌握了它的写作步骤之后,难度便能下降很多。下面就给大家讲解一下Persuasive Essay的写作步骤。


This means carefully reading the assignment and asking question if you do not understand. Here in the US, that is a huge important part of the education process. Talking back and forth with your teacher and making sure that you completely understand what they are asking of you. Teachers want to help you understand, Always always always! Never feel you ask too many questions or anything like that.


You wanna make sure also that you know the length requirements. Sometimes the teachers may give you a certain number of words that you need to write, or they may give you a certain number of paragraphs that you need to write for the assignment.


There might also be specific requirements about what kind of support you need for it: they might want you to include personal examples or facts or examples from books you are studying or examples from history.











Take some time to think and maybe write down a few notes: do you like or dislike the topic? If so, why is that? Ask yourself these questions and try to think a lot about it.


It's an argument or another perspective that you are looking at. Ask yourself "Do you agree or disagree with the argument that has been made. How do you disagree with them? What way is it that you are disagreeing? And why is it?



In other words, who are you trying to convince? Who is the person that is going to read the essay or who is supposed to be reading the essay?


We know most likely it's going to be your teachers that read the essay that you write. But the assignment may say "to convince the school board, to convince everyone in the country, to convince your parents". So be sure to take that into account, are you trying to convince your teacher, other students, parents or the public, who is the audience?


Also think to yourself, how will they be convinced? Is it your mom or your dad that you are trying to convince to purchase something, if so, what would convince them? Will a promise of doing extra homework or chores convince them?


If you are trying to convince the public, are they going to want facts or specific numbers that would prove something? Or is it someone that you know a little bit, will personal stories convince them? Or will examples from celebrities or something like that will convince them?


以上就是关于Persuasive Essay的写作步骤讲解,Persuasive Essay虽然难度较大,但也是众多留学生论文作业形式的一种,所以同学们一定要掌握。


Paper代写:Global context

2018-08-28 17:36:52 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Global context讨论了全球化语境。语言文化的接触和融合是历史的必然,是不以任何人的意志为转移的。随着经济的发展,全球一体化进程的加速以及生产力的进步和科技手段的提高,接触和融合现象将越来越普遍,接触和融合将是语言文化发展不可抗拒和不可逆转的趋势。全球化语境下语言文化的接触和融合势不可挡,我们要有主动创新接触和融合的意识。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Outside academic circles in recent years, my colleagues on the Chinese and culture, tend to focus on the differences, find the difference, from starting in the early 1980 s of the cross-cultural communication research in China and the rise of language and culture contrast research in China in recent years, more research is in the process of intercultural communication and comparison of differences in language and culture, the focus of the study was to compare personality characteristics of language and culture between east and west, and they reflect in the language communication, a large number of significant academic achievements have been made. However, with the continuous deepening of exchanges between China and foreign countries in recent years, we also find that the contact and integration of language and culture are constantly emerging, which is also reflected in the language, such as greetings, referential language, polite language and so on. We study differences to narrow differences, promote communication, and increase understanding. The result of convergence and diversity is that they enrich each other. It can be said that contact and integration is the general trend and inevitable result of cultural development in the context of globalization.

"Chinese is a language, and so are English and Japanese," said Mr. Ma in his introduction to grammar studies. Since they are all languages, there must be commonalities; since it is a different language, it has its own personality. Therefore, when studying Chinese grammar, we should properly deal with the relationship between Chinese and other languages, that is, we should correctly deal with the relationship between the individuality of Chinese grammar and the commonness between the two languages. The right attitude, he argues, is to "pay attention to commonality and also to national characteristics". The language of each nation not only has its own characteristics, but also has common features. This is an internal condition that we must pay attention to when we examine the contact and integration of language and culture. Language is the carrier of culture. Human social culture has some common features, such as kinship relationship and hierarchy concept. The ability and process of perceiving the world and recognizing the world derived from human psychology are also similar. Therefore, it is reflected in language. Every language has the basic concept categories of affirmation, negation, time and place. In fact, the study of language universality is also a common phenomenon in the development of modern linguistics. Contemporary formalist linguistics and functional linguistics are based on the emphasis on universality. Even the hot research on intercultural communication and language and culture comparison is based on the common features, and studies on differences and personalities. In a sense, this research difference and personality is for narrowing differences and opposites, and serves the common research.

Fusion is not a rejection of opposites, but a complement to each other. Fusion is not assimilation, not pure input and output, but a kind of mutual reference, including contact and understanding. The ultimate goal is development. In today's world, as a result of increasingly frequent cultural and commercial exchanges, along with the development of science and technology and unprecedented frequency of human exchanges, the international common language is spreading more and more rapidly. The contact and integration between the east and the west have already been deeply rooted in people's minds and become the mainstream day by day. The American scholar huntington's theory of "the clash of civilizations" has gradually lost its voice, while the dialogue theory of civilizations advocated by Mr. Du weiming has become increasingly vocal, reflecting the contact, development and integration of modern world civilizations and the co-existence and co-prosperity of civilizations. Integration is more to see the common characteristics of various cultures towards goodness and beauty, which brings us tolerance, absorption and progress. In this sense, the contact and integration of language and culture is more worth discussing than differences and opposites.

It is an important means for the survival and development of each national language and culture to contact and integrate foreign language and culture, and to realize the diversity of each national language and culture in the interactive process of contact and integration. According to the view of system theory, language and culture is an open system. To develop their own language and culture, any nation must critically inherit the essence of traditional language and culture, and take this as the foundation of national language and culture development. However, simply inheriting the essence of traditional language and culture, while refusing to accept the excellent elements of foreign language and culture, it is also difficult for national language and culture to get better development. Because the language and culture of any nation does not exist in isolation, but takes place in the broad context of world culture. Only by consciously accepting foreign language culture, absorbing and integrating its essence in the contact with foreign language culture, and absorbing, transforming, adapting and innovating, can we greatly enrich and develop the traditional language culture of our nation.

Historically, it is common for one nation to absorb and integrate the language and culture of another. For example, in the history of cultural exchange between Chinese and foreign languages, there were the contact and fusion with buddhist culture in the han and tang dynasties, the contact and integration with modern capitalist culture from the late qing dynasty to the May 4th movement, and the all-around contact and integration with the world after the reform and opening up. The contact and integration of these languages and cultures makes the world's cultures more colorful, thus promoting people's language and culture communication more widely and frequently. Moreover, the human mind always needs to communicate and understand each other, and the human curiosity and thirst for knowledge need to constantly expand to the outside world, in order to be satisfied. In addition, the development of human language and culture needs to draw inspiration and reference from the diversity of language and heterogeneous culture, which is a necessary inner impulse in the communication of human language and culture. However, the current trend of cultural globalization opens up a broad prospect for the transformation of the inner impulse into the targeted activity.

Of course, in the process of language and culture contact, conflict - tolerance - integration is a few necessary stages in the process of heterogeneous language cultural contact. Any culture has its conservative nature and exclusiveness, and often has some kind of resistance to foreign culture. Therefore, foreign culture often needs to adapt to some requirements of the original culture and attach to the original culture, among which the parts close to the original culture are easier to spread, and then the different parts gradually infiltrate into the original culture and play a role, thus having an impact on the original culture. The process of cultural contact and integration is at the same time a process of gradual adjustment of cultural mindset to realize the two-way selection of culture and mutual change and adaptation, which may eventually achieve the convergence and integration of two different cultures under the premise of maintaining national characteristics.

The contact and integration of language and culture are in general trend, which is determined by many factors, such as politics, economy, science and technology development level. At the same time, the language and culture values of language and culture workers also play a very important role in the contact and integration of language and culture. However, in the whole process of language and culture development, the complementation and interaction between different languages and cultures is an eternal intrinsic motivation.

The contact and integration of language and culture is a historical inevitability, which cannot be transferred by anyone's will. With the development of economy, the acceleration of global integration process, the progress of productivity and the improvement of scientific and technological means, contact and integration will become more and more common, and contact and integration will be an irresistible and irreversible trend of language and culture development.

Firstly, contact and integration is the requirement of language and culture development. Any language culture has its advantages, but it is not completely self-sufficient. In the process of contact and communication with the outside world, it develops its own defects. This needs to learn from the strengths and absorb. Secondly, the contact and integration of language and culture is the need for the development of social life. In order to adapt to the rapidly developing objective world, it is necessary to have new vocabulary and new ideas to express and reflect these phenomena.

Since the contact and integration of language and culture in the context of globalization is irresistible, we, who are engaged in the study of language and culture, should have the awareness of actively innovating to welcome contact and integration so as to promote contact and integration when paying close attention to the language life. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the study of the integration of Chinese and foreign languages and cultures. In fact, due to the rapid development of modern society, because the culture can't be closed, but open, the different national cultural differences affect each other, communicate with each other, teach each other, must produce subtle cultural fusion phenomenon, this is the eternal inner vitality of cultural development of different national language, is also a language culture irresistible and irreversible trend of development. The communication, integration and differences between Chinese and western languages and cultures are always accompanied by the "obvious" differences and "latent" integration. It is difficult to determine their respective components in the language and culture communication. Fusion and understanding, just like the spring wind rain, moistening things silent. In the communication between Chinese and western languages and cultures, we should not only focus on the differences and opposites, but also look for the common points and similarities, and try to create opportunities that fit.


Essay代写:Modern international relations

2018-08-28 17:22:21 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Modern international relations,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了近代国际关系格局。国际关系格局,指的是在一定时期内,国际上各种基本力量对比所形成的相对稳定的结构和体系。随着大国之间政治、军事、经济力量对比的变化,国际关系格局也会随之调整,乃至彻底改变。当今世界政治格局的多极化趋势,其根源在于世界经济力量结构的多极化。

After the opening of the new shipping routes, the economic development and colonial expansion of Western Europe promoted the emergence and development of capitalism, and the center of international relations began to form in Europe. Has accelerated the process of the industrial revolution, the industrial revolution created a huge productivity, has brought great changes in the social appearance: capitalism eventually overcome feudalism, was the first to complete the western capitalist countries of the industrial revolution gradually establish a rule of the world, the world formed the advanced western and eastern backward situation. The second technological revolution aggravated the imbalance of economic and political development in the capitalist world, and challenged Europe's economic status as the center of international relations, which was surpassed by the United States. The Spanish-American war and Russo-Japanese war opened the prelude to the challenge of European superiority. The struggle between European powers led to the first world war and "weakened European hegemony" to some extent. This weakening is mainly reflected in the declining status of European powers in the capitalist economic system, the declining control over the colonies and the unprecedented impact on the rule of the bourgeoisie.

After world war I, the changes in the balance of power between the imperialist countries made the struggle for world hegemony between them change from the two military groups to the victorious five allied powers -- Britain, France, America, Japan and Italy. On a global scale, the Anglo-American struggle is the principal contradiction; In Europe, the antagonism between Britain and France is severe. In the asia-pacific region, the conflict between Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom is dominated by the struggle between Japan and the United States. From the battlefield to the negotiating table of the peace conference, the imperialist powers held the Paris peace conference and the Washington conference successively. In the struggle for supremacy, the European powers maintained their dominant position for the time being and frustrated the United States' ambition to control the league of nations and dominate the world. At the same time, European powers also recognized the strengths of the United States and Japan's special status in the asia-pacific region. Through these two international conferences, the imperialist powers established the versailles-washington system. The Versailles - Washington system is a new imperialist international order that divides the sphere of influence and the world based on strength. It completed the adjustment of the relations between the great powers after the first world war, but did not change the basic pattern of the exploitation and oppression of the vast backward countries and regions by the capitalist countries. Since this system cannot eliminate the contradictions between the imperialist countries, it cannot be sustained for a long time. Lenin once pointed out that the entire international system and international order maintained by the treaty of Versailles was built on the crater.

The struggle within European countries not only weakened their own advantages, but also accelerated the transfer of the center of international relations to the us-soviet bipolar structure. In the Versailles system, there are two kinds of contradictions among the European imperialist countries: the franco-german contradiction is the main contradiction between the victorious and defeated countries; The contradiction between Britain and France is the main contradiction between the victors fighting for the hegemony of European continent. At the beginning of the post-war period, the two pairs of contradictions were mainly the contradiction between Britain and France. The UK was in a proactive position on the issues of alliance and defense, reparations and European security, and the balance of power policy was won. The dollar became the key to Germany's and Europe's economic recovery, deepening Europe's reliance on the United States while strengthening its economic ties. Germany benefits.

In the 1930s, Germany went on the path of fascism under the impact of economic crisis. The contradiction between fascist force and capitalist democratic force rose to the main one, which eventually led to the outbreak of world war ii. After that, the traditional European powers, Britain, France, Germany, were either weakened or defeated; America became the hegemon of the capitalist world; The Soviet union was the only country that could compete with the United States. As the conflict between the United States and the Soviet union became acute, international relations became increasingly tense. Based on the Yalta conference, the post-war bipolar pattern finally replaced the europe-centered pattern of international relations. The second world war played a decisive role in completing the transfer of the world centre for international relations.

The cold war was a contest of strength between the socialist Soviet union and the capitalist United States. After world war ii, the United States ranked first in economic and military strength. Its ambition to dominate the world was growing, but it had to face up to the increasingly powerful Soviet union and other socialist countries. Therefore, the United States led other western capitalist countries to take hostile actions against the Soviet union and other socialist countries by all means except armed attack to "curb" communism, namely the cold war policy. In the 1950s, when Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet union, he began to fight for equal status with the United States and tried to dominate the world together with the United States. The United States and the Soviet union began more than 30 years of struggle for supremacy.

In the 1990s, with the upheavals in eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet union, the two polar patterns of the United States and the Soviet union ceased to exist and the situation of "one super and many strong" was temporarily formed. The world political pattern was developing towards multi-polarization, but a new and relatively stable world pattern has not yet been formed.

After the cold war, the United States reformulated its global strategy in order to dominate the world and become a "world leader". The United States is trying to build a unipolar world dominated by the United States with its great power. America's attempt to create a unipolar world has been opposed by almost every country, including other western powers. Countries or national alliances such as the growing European Union, Japan, China and Russia. It has become an important force to contain the United States' hegemony in the world and promote the multipolarity of the world pattern.

The pattern of international relations refers to the relatively stable structure and system formed by various fundamental forces in the world in a certain period. As the balance of political, military and economic power between great powers changes, the pattern of international relations will adjust accordingly, and even completely change.

The multi-polarization trend of the world political pattern is rooted in the multi-polarization of the world economic power structure. As a whole, the European Union is striding forward on the road of integration, and its influence in global affairs is getting bigger and bigger. Japan has become the second largest economic power in the world and is working towards becoming a world political and military power. Russia, the main successor of the former Soviet union, actively carried out all-round diplomacy of east and west, devoted to revitalizing economy and restoring great power status. Since the reform and opening up, China has made remarkable achievements in economic construction, significantly increased its comprehensive national strength and played an increasingly important role in international affairs. After the unification of Germany, its comprehensive national strength increased greatly, and its gross national product greatly exceeded that of Britain and France. After overcoming difficulties, the economies of southeast Asia, Latin America and other regions tended to stabilize. India and Brazil also accelerated their development. These countries and regional groups have unanimously advocated that the world should develop towards multi-polarization, and their own growing strength and efforts of different levels have also promoted the development of the world pattern towards multi-polarization.

