


2018-08-27 17:11:44 | 日記








作业代写:Design behavior

2018-08-27 17:11:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Design behavior,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了设计行为。设计,其实是一种有目的的创作行为。对创作或创造进行预先的计划,可以把任何造物活动的设想理解为设计。而空间设计,则是在完成指定使用功能的前提下,设计能满足人们的审美需求,并能加以实施的艺术创作活动。

All design is a purposeful act of creation. It is a pre-planned creation or creation that can be understood as a design for any creational activity. Spatial design is an artistic creation activity that meets people's aesthetic needs and can be implemented under the premise of completing the designated functions.

To complete a specific space design, the first thing to do is to collect and analyze the specific situation, discuss the space use, nature, planning, conceiving and positioning, and record them in the form of copywriting. To accomplish a systematic goal, design efficient, sustainable and affordable space. This activity process -- formed our "space design plan".

Space design plan should include: clear the main or the user's requirements, design orientation and material, the reasonable construction technology, the design refinement and assign tasks to the appropriate team, demand analysis and design process of the resources, clear responsibilities and obligations of each department and make design process and schedule of work coordination between departments.

The spatial design plan is the concrete summary of the design project, the planning of the design program, and an important link before drawing the design drawing after the spatial design project is confirmed. The key points are: fully understand the requirements of the owner, understand the investment of the project, make clear the nature of space use, the task and time of the decoration design, the style orientation of the design, the location of the project and the surrounding architectural style environment, etc.

On the basis of collecting and collating the project information, a database is established to analyze the space and make the design plan. Design planning should rely on experienced interior designers, engineers, materials, market planning professionals, management team of professionals, relying on collective wisdom, through mutual incentive mechanism, make a design proposal to the maximum extent, focused professional opinions from all sides, and the rationality of the maximum.

The focus of the course "design plan" is to ask the students to think and solve various problems in the project in a comprehensive, multi-angle and multi-dimensional way. But -- because of the students' life experience, it is difficult for them to have a comprehensive contact with engineering design, such as a bank savings point or a restaurant, and students are not familiar with their work process, which is crucial for design work.

In order to break through the difficulties and grasp the key points, I first organized targeted students to conduct field visits to local supermarkets, fast-food restaurants and tea houses. According to a group of 5 students, a temporary decoration company was formed. Temporary decoration company collective implementation by the teacher set investigation tasks; and each of the students has their own research focus. For example, the materials clerk; the emphasis is on the inspection of material properties, types, specifications and USES. The builder; the emphasis is on construction technology, auxiliary materials, concealed engineering materials and construction equipment. Budget member; Collect rational, price and comparison data. Designers; Focus on the color, texture, texture and psychological feeling of materials. Qualitative check member; Collect certificates related to materials and pay attention to environmental index and fire rating.

Students should pay attention to civilization and safety, go deep into the material market and construction site, conduct market research, enable students to master relevant knowledge and write investigation reports in groups.

In view of the poor effect of classroom teaching in the past, I used the two teaching methods of "role transformation" and "scene simulation" simultaneously in this teaching organization. Through the teaching organization of "drawing joint examination", students are allowed to stand in the perspective of different majors, such as investors, in charge of examining the square price; The supervisor is responsible for reviewing the key points of safety and environmental protection; Manager, responsible for reviewing the coordination of space and workflow, designer, responsible for adjusting the design scheme.

The specific method is to organize five students to act as investors, managers, representatives of design companies, representatives of decoration supervision, and minutes of meetings, and sit down together for a meeting. Other students are divided into groups as the staff of each representative party to listen in the post. Students who listen in can hand their supplementary opinions to their own representatives in the form of a slip of paper. Teachers give hints flexibly and appropriately to give full play to students' learning initiative.

The student who serves as the recorder of the meeting; The first meeting of the decoration project of "so-and-so tea restaurant" was announced. The procedure of the meeting was for investors to introduce the investment status, managers to discuss business ideas, decoration companies to discuss design ideas, and supervisors to put forward the standard requirements of related industries.

First of all, the investor should outline the investment, such as the total amount of investment, sustainable development plan, the proportion of investment in equipment, decoration, advertisement and electric appliances, the time period of investment by stages and in batches, and the requirement of the return on investment.

Business managers talk about their business intention, style, variety, service peak position, level analysis of major customer groups, business area and non-business area allocation requirements.

Decorate a delegate to want to analyse the condition of investment square, talk about oneself decorate a conception, space to use, aesthetic style incline to, the harmonious with management style and culture element recommend, the plan of area and allocation are basic conception.

The representative of the supervisor shall put forward relevant professional requirements to the owner and the decoration representative regarding fire prevention, health, safety and traffic flow direction.

The following discussion time can be added by all parties. The teacher guides the student to think positively and brings into play the student's study autonomy. After a round of "meetings", the parties reached consensus, formed the meeting minutes and signed by the representatives. Through this teaching form, to achieve our teaching, learning, do the integrated teaching requirements.

The change of learning style is one of the goals of the new curriculum reform. Advocate independent learning, cooperative learning and inquiry learning, so that students can cultivate their scientific inquiry ability through investigation, analysis and discussion. The students take the group as the team, carry on the cooperative study, excavates the student's potential, arouses its enthusiasm and the initiative, raises the student independent study spirit and the team cooperation spirit; Such teaching activities, while improving the teaching content of the design plan, not only expose students to professional roles, but also familiarize students with typical business working environment, which is conducive to improving students' ability of harmonious communication with the society.


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2018-08-27 17:11:00 | 日記













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2018-08-27 17:10:41 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Internationalization讨论了国际化。国际化是一种与全球化既相联系又有区别的一种世界潮流和趋势,是以经济国际化为主并同时影响到政治、文化、社会生活各方面的综合性现象。其中经济国际化的核心内容是资源配置的国际化,包括贸易国际化、生产国际化以及与此相对应的政策、体制和技术标准的国际化等。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Internationalization is a world trend associated with globalization and an important trend in the development of China's relations with the world. Internationalization of the pioneer and focus on the internationalization of business operations.

The 17th national congress of the CPC required us to "fully understand the new situation and new tasks of further development of industrialization, informationization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization", "take a more conscious approach to scientific development, and strive to open up broader prospects for development of socialism with Chinese characteristics." The five "changes" mentioned here reveal the new trend of China's economic and social development. The "internationalization" among them is relatively new to many people, so it needs to be analyzed and interpreted in a deeper way.

The historical development of human society is a leap from necessity to freedom. In terms of extension, it is the process of human beings constantly expanding their range of activities, breaking through various limitations of nature and society, and moving from narrow national history to broad world history. With the contradictory movement of production methods, the continuous development of science and technology, and the continuous improvement of transportation and communication methods, the relations between countries and nations are getting closer and closer. It is during this historical process that the phenomenon of globalization develops day by day and finally becomes an indisputable fact in today's world. The notion of a small "global village" is a vivid description of the closeness of human relationships. Globalization has become a basic trend affecting the complex political, economic, cultural and social relations in today's world.

Internationalization is a kind of world trend and trend that is both related and different from this kind of globalization. It is a comprehensive phenomenon that mainly focuses on economic internationalization and affects political, cultural and social life at the same time. Economic internationalization refers to the process of economic development in which a country's economic development transcends national boundaries and the mutual connection and mutual penetration of other countries' economies constantly expands and deepens. The content of economic internationalization is very rich. Its core content is the internationalization of resource allocation, which mainly includes the internationalization of trade, capital, production and corresponding policies, institutions and technical standards.

Internationalization and globalization are in essence consistent with each other in terms of interconnection, mutual flow and mutual influence beyond national boundaries. However, globalization is broader in scope and higher in level. It focuses more on a global integration phenomenon that refers to various nations, countries and regions in the world, beyond economic, political, cultural differences and geographical segmentation, and tends to form a closely related and mutually restricted community. Like internationalization, the content of globalization itself should include economy, science and technology, politics, culture and other very extensive aspects, but the rapid development and outstanding is economic globalization. Therefore, generally speaking, globalization mainly refers to economic globalization. Economic globalization is a global economic link and integration phenomenon including market, capital flow, trade and information integration. As various factors of production flow around the world, the globalization of production, trade and finance is increasingly taking shape.

Therefore, economic internationalization refers to the process of integrating a relatively independent national economy into the international economy, and it reflects the approach and result of a relatively closed or limited open national economy towards a high degree of openness. Economic globalization is the process of forming a unified and closely linked economic operation system for most countries and regions of the world, and it is the development feature of a larger and more closely cooperative world economy. Economic internationalization is the prelude and foundation of economic globalization. Economic globalization is the result of the development of economic internationalization and its extension to the global scope. In a certain sense, it is the advanced stage of economic internationalization and the expression of the development of economic internationalization to a new height.

Every country in the world today is in the midst of the changes and trends of globalization, especially economic globalization. Only to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and actively respond and participate, is the best policy. However, different countries will participate in globalization in different ways, contents and degrees according to their own national conditions. Developing countries, in particular, generally deserve a process of gradual participation and adaptation. In this process of participation and adaptation, actively promoting the internationalization process is a realistic and progressive choice. Promoting internationalization in globalization and participating in globalization in internationalization. The two complement each other and together constitute an increasingly interconnected world.

China is the largest developing country in the world. The Chinese government has been opening to the outside world since 1978. After nearly 30 years, the pattern of all-round, multi-level and wide-range opening-up has been formed. China has become increasingly linked to the outside world. Both China and the world have achieved a level of dependency. China's development in the new century has been affected to a greater extent by the outside world and to a greater extent by the outside world. China's economy is increasingly having a major impact in the world. China's activities on the international stage have also been increasingly covering economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological, education, military and other aspects. Internationalization, especially economic internationalization, is an important trend in the development of China's relations with the world. This situation, highlighted now:

First, the scale of foreign trade is getting larger and larger. In 2005, China's total import and export trade reached 1422.1 billion us dollars, accounting for nearly 65% of China's GDP. In 2004, China's total import and export trade accounted for 6.2% of the world's trade volume, ranking third in the world and becoming a trading power second only to the United States and Germany. From January to September 2007, the total import and export value of China's foreign trade reached 1,570.834 billion us dollars.

Second, since the reform and opening up, China has absorbed over 750 billion us dollars of foreign direct investment, and over 60 billion us dollars of foreign direct investment from 2004 to 2006 for three consecutive years. Currently, 480 out of the world's top 500 multinational companies have invested in China, and more than 90 out of the world's top 100 industrial companies have invested in China. By the end of June 2006, 71 Banks in 21 countries and regions have set up 183 branches, 14 legal entities and 242 representative offices in China, among which 103 branches and 7 legal entities have been approved to operate RMB business.

Third, the "going out" strategy has achieved remarkable results. By the end of 2006, more than 5,000 domestic investors in China had set up nearly 10,000 foreign direct investment enterprises, with a cumulative net amount of us $90.63 billion, of which us $75.02 billion was non-financial, accounting for 82.8%, and us $15.61 billion was financial, accounting for 17.2%. In 2006, China's net foreign direct investment reached us $21.16 billion, of which us $17.63 billion was non-financial, accounting for 83.3 percent year-on-year growth of 43.8 percent and us $3.53 billion was financial, accounting for 16.7 percent. China's global ranking of outbound investment rose from 17th to 13th last year. At present, China's outbound investment has spread to 172 countries and regions around the world.

Fourth, more and more foreign personnel exchanges and flows. In 2005, there were 12.29 million arrivals, including 20.26 million from foreign countries and 10.3 million from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The number of domestic outbound visits reached 3.103 million, of which 25.14 million were for private purposes. Total international and domestic tourism revenue reached 768.6 billion yuan.

Fifth, cultural cooperation and exchanges are deepening. China has reached cultural agreements with more than 140 countries and signed about 700 annual cultural exchange programs. Each year, about 2,000 sino-foreign cultural exchange programs approved by the ministry of culture cover 60 to 70 countries and 30,000 people. The annual Shanghai international arts festival, Beijing international music festival and Beijing international drama festival have become major international cultural events attracting artists from all over the world. Some world-class art groups have come to China to perform.

Sixth, scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges continue to develop. China has established scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges with 152 countries and regions in the world, and signed intergovernmental agreements on scientific and technological cooperation or agreements on economic, trade and scientific and technological cooperation with 96 of them. China has joined more than 1,000 international scientific and technological cooperation organizations.

Between China and the world, in a sense, there is a kind of interdependence, I have you. We say that "China cannot develop without the world, and the world cannot develop without China". This is not only an economic reality, but also an increasingly high degree of "inseparable" in a wider range. China's national interests are no longer confined within its own borders, but are increasingly reflected in its links with the outside world, and more needs to be done to seek and safeguard its national interests. While China's development continues to be based on its own strength, it also needs to make greater use of international markets and resources and a more favorable external environment.

Since China's entry into wto, Chinese enterprises' internationalization management has achieved rapid development, and their internationalization level has been greatly improved. At the end of 2006, China's ofdi stock was $90.63 billion, distributed in 172 countries and regions. Non-financial outbound direct investment rose from $2.7 billion in 2002 to $17.63 billion in 2006, an average annual increase of 60 percent. According to unctad data, China ranked 18th in the world in terms of outbound investment in 2006, and became the fastest growing emerging fdi country. At present, the business scope of overseas chinese-funded enterprises has gradually expanded from trade, shipping and catering to production and processing, resource development, agricultural cooperation, research and development and consulting services. The mode of outward investment has also developed from the early establishment of the "window" to the investment and factory to drive transnational mergers and acquisitions, equity exchange, overseas listing, establishment of r&d centers, establishment of industrial parks, science and technology parks and other forms.

Chinese enterprises make full use of the favorable conditions of further opening up the markets of various countries and the great development of processing trade, and through overseas investment to set up factories, drive the export of our technology, equipment, products and services, which has changed our previous mode of relying mainly on the export of products.

Through overseas investment, Chinese enterprises transfer mature technologies and part of production capacity that are needed in other developing countries, which not only solves the needs of foreign markets, but also improves the industrial structure of China and host countries to achieve win-win results.

In recent years, one of the key points of international business is to strengthen cooperation in the development of overseas resources and energy and make new progress in making full use of international resources. China has established long-term cooperative relations with over 30 countries on resources and energy.

On the basis of international operation, the formation of China's multinational companies is accelerating. Through the implementation of international business strategy, the international competitiveness of enterprises is increasingly emerging, and the global competition, sales network is being built. In 2005, 16 Chinese companies were listed among the world's top 500 multinationals and 49 Chinese companies were listed among the world's top 225 international contractors.

Facts have proved that actively carrying out international business can learn from the modern business model of foreign enterprises. I can learn to introduce advanced foreign management methods and realize the optimal allocation of resources in the domestic and international scope. It can establish its own overseas marketing network through overseas investment cooperation and acquisition, change the situation of relying solely on foreign intermediaries, and create conditions for the establishment of product development, design and research and development system oriented to the international market.

As economic globalization continues to deepen and expand, a new round of international production factor reorganization and industrial transfer continues to accelerate. Our enterprise internationalization management faces the unprecedented opportunity, also is shouldering the new historical task. We should take the scientific development concept as the instruction, according to the needs of modernization construction in China, actively promote the "going out" and introduce to the coordinated development, speed up the overall level of improve enterprise international operation, promote to optimize the allocation of resources in the global scope, the formation of economic globalization under the conditions of participation in international competition and cooperation of new advantages.


Essay代写:China-Russia regional economic and trade cooperation

2018-08-27 16:58:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- China-Russia regional economic and trade cooperation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中俄区域经贸合作。近几年,中俄两国彼此之间的外贸总额占比都非常低,这与两个大国所拥有的经济规模和密切的政治关系很不相称。所以中俄两国应考虑加强区域合作,使经贸关系战略升级,从而促使中俄经贸向更大规模、更高层次迈进。其中加强与俄罗斯西伯利亚和远东地区的合作,是中俄经贸合作的当务之急,对中俄双方具有重要的战略意义。

At present, the economic and trade relations between China and Russia have been developing rapidly and the trade volume has been growing rapidly. The two sides should consider strengthening regional cooperation to upgrade their economic and trade relations so as to push the bilateral trade to a larger scale and higher level.

In the 21st century, the economic and trade relations between China and Russia have grown rapidly after years of stagnation. Compared with the total trade volume between China and Russia to present gradually rise, Russia continued growth in China's foreign trade share of total but had no obvious change, in recent years, Russia's share in the total amount of China's foreign trade has been around 2%, total trade volume between China and Russia in the total import and export of foreign trade in Russia also occupies less than 6%. This is not commensurate with the size of the economies of the two great powers and their close political ties. China and Russia should consider strengthening regional cooperation to upgrade their economic and trade relations, so as to push the bilateral trade to a larger scale and higher level.

Russia is rich in natural resources. Its Siberian and far eastern regions are extremely rich in oil reserves and natural gas. The vast majority of Russia's mineral resources are distributed in Siberia and the far east region, which contains over 80% of all known mineral resources in Russia. Russia is also the world's largest forest resource.

Russia covers an area of 17,077,300 square kilometers and is rich in land resources. Vast flat plains and lowlands account for 70% of its land area, 210 million hectares of agricultural land takes up 23.8% of its land area, among which 130 million hectares of cultivated land takes up 10% of the world's cultivated land, and 50% of its cultivated land is arable black soil. Russia's per capita arable land is 0.84 hectares, about nine times that of China.

Russia and its technological potential remain world-class. According to the information disclosed by Russia and European and American countries, many fields of basic science and technology in Russia, such as aerospace technology, biotechnology, nuclear physics and new materials, are advanced in the world. Although in recent years due to social unrest and economic crisis, especially the state funding of science and technology research is greatly reduced, and a large number of high-tech talent outflow, science and technology is weakened, but Russia is still the world's science and technology power, compared with western countries, Russia's science and technology thought and research methods have their own characteristics and innovation of the original content.

China has outstanding advantages in labor supply. First of all, China has a huge labor force. According to the national bureau of statistics, China's economically active population was about 780 million in 2005, of which about 760 million were employed. Thirdly, in recent years, China's per capita income has been greatly improved by education level, and people's market awareness has been continuously enhanced. China's rich and high-quality labor force will provide strong guarantee for the extreme shortage of labor force in Siberia and the far east of Russia.

As a large agricultural country, China has a large population of farmers. Compared with the limited land, China has extremely rich labor resources. Therefore, China's labor-intensive agricultural products, such as fruits and vegetables, are highly competitive.

Compared with Russia, China has invested more in applied research. For example, in terms of industrial technology, the textile, food, light chemical and household appliance industries have relatively high level, forming our traditional technical advantages in some industries. It is the characteristic and weakness of Russian science and technology to emphasize research and development. A large number of research achievements in Russia have encountered difficulties in transformation and production. China can selectively introduce some existing scientific and technological achievements.

China-Russia strategic cooperative partnership has entered a stage of sound development. With the further enhancement of political mutual trust and the continuous increase of common strategic interests, the economic and cultural cooperation between China and Russia is bound to enter a new stage of all-round development. Specifically, the development direction of China-Russia economic cooperation mainly focuses on the following areas.

China's oil and gas consumption market is huge in the future. Since 1993, when China became a net oil importer, China's demand for imported oil and gas is increasing. The total oil import volume has already exceeded 100 million tons. Russia has very rich oil and gas resources, and most of them are distributed in Siberia and the far east near the border of China. At present, over 70% of Russia's oil and gas industry comes from Siberia, which lays a foundation for the cooperation between China and Russia in the development of oil and gas resources.

In the 21st century, the international market demand for timber and timber products has increased dramatically, which provides a market index for the development of China-Russia forestry cooperation. It can be seen from the trade flow of forest products that in developing countries, China is the largest importer of forest products and a net importer of forest products. The Russian government regards the development of forest resources as an important part of the revitalization of eastern social economy. However, the lack of labor force in Russia's far east has seriously affected the development and utilization of forest resources, and it is urgent to introduce foreign investment and labor to cooperate. In this regard, China, with its forest cutting technology and strength, especially its abundant labor force, has considerable advantages.

China and Russia have strong agricultural advantages and complementarities. In the long run, with the adjustment of production structure, China is bound to import more grain from the international market. However, no matter in history or now, Russia is famous for its small population and more land. Therefore, the long-term agricultural cooperation between China and Russia can greatly alleviate the pressure caused by China's decreasing farmland area, water shortage and increasing population.

For the Russian government to revitalize the economy, especially to exploit the vast areas of Siberia and the abundant natural resources, it has become an urgent problem to import large amounts of labor from abroad. For China, the growing population in general, especially the employment pressure, will be a long-term social problem. The ability to export labor force to Russia on a large scale can not only effectively alleviate the domestic employment pressure and maintain social stability, but also create a large amount of foreign exchange for the country.

For more than 10 years since its independence, Russia has not been able to get rid of the framework of the economic and industrial structure of the Soviet union. The proportion of agriculture is out of proportion for a long time. The development of light industry, textile industry and food industry lags behind relatively. In consumer goods and food production in China has great advantage and competitiveness, in order to protect the interests of domestic producers, while Russia has taken a variety of tariff and non-tariff measures to limit the import of foreign products, but our country can adopt the method of investment cooperation factory, processing trade and assembling trade, production of textiles, garments, light industry products and household appliances and other consumer goods and food. This mode of cooperation can not only avoid the high tariff and non-tariff barriers imposed by Russia on China's export products, but also drive the export of China's production equipment and related products, improve the livelihood of local people and promote the economic development of the far east region.

Strengthening cooperation with Siberia and the far east region of Russia is an urgent task for China-Russia economic and trade cooperation and has important strategic significance for both sides. For China, it is a strategic choice to carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation with Russia in Siberia and the far east from the perspective of consolidating the strategic partnership between China and Russia, as well as stabilizing the northern border of China, developing the economy of the northeast region and realizing the diversification of China's energy sources.

