


2018-08-10 17:08:37 | 日記





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作业代写:Italian Renaissance art

2018-08-10 17:07:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Italian Renaissance art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了意大利文艺复兴时期的美术。文艺复兴时期威尼斯在许多宗教题材的美术作品中都出现了浓郁的世俗化色彩,画面上追求欢快、激情和狂热的调子。文艺复兴时期的绘画以其活泼、旺盛的人文精神,冲击着刻板、冷漠而沉郁的宗教灵魂,以其鲜明的人性形象取代了呆板的宗教形象,形成了西方绘画历史上人文主义艺术的一个高峰。

During the Renaissance, Venice appeared a strong secular color in many art works with religious themes, and the painting was in pursuit of joy, passion and fanaticism. Many great painters appeared during this period, including leonardo Da Vinci, titian, giorgione, Michelangelo and so on. They formed a unique style of painting in the region, called the Venetian school.

The Renaissance was an ideological revolution launched by the emerging bourgeoisie in response to the revival of the people-oriented scientific culture in ancient Greece and Rome, which was stifled by religion in the middle ages. The manuscripts salvaged from the fall of Byzantium, the ancient statues unearthed from the ruins of Rome, reappear the glorious images of that era. "Go back to Greece". In fact, the new bourgeoisie's call for the dead of ancient Greece is not to rebuild the culture of slavery, but to borrow the art of science, philosophy and humanism which is beneficial to the needs of the bourgeoisie. It was to borrow their names, battle slogans, and coats, so that they could wear the long-revered garments and, in the borrowed language, perform new scenes of modern world history. As the descendant of ancient Rome, Italy is the direct successor of ancient Greek and Roman culture.

First, we will learn about the art background of Italian Renaissance. Italy lies between Europe and the east, and Indian and Oriental objects flow to Europe through Italy, stimulating its commercial development. Eight Crusades between 1921 and 1906 promoted the development of the Venetian economy. On the other hand, the weakening of the aristocracy formed the merchant class. And the 13th century excavated ancient Greek sculpture, learning and understanding of its methods, is the beginning of the Renaissance. At the same time, the empire was invaded and artists and scholars fled to Florence with books and Greek art. In this way Italy formed a unique artistic background.

A number of painters and masterpieces emerged in those days, including lottobe giorgione and titian, both painters of the same Venetian school. Religious myth theme rich human characteristics, tone clear. These are the common characteristics of Venetian artists, and lotto is no exception. This painting shows the spiritual contrast between good and evil, beauty and ugliness. The woman is good and kind, while Christ is fair and just. It is the embodiment of truth, virtue and beauty. Around the crowd of beauty and ugliness, good and evil coexistence.

Da ? finch is the greatest representative of the Renaissance, as we all know his representative works have "Mona Lisa", for his understanding as the ideal of beauty. What is amazing about this painting is the natural vividness of the character. She seems to be watching us, but there seems to be a hint of sadness in her faint smile. Da ? Vinci cleverly balance the relationship between accuracy and savings, make work lasting appeal is boundless. He used the "air perspective method" very carefully to make the body natural and gentle, eliminate the previous work's abrupt feeling, create the hazy, implicit and subtle moving state, embody a kind of humanistic spirit, and show the return of human nature. In addition, there is his "the last supper", which is a large picture on the wall of the dining hall of Gracie monastery. It is neat, balanced and full of changes. No matter from the perfect conception to the compact plot, the typical characterization of characters and the proficiency of expression techniques, it can be regarded as the representative of the painter's art. It is also one of the best paintings of mankind, which made Da Vinci famous.

Raphael was an Italian painter, outstanding and ? Vinci, Michelangelo and Renaissance art scene three jie. The Sistine Madonna was painted by the painter Raphael at the age of 33, using egg colors to paint this Madonna, using caves as Settings for the virgin child. Raphael's the school of Athens in the lobby of the majestic ZhuangLi, gathering together the star human wisdom, they are different age, different nationalities, different regions, different schools of prominent scholar, thinker, ancient and modern cohabit, free academic discussion warmly, is permeated with an atmosphere of schools of thought contend, condenses the essence of human wisdom genius.

Michelangelo's acceptance of the engraving, at the time of savonarola's crucifixion in the church, shook his mind deeply, and he decided to inject his compassion and reverence into the eternal stone. He returned to Florence in 1501 and spent four years finishing the world-famous David. In 1508, he returned to Rome under orders to complete the famous ceiling mural of the Sistine chapel in four years and five months. In 1513, the papal mausoleum was restored and Michelangelo wrote the famous Moses, the bound slave and the dying slave.

Giotto's "running away from Egypt" is full of worldly humanity. Botticelli's spring contains a trepidation about reality. Sanmei seems to be dancing under orders, the feeling of a show, the audience did not understand. "The last judgment" is the traditional subject matter of the bible, and the painting with this theme must be decorated in the church, which advocates karma; After death every good man goes to heaven, and every evil man to hell. This is a grand and magnificent picture designed by Michelangelo.

The works of the Renaissance embodied humanism: advocated individual liberation, advocated individual freedom, and opposed the medieval asceticism and religious views; Advocate science and culture, oppose obscurantism, get rid of the shackles of the church on people's thought; Affirm human rights, oppose theocracy, and reject all authority and traditional dogma as the basis of theology and scholasticism.

Renaissance art extolled the beauty of the human body, advocated that the human body proportion was the most harmonious proportion in the world, and applied it to architecture. A series of paintings, though still themed on religious stories, showed scenes of ordinary people, pulling god to the ground.

The Renaissance had great historical significance. It originated in Italy in the 15th century and reached its peak in Italy. Then it spread to countries such as the Netherlands, France, Germany, Britain and Spain and swept across Europe. Renaissance painting, with its lively, healthy and vigorous humanistic spirit, struck the rigid, cold and gloomy religious soul, and replaced the rigid religious image with its distinctive human image, forming a peak of humanistic art in the history of western painting. The Renaissance was a profound ideological liberation movement under the banner of humanism. It has a great influence on the western painting art and even the whole art field.


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Assignment代写:Artistic expression in photographic art

2018-08-10 17:06:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Artistic expression in photographic art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了摄影艺术中的意境表现。摄影艺术是一种通过不同的图案、色彩等给人们心理和精神上冲击的艺术表现形式。为了达到更高的摄影水平,摄影艺术者不仅仅要拥有过人的拍照水平,还需要在意境的构图和思想要达到一定的高度,只有这样摄影艺术中的意境才能更好的体现出来。意境之美的体现是摄影作品的巅峰体现,但是意境都需要情和景的相互结合,达到一种情景交融的现象。

With the continuous improvement of living standards and the continuous improvement of people's spiritual pursuit, people's pursuit of beauty gradually appeared, which promoted the development of photography art. Different from other art forms. Photography can give people a great visual and psychological enjoyment. Therefore, the expression of artistic conception in photography art is endowed with greater artistic value by more and more photographers. In order to achieve higher skills of photography, photography art, not only have great photo level also need in the artistic conception of the composition and ideas to achieve a certain height, only in this way can we better imagery in photography art, to emotion in the works and is good to light, color and composition of a picture will be reflect the important way of artistic conception. In this paper, how to present the artistic conception, its form and related problems and how to improve the artistic conception are analyzed.

With the continuous improvement of living standards and people's spiritual pursuit, people's pursuit of the beauty of photography art has also been improved. Photography is a form of artistic expression that gives people psychological and spiritual impact through different patterns, colors, composition, etc. The embodiment of aesthetic conception in photography art needs to integrate aesthetic emotion. Only in this way can we better show the importance of artistic conception in photography art. There are many interpretations of artistic conception, but each artistic conception requires the combination of emotion and scene to achieve a phenomenon of scene integration. However, in the photography art, the photographer should pay attention to the aesthetic factors such as color, illumination and composition in the actual shooting process, as well as add his own rich emotions, which can better reflect the beauty of artistic conception in the photography art.

Photography originated from France. With the development of time, it gradually spread to China from western countries, which is the source of photography art. The discovery and embodiment of artistic conception in photographic art is very important to the mass photographic artists. In photographic art, the value of artistic conception is mainly expressed through "meaning" and "context". People interpret and reshape art through creativity, intention and awareness. In the actual photography art, the photographer should dare to integrate his own emotions into his shooting skills, so that all kinds of images of the objective world can be shown in the photography works, so that every photographer has a shooting work that conforms to his own characteristics. This process is mainly the expression of his intention. The "environment" in the photographic art expresses a kind of limitation and place, and also expresses the abstract development status. Photography artists need to integrate their rich thoughts with the beautiful scene in the lens, so as to make excellent photography works.

Photography art is called art because of its artistic expression of objective reality. A photographic work without artistic expression is not a good photographic work. For photographers, it is an important way to embody artistic conception to give rich emotions and excellent light, color and composition.

In the photographic art, the vast number of photographic artists to explore the artistic conception, are faced with many problems. In the shooting of beginners, they only show the images they see with the real representation of the camera, but they ignore the design composition and re-creation of the photography works. Therefore, these works are not good works, lack of vitality and vitality, and there is no artistic expression in the photography works. Therefore, for beginners to improve their photography level, they need to pay attention to the integration of the sense of form and rhythm in the process of photography, so as to obtain the vitality and vitality of the photography and reflect the artistic conception. The way of shooting has a very important influence on photography. This is the premise of photography. However, many beginners do not have a comprehensive understanding of the camera's functions, shutter speed, aperture and sensitivity. At the same time, the accumulation of basic knowledge of professional cameras is also very important for good photographic works. The texture of the image is influenced by the tone, composition and photographers' understanding of beauty. Therefore, in the actual shooting, do not use the automatic shooting function of the camera, which requires the photographer to set the shutter, aperture and sensitivity boldly according to his own requirements, and shoot with different shooting methods. The selection and control of images have a very important influence on the shooting. In the actual shooting, the completion of a piece of work is done in an instant, and many beginners lack relevant laws of composition. Therefore, in the actual shooting process, beginners should be extremely relevant to the composition of the design, creation of a bold attempt.

Photography art is all hope to find in continuous shooting a conform to the characteristics of film technology, so as to keep breakthrough yourself, and his works unique display, through the different design techniques in the process of filming and photography way, make works more vivid and flexible, increase the creativity of this picture is critical. Combining various photography techniques to deepen the texture of the picture, and then paying attention to the expression form of photography works, we can further deepen the picture sense through the post-processing, and create a kind of artistic conception with visual impact. Photography artists should make bold attempts in the process of shooting, and use different shooting methods and composition methods to truly reveal the beauty of artistic conception. The expression of emotion is the soul of a good work, which is the best form of artistic expression. Therefore, the emotional expression of each excellent work is crucial. The integration of thoughts and emotions can be a two-way transformation to show the scene and art style, and also can highlight the art and beauty of the picture. The emotional integration can better integrate the scene and trigger the emotional resonance of the visitors. In the interpretation of photography works, different people have different understandings of beauty, and everyone will have their own experience, which is actually the embodiment of the charm of photography art. Therefore, everyone in the photography experience is not the same. In the creation of works, subjectivity dominates. Therefore, in future visits, visitors will integrate their own emotions into the works. Through the exploration of different forms of beauty, the emotions of the appreciators and photographers will be resonated, and the artistic conception of beauty will be transmitted to each other. Therefore, the expression of each excellent work should not be too straightforward. It needs to give visitors the space to imagine, so that the artistic conception of photography art can be better reflected.

With the continuous improvement of living standards and people's spiritual pursuit, people's pursuit of the beauty of photography art has also been improved. Photography is a form of artistic expression that gives people psychological and spiritual impact through different patterns, colors, composition, etc. The embodiment of aesthetic conception in photography art needs to integrate aesthetic emotion. Only in this way can we better show the importance of artistic conception in photography art. In order to achieve higher photography skills, photographers should not only have excellent photography skills, but also need to achieve a certain height in artistic composition and thoughts. Only in this way can the artistic conception of photography be better reflected. The beauty of artistic conception is the peak of photography, but artistic conception needs the combination of emotion and scene to achieve a phenomenon of scene integration. The beauty of artistic conception also gives photography more artistic value.


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Paper代写:Plato's idea of governance

2018-08-10 17:04:12 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Plato's idea of governance讨论了柏拉图的治国理念。柏拉图是古希腊的贵族,是一个浪漫的理想主义者,崇尚“哲学王”的治国理念。但由于当时的社会现实,他的理想遭受到了前所未有的打击乃至破灭。在第一等的理想治理方式之外,他不得不寻求第二等好的治国方式,《法律篇》则是这种思考的结晶,一种从理想到法律的探试。在这种探求法律之治的模式中,立法作为最重要的前提,柏拉图作出了许多尝试。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

After the collapse of the ideal reign mode of "philosophical king", Plato pursued legalized governance and hoped to govern the city state through formulating good laws. This is the biggest shift in his thinking from the republic to the law. He pursued the rule of city-states under the rule of law, legislated for the good of city-states, and established the authority of city laws. He aspired to legislation that embodied "virtue", which should represent the interests of the public, and should pay attention to the leading role of education before legislation. Under the cultivation of education, talents under the law will pay attention to the good and pursue virtue, restrain and restrain their behaviors, and the legislation will exert the greatest effect.

Plato was an aristocrat of ancient Greece at that time, a romantic idealist who advocated the governing philosophy of "king of philosophy" and hoped to achieve the ideal degree of national governance through a philosopher with rationality, wisdom and many good qualities. His highest ideal, the philosopher should be a statesman, the statesman should be a philosopher. A philosopher is not a book in an ivory tower. He should apply what he has learned to practice. Those who have a philosophical mind should have a political power, and those who have a political power should have a philosophical mind. However, seeing the social turmoil in Athens after the defeat of peloponnesian war, Socrates, the most respected teacher, was executed for his words, and the political corruption in Sicily and other places, Plato faced these social realities, and his ideals suffered unprecedented shock and even disillusionment. In addition to the first class ideal governance, he had to seek the second class good governance. The law chapter is the crystallization of this thinking, a probe from the ideal to the law. In this mode of inquiry into the rule of law, legislation as the most important premise, Plato made many attempts. In the analysis of the legislative model, we find that many design and legislative ideas are very useful to the current legal construction.

Plato benefited greatly from the bumpy experiences of his life and was most influenced by Socrates. In his writings, Plato hoped to establish an idealized city-state by pursuing the goodness of soul. Plato's life is full of contradictions, and his ruling idea of "king of philosophy" in the face of cruel social reality is just a mirage. With the completion of the chapter of law, many scholars believe that Plato returned to the world from heaven and transitioned from the rule of man to the rule of law. Only by the rule of law can a country have the hope of becoming better. When we read Plato's entire book, we can easily find that he has a basic foothold in the unfolding of all problems, that is, "god is omnipotent, god is good, divine governance is the best, worship god is what everyone should do, should not have any slack".

Therefore, the author believes that the rule of law based on Plato's "divine will" should not be simply defined as the "rule of law" in the modern sense. All the legal discourses in the legal text are carried out around the purposes and ideas of "god" and how people guess the divine will. These laws govern a country for the sake of better access to god. Under the basic argument of advocating "god is omnipotent", it is inaccurate to simply apply "rule of man" and "rule of law" to study Plato's legal thoughts. Because Plato's rule of man is the rule of wisdom, the rule of truth, not the rule of man's desire in the real sense, which is the philosopher's rule that Plato pursues.

For this reason, we should be clear, no matter what kind of governance purpose Plato wishes to achieve and what kind of governance mode he will adopt, this is a basic human being used to purify and honor the soul, and the final node of refuge will fall on the omnipotent god. Under the influence of this serious religious color and the ideological system of pursuing natural law, it is meaningless to discuss Plato's interest in governing the country and argue whether the rule of law is more or more "rule of man". However, this does not mean that discussion of Platonic rule of law is meaningless. Throughout the book, we can still see a lot of creative descriptions about legislation, which undoubtedly has a guiding and referential effect on our current legislation.

Legislation is one of the most important precursory issues that Plato talked about in the legal chapter. Plato put forward many ideas and ideas, and constructed many specific legal systems based on social life, involving marriage, family, education, criminal law, religion, civil relations and other aspects. As Plato pointed out, social life and interpersonal communication require the regulation of laws. Although "honesty" is the most precious thing in everyone's soul, no one will voluntarily put the evil things such as crime into the most valuable thing of soul and get along with it. However, in the pursuit of wealth, people always infinitely enlarge some of their desires. Sometimes, we cannot make proper restraint and give up such interests, because self-control is not easy for everyone.

As the theoretical basis of legislation, we can see that Plato positioned human nature on the basis of "sexual evil". Although human soul is "good", all unjust things are what human beings are unwilling to do and go against their will. But the greatest evil of man's nature is that he will always forgive his own actions, even if they are wrong, and will not try to avoid them. In that case, the rule of the legislation is made for the recalcitrant as they refuse to accept the education. What lawmakers have to do is pass legislation that will subdue the desires that control humanity. A temperate life is a happy life, a happy life, and is in accord with human nature. When happiness is greater than pain, people will be happy, but excessive happiness is also painful, such life is also disharmonious, unhappy, the role of legislation is through the regulation of rules, people's behavior to moderate, thus leading a happy and harmonious life. Even so, some laws are made for the benefit of honest people, because they want to live a friendly life, and the laws can teach them the rules of human interaction they must follow.

Therefore, we can see that legislation is not only to regulate the evil, but also to protect the good. Plato therefore proposed that the goal of legislation was to enable the people of the city to live a harmonious and moderate life. This is because, according to Plato, only this life was the happiest for the people of the city. Later, Rousseau inherited and developed the Plato that why a legislative interpretation, also claims that legislation must, in order to extract the people the greatest happiness for the principle, he suggested that legislation is the most perfect degree can enable people to achieve than in the natural state can get larger forces, through legislation, make people's freedom, personal and property gets greater security. To bentham, the British bourgeois jurist, this idea was developed into a utilitarian theory.

The legislation that Plato seeks in the canto of law is a kind of human jurisprudence made with the help of god's will, which is different from the natural law of god. On the one hand, Socrates, in thinking of knowing man himself, has raised the question of establishing a study of the soul of man. On the other hand, Socrates expounded his legal thoughts on the basis of his natural philosophy, which divided law into natural law and human law, emphasizing the importance of natural law as the will of god, which was higher than human law as the law issued by the state. Therefore, Plato, as the most direct inheritor of Socrates' thoughts, repeatedly emphasizes in the elaboration of the legal text that human law should be subject to divine law after all, because the interests of people pursued by legislation are determined by the interests of god.

Although Plato of laws is in god's interests on the pursuit of the interests of the people, however, we can realize that the law's pursuit of the interests of the people is also a kind of progress in legislation, the subject status of the people was evident, due to more people in the process of legislation, is that the interests of the masses, rather than the interests of the ruler of a few.

The athenians, as the spokesmen of Plato, in discussing the certainty of enacting laws, affirmed that the object of every legislator in making every law was to obtain the greatest good. This greatest good is neither foreign war nor civil war, for war is not the conflict we would like to see, but the perpetual peace and goodwill between men. Since legislation is the pursuit of the greatest good, what does good mean? In the relationship between countries, the purpose of war cannot be pursued. Laws are made for better peace, and they can only be used as a means and an instrument of peace.

In the process of legislation, we must start from virtue correctly, pay attention to the whole of virtue rather than only the part of virtue, and explain that this is the purpose of legislator to make law. There are four major aspects of virtue: courage, self-control, justice, and good judgment. Only laws with such virtues are laws in the true sense, and there are mainly three things that legislators should consider when making laws, for the freedom, unity and wisdom of the legislative city-states. We have said that legislation that guarantees strong and extreme authority is a mistake, and we should always remember that a nation should be free and intelligent, and that it should be harmonious internally, which is what legislators should focus on when they legislate.


Essay代写:The influence of economic structure on the financial development of economy

2018-08-10 16:46:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The influence of economic structure on the financial development of economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了经济结构对经济金融化发展的影响。经济结构调整指的是在现有的经济结构不能促进经济更好发展的情况下,国家都过经济和必要的行政手段,对其进行调整,使之区域完善,以促进经济更好发展。所以,经济金融化的发展是要以经济的发展为助力的。

Economic restructuring refers to the process of adjusting the economic structure and necessary administrative means so as to make the region perfect so as to promote the better development of the national economy when the existing economic structure cannot promote the better development of the national economy.

In terms of industrial structure, the development balance of China's three major sectors is higher than the world average, among which the relative economic status of the industrial sector is higher than the world average. However, this sector not only brings efficient benefits to national economic development, but also brings a series of environmental pollution problems to the country. Such economic development at the expense of the environment cannot last long. Compared with some countries in the world, the coordination between economic development and environment is quite inadequate.

In terms of demand structure, although China's economic development occupies a certain position in the world, its consumption? The level of M is significantly lower than the world average. On the one hand, frugality is a traditional concept in China. There are still some people, especially the elderly, who want to save money and leave it to the younger generation, which has largely restrained the consumption of residents. On the other hand, there are some irregularities in the current market, so that the interests of consumers cannot be effectively guaranteed, which will make them shift their consumption demand to foreign markets.

In terms of income structure, the current income distribution system in our country and achieve the goal of common prosperity is there is a certain gap, labor income in GDP occupied ratio did not rise, and in the growing income gap between industry and industry, this makes the social gap between rich and poor is increasingly prominent. Although the unfair distribution system is not unique to China, China should take corresponding measures to curb this phenomenon.

Developing strategic emerging industries. Strategic emerging industries is a major technological breakthrough and development demand as the foundation, to the overall and long-term development of economy and the society important leading leading role, has the knowledge technology intensive, less material resources consumption, growth potential, good comprehensive benefits such as the characteristics of the emerging industries, are an important force in promoting economic and social development in the future. Although in recent years, the state has vigorously advocated the scientific development concept and taken the road of sustainable development, at present, China's economic development is still dominated by the secondary industry. In the process of economic development, environmental burden has been aggravated. Under such circumstances that human beings depend on the environment for survival, we should seek a green development path. At this time, emerging industries should be regarded as an important direction for strategic adjustment of industrial structure.

We will promote industrial transformation and upgrading and enhance core competitiveness. China's current economic development mode is mainly extensive. In the era of economic globalization, such economic growth mode cannot meet the needs of China's industrial structure development. We should make the right choice by transforming the pattern of economic growth, taking a new path of industrialization, actively adjusting the industrial structure and moving towards intensive economic development. We should rely on science and technology to develop light and heavy industries that promote efficiency improvement and better rationalization, develop strategic emerging industries, further explore new energy sources, establish a comprehensive transportation system, raise the level of information technology, and upgrade industrial structures such as Marine economic development.

We will improve relevant laws and regulations for economic development and complete the market order. With the rapid development of economy, some bad customs are beginning to spread in the society. Small to the emergence of fake daily supplies, large to people's food will also produce unqualified problems. Why can this phenomenon flourish under the state's anti-counterfeiting efforts? In the final analysis, there are some defects in policies and regulations. If this phenomenon cannot be effectively improved, then consumers will reduce their consumption on the premise that their own interests cannot be guaranteed, or they will shift their consumption demand to foreign markets. This is extremely unfavorable to national economic growth. Therefore, it is urgent to improve relevant laws and regulations of economic development to complete market order.

Through the development of strategic emerging industries, we can find new energy sources with small or even zero pollution under the financial support of relevant parts, so as to replace the energy sources with serious pollution in the development of secondary industries, so as to reduce the intensity of environmental damage and realize sustainable development. In addition, the development of new industries based on technology and knowledge can also reduce the waste of resources in the production process and enable the limited resources to create greater social and economic benefits. In this way, the profits of related enterprises will increase, which will speed up the flow of capital, which will accelerate the pace of financialization of the economy to some extent.

The optimization and upgrading of economic industries can rationalize the allocation of market resources, so that the role of the market can be fully demonstrated. Market regulation can increase the flow of funds, allow funds to permeate into various industrial chains, improve the integration between industries, realize the sharing of resources in economic development, and reduce the waste of resources. In this way, relatively few resources can be used to create greater economic value, thus promoting better financial development.

Relevant government departments can protect people's consumption rights and interests by developing a more perfect market economy system. When consumers feel that their consumption rights and interests are guaranteed, they will stay away from the foreign consumption market and consume in the domestic market. In this way, domestic demand will be driven, capital liquidity will be enhanced and capital utilization efficiency will be greatly improved. Furthermore, the perfect market transaction system can reduce economic risks to a certain extent, ensure that the market price fluctuation will be within a reasonable range, and reduce the risk of financial transactions, thus conducive to the efficient and stable development of economic financialization.

In a word, the financial development of the economy should be supported by economic development. To achieve efficient and rapid economic development, we should follow the trend of The Times and actively adjust the economic development mode. Only in this way can we achieve better economic and financial development.

