

北美作业代写:Popular dance

2018-08-23 17:18:44 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Popular dance,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了流行舞。随着当今社会艺术多元化和普及化的发展,舞蹈的种类日益丰富,流行舞这种新兴的艺术以其直白的情感表现,高度的娱乐性与艺术性,形式的自由性,准确的肢体律动及与音乐的紧密关系迅速火遍了全球,受到了越来越多追捧者的青睐。流行舞的舞种,不是单一的舞蹈类别,而是一门多元性的艺术,它具有很大的包容性和时尚性,不仅其舞种内部相互融合和借鉴,而且跟其他舞种也存在着密切的关系。

Along with the development of the artistic pluralism, popular in today's society, popularize, increasingly rich, the kinds of dance pop dance this emerging art with its explicit emotional performance, highly entertaining and artistry, forms of freedom, the accurate body rhythm and a close relationship with the music quickly fire all over the world, has been more and more fans of all ages. This new type of dance is not a single dance category, but a diversified art. It is very inclusive and fashionable. It not only integrates and learns from each other, but also has a close relationship with other dance types.

The development of diversified art makes "pop dance", a familiar and strange term, frequently appear in various occasions in people's life. With its rapid strength, pop dance has become a global phenomenon. It can be seen everywhere in China, from the media and the people to schools. As a new type of dance, such rapid development is unprecedented. The wide range of audience and profound popularity are all cultural matters worthy of our observation and analysis. This paper will explore the characteristics and development of pop dance, and recommend the characteristics of pop dance, on the one hand to seek more dance training methods to better carry out dance teaching, on the other hand to seek more balanced and feasible practical road for the healthy development of pop dance in China.

The origins of pop dance can be traced back to before the 10th century, when it evolved from ancient folk dances around the world. Native dance forms around the world were initially different, each of which had its own development and transformation process. For example, the formation of popular jazz dance in America was initially an extension of African dance brought by the black slave exchange. The elegant waltz prevailing in the European court originated from the Austrian folk. At the beginning, the popular dance was basically performed in the form of group dance. Later, it gradually developed into the circle dance of men and women. In the activities of male and female courtship and wedding celebration, it constantly developed into the pair dance of men and women. With the evolution of time, pop dance has formed a variety of forms such as single dance, double dance and group dance. Due to the unique performance form of pop dance and the real expression way of emotion, the dancers have a special preference for it. The promoters of pop dance keep innovating and inventing new dance steps, and gradually this dance full of rhythm and rhythm has become popular all over the world, and is pursued by men, women and children. As a result, the trace of local flavor of pop dance gradually disappeared, replaced by more and more urban.

There are many kinds of popular dances, including the national dance from "social" to "competitive", the jazz dance from "street" to "stage", and the tap dance from "folk" to "court" Because they share their basic nature, they are collectively referred to as pop dance. We can try to define "pop" -- popular and popular, "dance" -- dance, just like the popular music, pop dance is also necessarily a dance art formed by the middle band between folk dance and artistic dance, combining elements that are easily accepted by the public at both ends.

Free and direct expression of emotion -- the essence of pop dance movements is free and simple expression of inner feelings. Dancers usually express their inner feelings directly with body trembling, trembling and twisting. Just as we like to hear music, the body can't help but move with music rhythm, such as nodding and stamping, shaking the body.

High entertainment -- pop dance is a dynamic rhythmic dance, which belongs to an external style of dance, which is different from classical ballet and Chinese dance. The performance in its movement and rhythm is not only for the entertainment of people but also for themselves, because its performance is not ostentatious, it makes the joyful atmosphere that the dancer renders and the happy spirit that gives out is very infectious.

Free in form -- pop dance is mainly a dance for pleasure, vivacity and vitality. It can jump freely, need not be confined to a form, have very strong tolerance and borrow. And disco that fully enjoy dancing and different, it is the existence of freedom is a kind of law, such as jazz dance, it will cooperate with jazz music performance feelings, also with the aid of or imitate other dance skills, such as on the footwork and actions, application of ballet movements position and principle, sensitivity to tap dance skill, modern dance body contraction and relaxation, Latin dance and hip and Oriental dance move in the upper body position, and so on.

Bright body rhythm -- pop dancers are mostly guided by a specific style of music, dignified and elegant, open and aboveboard, graceful and graceful, bold and exciting This ability to dance in close coordination with music is also an obvious trait.

Since the formal introduction of pop dance to China in the 1980s, the pop dance of our country has been rapidly blossoming, full of flowers. There are two main channels for the development of pop dance: folk style and academic style, among which folk style is the biggest channel to promote the development of pop dance.

First of all, in folk, the improvement of people's material living standards inevitably promotes the enrichment of artistic and cultural life, and the entertainment and fitness functions of pop dance are gradually valued by people. Appeared on the market more and more room, fitness gym, form the commercial dance such as pavilion, there have been various non-governmental pop dance training courses, courses in a variety of popular dance, in addition, popular dance society, government and local cultural center held annually popular dance and performance, these are all pushing popular dance more quickly, more convenient, more excellent wide spread in effective way.

Secondly, in recent years, popular dance courses and majors have been offered in colleges and universities in response to the development of The Times, and the teaching methods are becoming more and more scientific. In 2001, sichuan music college formally established a comprehensive art college with popular music and popular dance as the teaching subject. At present, it has six majors including modern pop dance, while pop dance takes street dance as a professional course teaching, and offers a variety of styles of teaching in modern pop dance major.

Other colleges and universities all over the country have included pop dance into the traditional physical education teaching successively, which not only strengthens students' physical strength, but also promotes the popularity and development of pop dance in China.

In this paper, the popular dance only did the analysis of the obvious, but as an art of dance education workers, I think the pop dance for further in-depth research, to explore more dance training methods, to correctly guide public and students to understand and suitable for their own dance, better developing dancer's personal style, cultivate dancer's imagination, creativity, expressive and health of body and mind development can play a big help.

Therefore, it is the next step for us to continue to explore the development path of pop dance in China and to seek and promote the harmonious relationship between pop dance and other kinds of dance.


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Assignment代写:The glamour of western music

2018-08-23 17:18:26 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The glamour of western music,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方音乐的魅力。西方音乐是人类音乐文化的重要财富,它以自己独特的魅力,展现出音乐艺术风格。在西方音乐历史发展的过程中,各种音乐风格与创作经历,都揭示了不同阶段的音乐文化发展的成就,西方音乐的历史是人类音乐文化财富的历史过程,体现出无以表述的魅力,使得人类音乐文化向现代迈出一大步。

Western music is an important wealth of human music culture. In the long history of development, it shows music art style with its unique charm. As the successor of classical music school and the founder of romantic music school, schubert raised the creation of artistic songs to an unprecedented stage of development and opened a new chapter of artistic songs. This paper makes a simple analysis and summary of the artistic characteristics of schubert's songs to reveal the charm of western music.

Schubert was one of the pioneers and founders of European romanticism music in the 19th century. All his life, his works cover a variety of music genres. There are opera, symphony, piano, art songs and so on. He left eight symphonies, 15 string quartets, 22 piano sonatas, and wrote operas, church music and many others. And the creation of art songs is the highlight of all his music creations. He wrote more than 600 art songs in his life, and was honored as "the king of songs", laying a solid foundation for the development of German and Austrian art songs.

Art songs are a specific genre in music history. It was meant to "make sense of the dramatic content of the lyrics in a different way from opera", specifically the perfect combination of music and poetry. Schubert's creation center is art songs. He emphasizes that art songs are the perfect combination of poetry and music, and pays attention to the influence of literary poems on music and the meticulous and accurate application of unique music language expression techniques in music. For example, tonality layout, harmony color and piano accompaniment are often used to reveal the content of the lyrics and the psychological state of the characters in a multi-level, accurate and detailed manner. Sometimes, even a mediocre poem, he can meld it into a song of emotion. It is also a concentrated expression of the charm of schubert's art songs.

The flexible structure of the song is the biggest characteristic of schubert's creation. His art song structure is usually the syncopated song, the whole body song and the variation syncopated song. The divertimento is a traditional genre of German art songs and the most common expression of Austrian folk songs, where several lyrics are repeated in the same tune. Schubert's early work, wild rose, falls into this category. The whole body song is written according to the free development of the content of the lyrics in any form without any repetitive music materials, and is often followed from beginning to end. Representative works mainly include devil king, phantom, passenger, etc. The demon king is created by schubert based on Goethe's epic poem of the same name, with a total of 148 bars. Schubert through tone, texture, strength, melody line and contrast changes in range, tone, by means of harmony, to dissonant chords do the bedding, shaped four different character image, plot, this full-bodied songs is a typical representative of the schubert art song dramatic, for example for the perfect forms of art song. According to the content of the lyrics and the needs of emotional expression, changing the tonality, harmony, piano texture and speed, etc. is adopted to develop the genre of the ballad, adding new elements. For example, in the second section of the bodhi tree, the same melody appears in the minor key, while the latter part of the song returns to the major key, like the "chorus". With the development of music emotion, the melody and accompaniment have changed correspondingly, forming a sharp contrast on music materials, thus obtaining a more intense and intuitive artistic effect.

Schubert's art songs show colorful characters in the tonal arrangement and transformation. His art songs strike people's hearts with beautiful melody, simple texture and warm and colorful harmony. His works highlight the music, family and popularity, and music has a distinct image. What is particularly outstanding is the harmony beyond the era in his works, the open mode variation, the integrated multi-level band structure and his incomparably extraordinary fantastic ideas. In schubert's art songs, there are not only horizontal, delicate and singing melodies, but also unexpected and sudden changes of harmony. Each harmony implies the continuous progress of the vocal part, and a sensitive, rich and fragile heart is hidden under the seemingly ordinary appearance.

In order to better reflect music's personality and reflect national characteristics, schubert used the alternation of major and minor to expand music theme of the work. Such as the tonality relations of the third degree, and the transformation of the major and minor tones of the same tonic, especially in the creation techniques and forms of bold innovation, enrich and develop the classical tradition. For example, the tonality of "bodhi tree" and "demon king" is adjusted to the same key size. The tonality of "journey to winter" is composed of 24 sub-title songs, among which 8 are in major key and the remaining 16 are in minor key.

The melody of schubert's art songs is good at breaking the strict restraint of classical harmony, reaching the completely free harmonic trend, breaking the limit of the close relationship of the mode, and using the three-dimensional harmony and polyphonic of multiple parts and lines, techniques to show the continuous change of melody color.

From the tone, sound, chord to rhythm of the continuous change, to achieve sound color harmony and regular effect. This is the power of schubert music, the power of art that embodies the prayers and struggles of the composer. The pressing life pressure and inner loneliness which have been interwoven together for a long time and the heavy inner world full of hope and despair, darkness and light, life and death struggle can be fully released, so as to obtain a strong belief to live.

In the process of the historical development of music in the west, various music styles and creation experiences have profoundly revealed the achievements of music culture development at different stages. The history of music in the west is the historical process of human music culture wealth, reflecting the charm of inexpressible, making human music culture take a great step towards the modern aspect. Schubert promoted the creation of artistic songs to a historical position comparable to that of symphonic music and achieved remarkable achievements. His art songs set a brilliant flag for the creation of world art songs and opened a new chapter for the prosperity and development of world art songs.


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2018-08-23 17:18:07 | 日記



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Paper代写:Power civilization

2018-08-23 17:17:24 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Power civilization讨论了权利文明。权力属于政治的范畴,所以政治始终离不开权力;同样,谈起政治文明也就涉及到权力文明的问题。所谓权力文明,是指权力的一种进步状态,包括权力的理念、来源和目的等内容。权力文明这个概念,并非要把它与物质文明、政治文明、精神文明并驾齐驱,而是把它作为政治文明的一个分支和要素。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Power civilization is the element of political civilization and the cornerstone of harmonious society. To strengthen the construction of power civilization, attention should be paid to the promotion of power civilization from the perspective and system level, to abolish power fetishism, and to strengthen the restriction and supervision of power.

According to materialistic dialectics and social system theory, the civilization of human society is a huge system, and various civilizations are relatively independent and related to each other. It is not hard to find that all civilization construction is inseparable from power civilization due to the omnipresence of power antenna and its significant role and influence. China's socialist material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization and harmonious society are in one. Among them, political civilization plays an increasingly prominent role. Power civilization is an important part of political civilization and has a significant impact on other civilizations. Therefore, The Times call for power civilization; Power civilization must keep pace with The Times. This article plans to carry on the preliminary discussion to this.

Power belongs to the realm of politics. When it comes to politics, power is always indispensable. Similarly, when talking about political civilization, the question of power civilization must be involved. The so-called power civilization refers to a progressive state of power, including the idea of power, the source of power, the purpose of power, the operation of power, who is in power and who serves. To put forward the concept of power civilization is not to keep pace with material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, but to take it as a branch and element of political civilization.

Power civilization is the basic element and centralized embodiment of political civilization. Party's 16 big of developing socialist democratic politics, the construction of socialist political civilization that goal, emphasis needs to do a good job in nine aspects of the nine aspects of construction and reform, can say is stick to the leadership of the party, the people are masters of the country, the unification of the law, its content has the close inner link with power, it involves the generation of power, operation, function, supervision and major problems, such as its basic requirement on power, power is to realize scientific, democratization and legalization. Just as the ruling party wants to be a party governed by science, democracy and law, so the power of the ruling party and its party members and cadres must be scientific, democratic and legal. In a certain sense, it can be said that without the power civilization, the political civilization would be very missing, which is incomplete, and thus the whole process of political civilization construction would be affected. Therefore, the construction of political civilization must not ignore the element of power civilization.

In different societies and political parties, power civilization has both common features and essential differences. Under China's socialist conditions, the power civilization should have the following basic characteristics:

The ideological basis of power civilization is the marxist concept of power. The concept of power is the ideology of power civilization and the ideological basis of power civilization. The view of power directly reflects the value orientation of leading cadres in power and power use, and the way of power operation. For a leader who holds certain power, the view of power, the way of power operation, to a large extent, determines who power serves and the effect of service. Under the guidance of marxist theory, the party's leading cadres' view of power must be based on marxism's world outlook and methodology. In the new stage of the new century, a correct view of power must run firmly through the important thought of "three represents" and the essential requirement of establishing the party for the public and governing for the people.

The essence of power civilization is that power is used by the people. Where power comes from, who USES it, who governs it and who serves it is always the essential question of power civilization. China is a socialist country. The fundamental purpose of our party is to serve the people heart and soul. All power in a socialist country comes from the people, and all power in the hands of leading cadres at all levels is entrusted by the people. Comrade MAO zedong has long said that who gives us power? It's given by the people. It is a general principle of politics and a fundamental law of the exercise of power that whoever authorizes, serves and is accountable to whom. To depart from this law is to risk losing power. Since power is given by the people, it is necessary to demand power for the use of the people. This is the essential feature of socialist power civilization under the leadership of the communist party.

The core of power civilization is realizing the democratization of power. How to properly handle the relationship between power and democracy is always a core issue facing power civilization. Within the framework of power civilization, power and democracy should be the unity of opposites. On the one hand, power is conditional on obedience, otherwise it will not become power. On the other hand, power must be based on democracy, or it will go down into the mire of despotism, which is incompatible with the demands of modern power civilization. The fundamental feature of democratization of power is the organic integration of power and democracy, ensuring that power comes from the people, is created through democratic procedures, exercised for the interests of the people, operates according to the will of the people and is supervised by the people. Power is controlled and exercised by human beings. Whether the literal requirements and theoretical features of power democratization can be translated into reality depends on human beings, leaders at all levels who hold certain power, and party cadres in the ruling party can always maintain their flesh-and-blood ties with the people. In essence, party cadres of the ruling party, especially those who hold certain power, are required to keep their power clean. This is the core problem of power civilization. Only by truly solving this problem can power truly enter the path of civilization.

Power belongs to the superstructure of society. We propose and build a civilization of power that, in the final analysis, serves the socio-economic base and all other civilizations. This is bound to involve two aspects of the problem: one is that power civilization must meet the requirements of economic foundation and social development; Second, power civilization must provide reliable guarantee for the economic base and the goal of social development. At the present stage, it is of great practical significance to put forward and build a power civilization, highlighting that it should be adapted to the construction of a harmonious society and serve the construction of a harmonious society.

Power civilization includes two basic levels: concept and system. To build a power civilization, it is necessary to aim at the prominent problems in these two levels and promote them at the same time.

As far as concept is concerned, the construction of power civilization should have "break" and "stand". "Broken", the urgent task is to eradicate the power fetishism legacy of the impact. Power fetishism is a prominent feature of the feudal bureaucracy, whose essence is the transformation of power into money, and the purpose of power worship is wealth worship. Marx made concentrated criticism on power fetishism in the process of studying and criticizing Hegel's state theory. Marx hit the nail on the head: "in the case of a single bureaucrat, the purpose of the state becomes his personal purpose, the means by which he rises to wealth and prosperity." Power is the direct embodiment of material wealth, and the social status and wealth of an individual directly depend on the size of individual power and the level of political status. In this way, power is bound to become the object of worship of the bureaucrats, and obtaining political status becomes the goal of the bureaucrats. Followed by indulgence and infringement on "civil society", state power becomes an effective tool for bureaucrats to indulge. Later, in the civil war of France, Marx delved into the nature of power fetishism embodied in thiers, taking him as an example. Mr. Thiers never forgot his insatiable appetite for wealth and his hatred of wealth producers. When he first became prime minister of Louis philippe, he was as poor as job, and by the time he left office he had become a millionaire. ...... In bordeaux, the first thing he did to prevent France's impending financial collapse was to offer himself a yearly stipend of three million francs. This is the whole picture of the 'republic of thrift' that he sketched out in 1869 in front of his Parisian constituents. Mr Thiers is taking a "shortcut" to turning power into money. From this, Marx deeply and vividly revealed the mystery of power directly through currency, and vividly and concretely pointed out the essence of power fetishism. Here at length to describe Marx's critique of power fetishism, is because it too deep for our enlightenment! Too important for building a civilization of power today! Comrade deng xiaoping once profoundly pointed out that in the old China we had more feudal traditions and less democratic and legal traditions. The investigation and analysis of today's corruption, they generally with power fetishism brand, more is to manipulate power to seek money. In order to build a power civilization, we must pay attention to resisting the invasion of the residual influence of feudalism.

"Li" is to establish a correct view of power. The more directly the leading cadres hold certain power, the more they should strengthen theoretical study, mainly to thoroughly study marxism-leninism, MAO zedong thought, deng xiaoping theory and the important thought of three represents, strengthen ideological and political cultivation, improve the spiritual realm, and maintain the noble moral sentiment. To establish a correct view of power, we should focus on dialectical materialism and historical materialism, truly understand that the people are the creators of history and masters of society, truly understand that the power in their hands is given by the people and must be used to serve the people. This is the theoretical basis for establishing the correct view of power. On this basis, we should measure the whole process of leading cadres in exercising their power and exercise their power in accordance with the interests and wishes of the people. In view of the prominent problems existing in the concept of power, we should pay special attention to the education cadres to persist in arduous struggle and oppose hedonism, exercise their will, improve their realm and maintain their sentiment. We should establish the correct concept of power throughout the whole process of power civilization construction.

As far as institution is concerned, the key to constructing power civilization is to constantly improve the supervision and restriction of power. Since the third plenary session of the 11th CPC central committee, China's power supervision mechanism has been constantly improved, and the socialist supervision system is moving towards perfection. The harsh reality of the spread of corruption fully shows that there are many weak links in power supervision, especially in mass democratic supervision. This requires the use of legal and institutional means to fully implement the people's right of supervision granted by the constitution, effectively protect this right and remove their worries about supervision. In short, on the issue of power supervision, the most important thing is to try to realize Marx's idea that the people's servant always works under the people's supervision. This is not only the embodiment of power civilization, but also the guarantee of power civilization.

To construct power civilization, we should attach great importance to and correctly handle the relationship between idea and system. Social existence determines social consciousness. Power civilization, as an ideology, is ultimately the reflection of social practice. The social existence or social practice closely related to the concept of power is often reflected in a series of systems, mechanisms and systems, and they often have a decisive influence on the concept of power of leading cadres. For example, if education cadres understand that the power in their hands is given by the people, then our relevant systems, mechanisms and systems should ensure that the power of leading cadres is indeed given by the people. This kind of social existence is reflected in the mind of cadres, which will be subliminally translated into a correct view of power; On the other hand, if the relevant system, mechanism and system is not sound, especially the cadre system is not sound, "a few people choose and employ persons from a few people", and selecting cadres is decided by leaders at higher levels or even by others, and the masses have no right to speak. In such an atmosphere, it is difficult for cadres to truly understand that the power in their hands is given by the people. Therefore, education cadres should pay attention to social practice and perfect relevant systems, mechanisms and systems to establish a correct view of power. At the same time, we should pay attention to the reaction of the idea to the system, and use the correct idea of power to guide and regulate the scientific power mechanism, so that the two are mutually conditions, positive interaction and mutually beneficial.


Essay代写:Civil war

2018-08-23 16:58:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Civil war,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了哥伦比亚内战。哥伦比亚内战持续了将近半个世纪,饱受战争之苦的哥伦比亚人民期盼和平。虽然和平局势似乎近在咫尺,可总是事与愿违,哥伦比亚内战不仅没有停止,反而愈演愈烈。从现实情况看,哥伦比亚内战在短期内不会终结,除非一方取得决定性的军事胜利,或多方互相愿意妥协,或国际社会强力干涉;否则和平谈判难进行,内战仍然会持续下去。

The Colombian civil war originated in the peasant resistance movement of the 1960s. In those days, the rich demanded that farmers leave their ancestral lands in order to develop coffee farming and livestock farming, provoking a backlash from farmers. Influenced by the international communist movement, the resistance movement gradually developed into the communist movement.

Cuba had initially been active in helping Colombia's resistance movement with weapons, training and organizing, while the Soviet union saw Colombia as a sphere of influence for the United States and was on the fence to avoid conflict with the United States. At the end of the cold war, the partisans split into many forces, each fighting for itself and not cooperating with each other. In the 1970s, guerrilla movements took a hit, with smaller groups falling to the government. The larger guerrilla groups refuse to co-operate with the government.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s Colombia's drug problem began to emerge. First the marijuana trade, then coca cultivation and smuggling, Colombia gradually became the source of drugs in South America, known as the "silver triangle". Initially, the drug problem had nothing to do with the guerrillas. The ideal and political proposition of the guerrillas is to establish a strong regime, carry out political reforms, oppose capitalism, distrust drug smugglers at all, and drug traffickers also regard guerrilla organizations as natural enemies. Over time, however, the two forces have come to see the need for cooperation. Guerrilla organizations can provide security for drug dealers; Drug traffickers can provide guerrilla groups with huge funds and arms smuggling channels. Guerrillas often collect protection fees from drug producers in areas under their own control or influence. In this way, drug dealers can produce drugs in places suitable for cultivation of coca without any interference. Although the cooperation is not perfect, the interdependence between the two has been strengthened.

In addition, kidnapping, bank robbery, extortion and so on, also became the guerrilla economic source. An estimated 54 percent of the farc's 8,000-10,000 members come from drug trafficking and 36 percent from various other criminal activities.

It is not accurate to say that Colombia's guerrillas have become an offshoot of the drug cartels, a mob with no ideological basis. The revolutionary armed forces of Colombia is actually a political organization with a clear goal. It has a fairly complete program of action to build a more democratic, pluralistic and patriotic government. This was also included in the national liberation army programme, established in 1964, but with a greater focus on natural resources, particularly oil. The group, which has about 4,500 people, was declared a legitimate political force on June 6, 2000, but there are still clashes with government forces.

In addition to the guerrillas, paramilitary groups have been players in Colombia's civil war for many years. Paramilitary groups were local security forces formed by landlords threatened by guerrillas in the early years of the civil war. Since the government could not or was unwilling to take firm action against the rebels, the government adopted a tacit stance towards their formation, even targeting military groups for recruitment, formation, training and equipment. Hundreds of right-wing paramilitaries have sprung up in Colombia since the first paramilitaries were formed in December 1981 by 223 drug lords in karim province. Backed by government forces, these groups have done a lot of dirty work under the banner of security. Later, the paramilitaries morphed into mafia-like local militias, serving whomever paid for them.

Decades of conflict have shown that the presence of multiple armed forces has put the Colombian government in a stand-off with non-government armed forces. Government forces are unable to defeat guerrilla, paramilitary and drug-trafficking forces across the country, or even to restore peace in the countryside. Similarly, even with the powerful economic support of the drug trade behind the scenes, the guerrillas are not able to defeat the government forces and seize power. Paramilitary groups have the capacity to carry out terrorist activities in many rural areas, but do not have the strength to compete with the government. Despite their considerable influence, drug trafficking has little say in the vital issue of national development.

Politically, the farc did not expect peace, especially the kind that might lead to its dissolution, because war was of great benefit to them. Guerrillas earn far more than government soldiers, enjoy a higher reputation in their communities and enjoy better conditions. The top brass of the guerrilla group lived in relative comfort. As a result of illegal activities such as drug trafficking, kidnapping, extortion and bank robbery, the guerrilla units have sufficient financial resources to expand their fighting capacity, as evidenced by the fact that their ranks have been growing in recent years.

The Colombian people want peace and the government is under tremendous pressure, so successive governments advocate dialogue. But resistance from various forces is strong: the wealthy oppose the economic reforms required by the farc; The army does not support the inclusion of foreign relations and national alliances on the agenda; The authority that has long dominated Colombian society is firmly opposed to political reforms in social democracy and economic rights; Colombia's financial and administrative departments are reluctant to give the army enough support to win the war or to change their conservative stance on reform. Thus, the minimum reforms that the guerrillas claim are rejected by the Colombian government.

What's more, those at the top of the city were barely touched. Although they sometimes worry about being the target of violent threats such as kidnapping and extortion, money buys them security. They pay to hire bodyguards, to buy all kinds of security, to protect themselves and their families. Children from rich or middle-class families who have the opportunity to receive higher education are rarely drafted under the universal compulsory military service. In this way, Colombia's civil war was really a war of the poor against the poor. Members of the drug-trafficking, paramilitary, guerrilla and government forces fighting in the war are from the lower classes! In contrast to the countryside, the city is heavily garrisoned and heavily guarded, with few major attacks. Despite the prevalence of kidnapping, it was mainly aimed at people below the rich. The pampered upper classes are rarely affected, so they do not press for change.

Despite their desire for peace, the middle class does not have much say in national political life, has limited influence on policy makers and is not interested in military action. They do not realize that peace can be achieved only by making the necessary sacrifices in return for victory in war.

Successive governments in Colombia have worked to defeat the guerrillas militarily, force them into peace talks and steer clear of drug trafficking. However, as the farc gained more victories than defeats in the civil war, the acquisition of funds and weapons was relatively easy, its strength was stable and continued to grow, government forces could not gain military advantages, and there were no conditions for peace talks. As a result of the early attacks on police kiosks, the police had to withdraw from remote villages to protect large towns, leaving most rural areas without national security forces and becoming the domain of guerrillas. For drug crimes, the police are powerless.

Government forces are in even more trouble. It is estimated that 20 per cent of the Colombian forces carry out critical and VIP protection functions, 25 per cent conduct training, 25 per cent engage in rear service and only 30 per cent undertake active offensive against the enemy. Moreover, the army's equipment was, and still is, behind the modern weaponry of the well-heeled guerrillas. Government forces do not have enough airlift, water and even cars and armoured vehicles. The Columbia mountain range, the river, the plains, the forests, makes transportation a major obstacle to military action.

The army has been unable to defeat the guerrillas despite receiving aid from abroad. The civil war in Colombia has affected American security, especially on drug trafficking. As a result, the United States has shown considerable concern over the deterioration of the situation in Colombia in recent years. In February 2000, the United States provided Colombia with more advanced helicopters for intelligence cooperation, including satellite information sharing and military communications equipment, as well as equipment and training for anti-drug forces. But in order to avoid becoming embroiled in the civil war, American support for the Colombian government has been clandestine, maintaining a low level of involvement.

Today, the Colombian civil war has evolved into a strange kind of war: a combination of ideological, economic, political, domestic military relations, kidnapping and extortion, drug crimes, localised rather than nationalised wars for control of spheres of influence and resources. In reality, the Colombian civil war will not end in the short term unless one party achieves a decisive military victory, or the parties are willing to compromise with each other, or the international community ACTS forcefully to intervene. Otherwise, peace talks will be difficult and the civil war will continue.

