

Synthesis essay写作解析

2018-08-20 17:15:23 | 日記
Synthesis essay,就是一种综合性的论文,其写作难度非常大,所以难倒了非常多留学生。synthesis essay需要非常强的能力去消化相关信息,然后再通过自己组织的语言将它呈现。下面就给大家分析一下synthesis essay该怎么写。

一、理解synthesis essay的概念

synthesis essay的目的是在作品的各个部分或多个作品之间建立有洞察力的联系,目的是最终提出并支持一个主题的主张。换句话说,当你对一个话题进行研究时,你会寻找你可以在这个主题上形成一个坚实的视角。不同类型的synthesis essay可以分为以下几类:




二、选择一个适合synthesis essay的题目


一个广泛话题的例子被缩小成一个合理的synthesis essay主题:你可以讨论你对短信对英语的影响的看法,而不是社交媒体的广泛话题。









以上就是关于synthesis essay写作的讲解,看完上面的解析,想必大家对synthesis essay已经手到擒来了吧,希望大家都能写出好的论文。



作业代写:Multimodal analysis of film discourse

2018-08-20 17:14:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Multimodal analysis of film discourse,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电影语篇的多模态分析。电影是集视觉、综合、叙事和大众艺术于一体的表达形式,这增加了把电影作为语篇进行分析的难度。而运用多模态分析电影,不仅可以看到语言系统在意义交换过程中所发挥的作用,而且可以看到其他符号系统在这个过程中所产生的效果,从而使话语意义的解读更加全面和准确,进而发现人类如何综合使用多种模态达到社会交际的目的。

Film is an expression form integrating visual art, comprehensive art, narrative art and popular art, which makes it more difficult to analyze film as a discourse. Use of multimodal discourse analysis can not only see movie language system in significance role in the process of exchange, and you can see other symbols such as images, music, color system, the effect produced in the process of making the more comprehensive, more accurate interpretation of the discourse and found that the human how to use a variety of integrated mode to achieve the goal of social communication.

About the concept of the classical theorists make movies. M terry believes: film images both "is the role of material through the lens of refraction and reflection on the film of autologous retrieval", and "is a reality of the structure, a form of", in the image of the narrative level, the film become language, and in the poetic images of level, the film becomes visual language art.

Modern film theorist Christian metz argues that the prescriptive nature of the way images are combined makes the film a system of symbols, that is, "language" -- "film is certainly not a language We can think of it as a language, because it also has to arrange the ideographic elements in a regular arrangement that is different from our language, and it is not a facsimile of the whole of the feeling that reality gives us."

To sum up, film is an art loaded with social and cultural meanings, and a symbol system, a system that carries information with moving pictures and finally achieves communication. The system can be viewed in the following ways.

Movies are the art of pictures, and sound plays a supporting role. The picture screen is limited, but the picture screen is specific, vivid and clear. The picture needs to indicate the space outside the picture by sound or express the idea, emotion and mood directly by sound.

As a visual art film, it is easy to show action and image, easy to tell a specific clear, intuitive and vivid story. As Bella barazi once pointed out, "all kinds of films have a common foundation, that is, a film is a sound performance, a picture of activity, that is, an action in front of us on the spot. So instead of showing 'a house or a tree,' the movie shows' a particular house 'or' a particular tree. '"

Film excavation, the fusion of the arts, derive the skillful narrative literature, the rhythm of music relaxation dance, painting, distinctive modelling, lyrical sense of style, sculpture, the details of the vitality, the depth of the simple sense, visual arts such as characteristics of drama, the space and time, images, sound, plane and three-dimensional artistic elements such as trying to extending depth will be as much as possible of the visual and auditory information, reappear in the full of tension of dynamic images.

The film absorbs the narrative function of literary proficiency, narrates a story which is vivid and reasonable in accordance with the public aesthetic entertainment demand with moving pictures, and narrates it vividly with rhythm with appropriate form. Truth, goodness and beauty are the theme of a film, and motion picture is the expression of this theme. Therefore, the action of the characters in the film should conform to the situation, reflect the development of character and the beneficial connotation derived from character. The film takes the motion picture as the medium, and the narration is based on the development process of the character and the contradictory points of the character, carefully designed, decomposed and combined action paragraphs, so as to form the narrative chain and reflect the theme of the narrative.

The film needs to be accepted by the audience, and at the same time, it should satisfy the audience's aesthetic pleasure as much as possible.

The audience is not only the recipient, but also the creator. As a medium of communication, film art should accomplish the communication between subject and object. A film that can achieve good communication between the director, the work and the audience is a success, otherwise it is a failure. This requires the film to grasp the mass culture mentality and understand the public psychological needs when creating.

Multimodal discourse analysis refers to that linguists should not only study the effect of each mode itself on the generation of discourse meaning, but also study how all modes involved interact with each other, so as to make discourse more meaningful. In multimodal discourse analysis, each mode is an independent meaning-generating resource, and the meaning expressed by the combination of various modes is greater than the sum of the meanings expressed by a single mode.

The main theoretical basis of multimodal discourse analysis is systemic-functional linguistics. According to halliday, language is a social symbol and the potential of meaning, and other symbolic systems besides language also have the function of expressing meaning, such as silence, although silent, conveys a certain meaning.

In recent years, multimodal analysis has been widely used in various fields such as semiotics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, politics, journalism, psychology, law, aesthetics and medicine, and the research object has also expanded from language to music, picture, image, web design and other social symbol systems. In film discourse, we should analyze several important modes and their comprehensive application.

As a visual art, the film focuses on motion pictures. The picture can analyze the information distribution of multimodal discourse according to the specific situation of the relative position between different components or between different images in the same image, confirm the knowledge and new information, confirm the information starting point of multimodal discourse and the information intended to be transmitted by multimodal discourse. Kress&Leeuwen, on image and subtitle processing, believes that image and text are related, but do not rely on text because it is both organized and structured.

Motion picture in a dominant position, the film full play to the motion picture art expressive force, while the voice control in a proper way, words in the picture is temperance and refined, the director can't because of words narration and ideographic function and weaken its motor side, "music and dialog, while strengthening the picture image role, but in the overall structure of the film is really just a minor aspect."

As an element of film art, music plays an important role in the establishment and change of film time and space, the creation and transformation of psychological time and space, as well as the communication of background information. O. Mr Copson has pointed out that the film music "creates a convincing atmosphere of time and place". For example, in the picture of traditional Chinese wedding, without the sound of suona and drum, the festive atmosphere in this particular time and space cannot be fully conveyed. Therefore, in order to create the atmosphere of film time and space, in addition to the performance of the picture, it also needs the cooperation of film music. The music footage in and out of the film gives the audience a sense of the time and space of the story.

Color is another important means of artistic expression in movies, and the modeling function of movie colors is highlighted in the collocation and harmony between colors. In the picture, the matching relation between proportion, position and area of different colors is used to create different visual feelings such as concentration and light, brightness and darkness, warmth and cold, richness and simplicity, etc., which plays a role in modeling. Film and television pictures are motion pictures. Films can make artistic effects through the combination and changes of colors by virtue of the internal connection between colors and people's emotions. For example, the film "red sorghum" adopts the theme of red promotion to make the audience feel the hard-working, pragmatic and enterprising people in the north and the indomitable Chinese in the face of the invaders.

"The space in the film is closely intertwined with the film's unique time." Film space-time can be divided into physical space-time and psychological space-time. Physical spacetime can be clearly perceived, but psychological spacetime is a direct, comprehensive combination and can be transformed into each other.

According to franck beevor, "time can be lengthened or shortened by adding or removing visual space when shooting and editing a film," mainly referring to the use of montage. All aspects of the material field are realized through the representativeness, vitality and richness of the picture, but it still needs to use sound to indicate the space outside the picture or use sound to directly express thoughts, feelings, moods and so on.

The significance of multimodal discourse analysis of film discourse lies in that it can integrate language and other relevant meaning resources, and imply a fifth space on the screen of two-dimensional plane, which is an intuitive synthesis based on the audience's psychological completion consciousness. It not only can see language system in significance role in the process of exchange, and you can see other symbols such as images, music, color system, the effect produced in the process of making the more comprehensive, more accurate interpretation of the discourse and found that the human how to use a variety of integrated mode to achieve the goal of social communication. It can be said that this kind of discourse analysis can not only promote our study of linguistic multi-modal discourse, but also deepen our understanding of semiotics.


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2018-08-20 17:13:42 | 日記

莎士比亚曾说过:“言语胜于刀剑,笔尖胜过干戈”。但是,对于一个作者来说,光有一只笔杆是远远不够的。当你写一篇英语论文(English essay)时,满腔热情提笔就写,往往效果不佳。论文通常会有一些固定的写作格式以及写作技巧。除了专业的学术论文之外,普通的高中和大学论文一般都是五段式结构。


·第二段:正文1(Body 1)

·第三段:正文2(Body 2)

·第四段:正文3(Body 3)





问题:“Do we learn more from finding out that we have made mistakes or from our successful actions?”

引论:“No man is an island” and, as such, he is constantly shaped and influenced by his experiences. People learn by doing and, accordingly, learn considerably more from their mistakes than their success. For proof of this, consider examples from both science and everyday experience.




主动语态比被动语态更有说服力和吸引力。例如:He was given a 97%. 不如将这个句子转换为:He scored a 97%。另外,除了自我描述的文章外,一般要避免使用第一人称,像I, My, Me等,尽量让文章涵盖性更广,以吸引更多读者。

正文(The Body Paragraphs)



Take, by way of example, Thomas Edison. The famed American inventor rose to prominence in the late 19th century because of his successes, yes, but even he felt that these successes were the result of his many failures. He did not succeed in his work on one of his most famous inventions, the lightbulb, on his first try nor even on his hundred and first try. In fact, it took him more than 1,000 attempts to make the first incandescent bulb but, along the way, he learned quite a deal. As he himself said, “I did not fail a thousand times but instead succeeded in finding a thousand ways it would not work.” Thus Edison demonstrated both in thought and action how instructive mistakes can be.


正文的第一句话,也就是主题句,非常重要。它不仅要起到过渡的作用,还要通过一定的逻辑结构将文章串成一条线。例如:如果你在正文的第一段使用了“first”, 那么,在接下来的段落中就要使用“secondly”。



连接词(transitional phrase),像“furthermore”、“moreover”、“by contrast”或者“on the other hand”等,对一篇好论文是必不可少的。 连接词可以使文章框架明晰,层次分明,结构严谨;同时起到承上启下,语篇连贯自然的作用。下面的这段正文可以很好地体现这一点:

In a similar way, we are all like Edison in our own way. Whenever we learn a new skill – be it riding a bike, driving a car, or cooking a cake – we learn from our mistakes. Few, if any, are ready to go from training wheels to a marathon in a single day but these early experiences (these so-called mistakes) can help us improve our performance over time. You cannot make a cake without breaking a few eggs and, likewise, we learn by doing and doing inevitably means making mistakes.

结论(The Conclusion)


首先,要把结论部分当作第二个引论来写,这两者其实有许多共同之处。结论也不需要很长,四句话就差不多了。一般来说,论文的结论都会以“in conclusion”,“in the end”等开头。在这之后,再次阐述自己的论点,这应该已经是第四五次在文中重述论点了。此处可以使用一些在引论中用过的词句,以此来首尾呼应。这样不仅会加强论点,还可以简要地回顾正文。最后就是文章的末尾了。论文的最后一句话通常是统领性的句子,用来突出主题,点名中心,总结全文。








句子和词汇的多样性也是衡量一篇文章好坏的标准之一。一定要避免在文章中反复使用同样的词句。英语主要是通过使用代词、同义词、近义词和省略等手段来避免重复。例如:可以用“wealth” 或 “riches”来替换“money”。对于句型来说也是这样的道理。如果每句都是主谓宾的结构,一定会让读者觉得索然无味。





Paper代写:The international landscape is multipolar

2018-08-20 17:13:19 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The international landscape is multipolar讨论了国际格局多极化。从目前的形势来看,美国可以完全不顾联合国宪章和国际法基本原则,任意对一个主权国家动用军事力量,对国际政治民主化发展形成根本威胁。不过从长远看,国际格局的多极化是不可逆转的历史潮流,这是经济全球化基本趋势所决定的。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Although the current trend of multi-polarization in the international pattern has suffered major setbacks, in the long run, the trend of world economic globalization determines the inevitable trend of multi-polarization and democratization in the international pattern.

From the current situation, the United States can completely regardless of the basic principles of the UN charter and international law, the arbitrary use of military force to a sovereign country, form a fundamental threat to international political democratization development, but in the long run, the globalization and democratization of international pattern is the irreversible historical trend, this is the basic trend of economic globalization.

The development of international political multi-polarization and democratization has always been one of China's basic foreign strategic principles. Therefore, the scientific judgment on the characteristics of international pattern has extremely important policy value, which is the basic premise of formulating foreign strategy. Domestic scholars' judgment of international pattern is mostly based on two factors. The second is the structure of relations between states, especially among the major powers, that is, the friendly, hostile, or allied, or non-aligned relations among states, while ignoring the most basic international social background. However, any examination of the international pattern cannot leave the background of the international society, such as the trend of The Times, values and levels of science and technology. Otherwise, the international pattern today is no different from China's warring states period or Europe in the 19th century.

World economic globalization is an objective historical development trend, if from Columbus discovered the new world, the global gradually integrated into an interdependent whole has there should be 500 years, the development trend of postwar revolution of science and technology and the development of world economy, of course, make this historical trend is more obvious, especially after the end of the cold war, speeding up the pace of globalization, has become an irresistible trend of history. Trend of globalization and its constitutes the background of current international society's most basic, it changes the human life, production and communication, and ways of thinking, so as to fundamentally change the landscape of human social civilization, it also makes the basic elements of international political position, function, function mode changing, and has produced many new situations and new problems. Therefore, it is necessary to take globalization as the basic background factor to study the current international pattern and its development trend.

"Pole" itself is a physical concept, referring to a magnetic center or force center, which was introduced into international politics by the western realist school to depict countries with dominant forces and influences in the international system. Theories of international politics in the United States master ・ o. there, judgment "pole" is the most important indicator of a country's military power, and military strength like money is the biggest convertible, that is to say, military strength powerful country in other non-military fields will also because of its powerful military strength and has a decisive influence. As a result, the traditional "pole" is based on the concept of hobbesian anarchy international order completely concept, on the basis of the relationship between the countries is the competition of pure power and even military power, is a completely "zero-sum game", seems to be no common ground between national concept, system, culture, rules, and did not depend on each other's existence. This concept of "pole" is based primarily on the dominance of military power and its infiltration of influence in all other areas, and emphasizes naked power politics and coercive control and monopoly over foreign or international affairs.

In the context of today's accelerated globalization process, the convertibility of military force has been greatly weakened. A country's superior military strength has been unable to smoothly translate into domination in other fields such as economy, culture, society and environment. For example, when it comes to positioning world oil prices, oil producers with weak military power have more influence and voice than big countries. In the era of globalization, the interests of countries are no longer zero-sum, but greatly overlapped, crossed and win-win. Wars or conflicts will lead to loss or even destruction of both sides, regions and even the whole world. Although the international community still does not have a central government-style ruling authority, due to the network proliferation of the international system and rule system, countries in today's world have also possessed considerable common concepts and rules. In particular, with the emergence of global problems and threats, it is impossible for any country to act entirely as it wishes. The most typical example is the terrorist threat. Although the United States has an overwhelming military strength, it cannot deal with the threat of terrorist organizations alone. Therefore, the connotation of "pole" has lost or weakened the dominant and controlling nature in the original sense. The traditional monopolar pattern concept, which is based on the dominant, controlled and monopolized status of a superior country, is fundamentally contrary to the logic of globalization.

One of the basic views of globalization supporters is the "erosion" of the power of nation-states. It is an undeniable fact in today's world that the number of actors outside nation-states increases and their functions are enhanced. Undoubtedly, an important result of globalization is the transfer and change of power at the domestic and international levels, which is mainly reflected in the following two aspects at the international level:

First, the transfer of power from sovereign states to non-state actors. Since the emergence of the modern international system, the nation-state has been the most basic and powerful actor in the international system, and the status and role of other actors in international politics is almost negligible. But since the 1980 s, the speeding up of globalization, the strengthening of interdependence among nations, the emergence of a global problem, and the functional sex of the government or non-government international organization and even some individuals, particularly the role of multinational companies, such as in international political, economic, more and more big, the national power of self-restraint and international organizations to functional transfer or assignment is inevitable. In modern times, the United Nations, the international monetary fund, the world trade organization, greenpeace, humanitarian organizations and other organizations are more widely and deeply involved in world affairs. The traditional transfer of state power to non-governmental organizations necessarily includes even the most powerful countries, which makes it difficult for any powerful country to monopolize decision-making power in world affairs and inevitably restricts any unipolar attempt.

Second, economic regionalization shifts power from individual countries to increasingly integrated regional groups. Economic regionalization is actually the integration that takes the lead in a specific space and time scope. It is an inevitable stage in the long process of economic globalization finally becoming integrated. Today's regionalization of the world is dominated by three major plates, namely, the north American free trade area, the European Union and the asia-pacific economic circle. On the one hand, regionalization has shifted some economic and political power from individual countries to regional groups. At the same time, it has also constructed the world economic multi-polarization pattern based on regional groups, which has become the support of political multi-polarization and provided a solid economic foundation for the development of political multi-polarization.

An important result of globalization is the emergence of global problems, such as ecological environment deterioration, financial crisis, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the spread of diseases such as AIDS and transnational crimes. These increasingly serious global problems not only transcend national boundaries, but also cause serious harm or even devastating consequences to the whole world, and they are beyond the capacity of any single country to solve them. Terrorism is typical of current global issues, because in essence, terrorist attacks are global economic interests in the uneven distribution in different parts of the world, and the overseas empire type caused by unfair policy, unilateralism, military force, the police, "pre-emptive", "forced entry" and other policies and measures, not only can not quell the anger, but also can make this kind of contradiction intensified. The developments since the war on terror prove that the unilateral hegemony of the United States and its absolute military superiority do not guarantee the security of the United States, and terrorist organizations will launch new attacks against the United States at any time. Military force is not an effective means of solving the problems of globalization, politics and diplomacy. Therefore, America's unilateralism and militarism policies and behaviors are in essence antithetical to the globalization background of today's world, and the globalization background is the inherent constraint of the United States in realizing its hegemony strategy.

The global problems caused by globalization are beyond any national boundaries and beyond the capacity of any individual country, regardless of their origin, role, impact and governance. In the increasingly serious and urgent problems and challenges, the ethnic equality, democratic consultation between the countries become the objective need and inevitable, multilateral joint action, based on the cooperation of the global public plan, and establish the corresponding international mechanism and system, became a appropriate way and means of global governance, and not rely on any one superpower command and ability. Therefore, the new international political order that is more equal and democratic based on the international system is the logical need and inevitable result of the globalization process.

Generally speaking, the emergence of pluralistic subjects and the strengthening of mutual dependence between countries caused by globalization will inevitably lead to the transfer and decentralization of power from countries, especially superpowers, which will inevitably weaken the monopoly power of any great power in international affairs and the ability to control other countries. In essence, globalization negates the trend of unipolarity. The development of multi-polarization and democratization in international politics is the inevitable logic of the trend of globalization. Therefore, although in the short term international political multi-polarization trend encountered some setbacks, hegemonism force more aggressively, and international political democratization trends have also been a certain degree of reversal, but in the history of this basic objective trend of economic globalization tide flow, the international trend of political multi-polarization and democratization will eventually dominate.


Essay代写:The imperialism

2018-08-20 17:01:22 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The imperialism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了帝国主义。帝国主义作为一个社会历史概念,它的内涵在不同的历史阶段,都不断地吸收、融合与产生新的认识和见解,并相应地发挥了它们应有的历史作用和理论意义。大家对帝国主义的见解,既表现出他们对殖民地在政治上独立后发展前景的高度关注,也反映了他们对帝国的终结并未导致帝国主义消失的根本原因所进行的深层分析。

The word "imperialist" has been used by the British ever since the 1860s. But as a conception of social history, it was only after the publication of j. a. hobson's classic "the theory of imperialism" that people paid more attention to it.

Hobson is an activist, but not a socialist. As a journalist, he lived through the Boer war of the late 19th century and was impressed by it. In 1900, he wrote a book on the Boer war, called the war in South Africa: its causes and effects. In the book, hobson argues that South Africa is in fact run by financiers, mostly jews.

In his famous theory of imperialism, hobson comprehensively expounded his theory of "imperialism" and used the concept of "imperialism" to describe the expansion of the British empire and European powers in the world. He pointed out that this expansion was mainly reflected in the fact that over the past three decades, European powers, especially Britain, carved up many parts of Asia, Africa and many islands in the Pacific through direct annexation or political control.

For hobson, the meaning of the word he used was clear: imperialism means establishing political control. As for the impetus for imperialist expansion, hobson made it clear that, apart from ambitious politicians, professional soldiers who dreamed of success in the colonies and missionaries who were keen to spread the Gospel of god, the most decisive and influential were the powerful financiers. Therefore, hobson thinks that the function of "imperialism" actually contains three meanings. One is that imperialism means the expansion of European powers into the non-european world. The second is that the expansion of imperialism took place mainly in the last thirty years of the nineteenth century, between 1870 and 1900. Third, imperialism is the result of financial capital.

In order to make a deeper analysis of the phenomenon of imperialism, hobson further believes that the emergence of imperialism is closely related to the development of capitalism and is the direct result of the "insufficient consumption" suffered by the capitalist economic development in Britain. Lack of consumption leads to excess capital. The capital had become so difficult to find profitable places to invest in the UK that it had to seek "overseas markets and investments to dump or export goods and capital that they could not sell in the UK".

Since hobson's view has a critical component to the capitalist system, it has also attracted the attention of many marxist thinkers, and the result is the emergence of marxist imperialism.

According to Marx and Engels, the expansion of capitalism has the function of "objective" progress. At this time, marxist thinkers like siphating and Luxembourg believed that the "imperialism" that emerged in the late 19th century existed as a model for oppression and exploitation of the non-capitalist world. From Luxembourg's point of view. "The real driving force behind imperialism was not the export of capital as many thought at the time, but the export of goods and imported raw materials. On the one hand, the markets and raw materials of the third world play a very important role in the development of the west; on the other hand, such markets and raw materials have a very limited base. So, notes Luxembourg: "imperialism is a political expression of capital accumulation in the competition to gain an environment that has not yet been encroached upon, which is not capitalist."

He argues that since the mid-19th century, the process of capital concentration has grown so fast that many industrial firms have merged to eliminate competition in an attempt to obtain monopoly prices. In order to obtain sufficient financial support for such commercial expansion, they often cooperate with Banks to make investments, so that numerous enterprises and capital are finally concentrated in the hands of a few people, thus forming "financial capital" and "monopoly capitalism". However, due to the limited consumption capacity at home, some monopoly enterprises have to find and develop overseas markets. At first, they often penetrate overseas markets by lowering the price of their products. However, as the competition in the overseas market became more and more intense, some enterprises changed their ways and set up factories directly overseas. In this way, they crossed the tariff barriers to make their products as profitable as at home. Therefore, every western capitalist power is trying to establish its own "national economic territory". "The result is that this capital export is bound to intensify the worldwide rivalry between them. This is the basic explanation of imperialism at this time.

Meanwhile, kautsky, a famous theorist of the second international, also made his own interpretation of the concept of imperialism. The word imperialism is used everywhere and everywhere today, he argues, but the more people talk about it, the more they talk about it, the more uncertain it becomes, which of course makes it difficult to get any sense. Today we have reached the point where all the phenomena of modern capitalism, namely, cartels, protective tariffs, financial domination, and colonial policies, are summed up in the name of imperialism. In this sense, imperialism is naturally necessary for the survival of capitalism. But that knowledge simply means the most tedious tautology, saying nothing but that capitalism cannot survive without it. So, in kautsky's view, "imperialism is the product of highly developed industrial capitalism. Imperialism is the struggle of every industrial capitalist nation to conquer and annex an increasing number of agricultural regions, irrespective of the nationality in which they reside ".

Afterwards, as a great proletarian theorist and socialist practitioner, Lenin also paid great attention to the theory of imperialism. In 1916, Lenin published a book of great historical significance, "imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism", which made the marxist elaboration of the theory of imperialism reach a new level. Lenin believed that imperialism is a developing stage of capitalism. In this stage, monopoly and financial capital establish their own dominant position; The export of capital is becoming more and more important. The world market has been carved up by international monopolies and the world has been carved up by western capitalist powers. Because of the correlation between Lenin's theory and hobson's understanding of imperialism, international academic circles often referred to their discussion of imperialism theory as "hobson -- Lenin theory".

In fact, we should be fully aware of some important differences between hobson's imperialism and Lenin's. For one thing, for hobson, although he thinks that the export of capital from the sovereign state to overseas markets is the result of the development of capitalism, he does not regard it as the inevitable result of the development of capitalism. That is to say, the development of capitalism does not necessarily lead to the export of capital. For, in Mr Hobson's view, this export of capital is due to insufficient domestic consumption. The so-called shortage of consumption, in simple terms, means that the production capacity is far greater than the consumption capacity, resulting in the sluggish sales of goods and capital overhang. Therefore, in theory, as long as the problem of insufficient consumption is solved, the problem of capital output is solved, and then the problem of empire expansion is solved.

Hobson also believes that in the UK, some social improvement measures can be adopted to solve the problem of imperial expansion, and by means of increasing the consumption power of the British working class. He argues in the imperialist: "if the British consumer base can keep its spending power in sync with the UK's production capacity, there will be no surplus of goods and capital needed to find their overseas markets through empire expansion."

Secondly, hobson's theory of imperialism, written before and after the Boer war, is mainly about the historical phenomenon of European powers carving up Africa in the last 30 years of the 19th century. Lenin's theory of imperialism was written in 1916 during the first world war. One of its theoretical purposes was obviously to reveal the socio-economic root of the redistribution of the world by the European powers, and to point out that such redistribution directly led to the outbreak of the first world war. So very little of Africa is mentioned in Lenin's book. Because of this, the period of history described by hobson and Lenin in their respective writings is different. Hobson mainly studied the expansion of European powers in the period from 1870 to 1900, while Lenin focused on the competition between European powers from 1900 to the first world war. In this way, Lenin's conclusion differs markedly from hobson's. In Lenin's opinion, imperialism is not the advanced stage of colonialism, but the highest stage of capitalism.

One of the most famous experts on the study of colonialism in modern times, a famous professor at the university of Cambridge in the United Kingdom feldhaus also talked about his views. The biggest difference between hobson's and Lenin's theory, feldhaus argues, lies in their different understanding of the nature of the domestic pressures that led capitalist countries to expand abroad. "Hobson is using the idea of under-consumption as an explanation. Lenin thought that capitalism as a social system had reached its final stage.. This will lead to the birth of the proletarian revolution and socialism, followed by the demise of imperialism. In feldhaus's view: "hobson is using his theory to prove that domestic social democratic reform is necessary and may eliminate the evil consequences of 'insufficient consumption', thus making imperialism an unnecessary policy or means. Lenin, on the other hand, defined imperialism as an inherent and inevitable stage in the development of capitalist society, and therefore impossible to eliminate through social improvement

Although hobson et al. explained imperialism from the perspective of capitalist development at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the international academic circles did not receive due attention, but with the success of the October revolution in 1917 and the emergence of the socialist Soviet union, these views still had a great impact. In the 1920s and 1930s, it was widely accepted that imperialism was caused by the difficulties faced by European economic development in the late 19th century. Because, at that time, the European powers, especially the British empire, very much needed to ensure the import of large amounts of raw materials to the industrialized countries. It also ensures that their overseas markets are reliably protected in order to sell their industrial products better. At the end of the century, before the visible British empire, the invisible British empire had already existed, while some scholars paid more attention to why imperialism continued after the visible empire disintegrated. After the second world war, the emergence of such discourses was not only related to the emergence of the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet union, but more importantly, closely related to the emergence of the decolonization movement that began after the war. Because after the end of world war I, with the defeat of Germany and the dissolution of the Ottoman empire, European powers further expanded their colonial rule. After world war ii, however, a very different picture emerged. In Asia, decolonization has just begun to emerge from the second world war. Soon thereafter, the process of decolonization in Africa took off in an unstoppable fashion, and by the 1960s most of the former colonies had become politically independent states.

However, political independence does not mean a solution to social problems or an economic attachment to the former suzerain. For many emerging countries, their dependence on the western-dominated world economy is even greater than before independence. The existence of this situation reveals the fact that the end of empire does not mean the end of imperialism. In order to explain the objective phenomenon theoretically, the theory of attachment emerges. In the eyes of the dependency theorists, imperialism is not only manifested as political domination, but more importantly as economic control, which promotes and fixes the attachment of underdeveloped countries and regions to developed countries. The existence of visible empire is only a manifestation of imperialism and a political result of the western developed countries' economic control over the colonies in Asia and Africa. Thus, even if the empire did not exist, the dependency remained the same, leaving the politically independent colonies under imperialist control. "The trade and investment of the developed capitalist countries can only slow and stagnate the development of poor countries, trapped in poverty and dependence on other countries".

In short, through the analysis of the concept of imperialism, we can clearly see that from the perspective of social development, the concept of imperialism is the concept of social history, and its connotation changes with the development of society. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, hobson's imperialist theory had positive significance in explaining the colonial expansion of the British empire and easing the domestic contradictions. Lenin's theory of imperialism was published during the first world war and on the eve of the October revolution. This not only has important guiding significance to the world socialist movement, but also has important theoretical value and direct practical function to discuss the causes of the outbreak of the first world war and the outbreak of the Russian October revolution. The imperialism of free trade by gallach and Robinson is not so much a theoretical explanation of the existence and development of the British empire in the 19th century as a political reflection on the changes of world pattern after the second world war and the emergence of intangible empires like the United States and the Soviet union. As for the attachment theorists' views on imperialism, they not only show their great concern on the prospect of the colony's development after its political independence, but also reflect their deep analysis on the root cause that the end of empire did not lead to the disappearance of imperialism.

In addition, through the in-depth understanding and understanding of the concept of imperialism, we should point out clearly that in modern society, as long as there is an empire, no matter it is a survival empire or an invisible empire, there must be imperialism, with different contents and different degrees of expansion and hegemony. Therefore, as a scholar from the third world countries and regions, it is necessary to make a careful analysis and choice of the relevant views of western scholars with a clearer mind and thinking, and on this basis, have a deeper discussion and a more profound understanding of the nature of imperialism.

