2008年12月~2009年1月にかけてイスラエル軍が Gaza 地区で行った(中略)では、1400人以上が殺害された。
この件について国連の独立調査委員会がまとめた報告書(ゴールドストーン報告書:Goldstone Report)は、2009年11月に国連本会議で採択された。
・イスラエルのガザ攻撃、「双方に戦争犯罪」=国連報告書(2011年9月16日 reuters)
・イスラエル/被占領パレスチナ地域 : ゴールドストーン報告書の国連決議は説明責任への決定的なステップ(2009年11月5日 amnesty.or.jp)
・Goldstone report: UN adoption vote 'vitally important' for accountability over Gaza conflict(2009年11月6日 amnesty.org.uk)
が、今月2日の Washington Post 紙上で調査委員会の座長を務めた Richard GOLDSTONE 氏自身が、この報告書について妙なコメントを出していた・・・。
・Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes(2011年4月2日 washingtonpost.com)
元々 Goldstone 報告書では、イスラエル政府と Hamas の双方に対し実態調査を行うことを求めていた。
・Investigation as a ceremony(2009年10月26日 flagburner's blog(仮))
2011年4月2日分 Washington Post の論説で、GOLDSTONE 氏は例の報告書に関する説明を色々行っていた。
以下、2011年4月2日分『Reconsidering the Goldstone Report~』からその部分を(略
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We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report.
If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document.
The final report by the U.N. committee of independent experts — chaired by former New York judge Mary McGowan Davis — that followed up on the recommendations of the Goldstone Report has found that “Israel has dedicated significant resources to investigate over 400 allegations of operational misconduct in Gaza” while “the de facto authorities (i.e., Hamas) have not conducted any investigations into the launching of rocket and mortar attacks against Israel.”
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・Israel calls on UN to bury Gaza crimes report(2011年4月3日 english.aljazeera.net)
・'Goldstone owes Israel apology for war crimes accusations'(2011年4月3日 jpost.com)
・Goldstone: I was wrong on Israel’s intentions(2011年4月2日 jta.org)
ただし、イスラエル政府の姿勢は GOLDSTONE 氏の論説の「後半」を無視していた。
実は、この論説の後半でGOLDSTONE 氏は、国連人権理事会が先月21日に行った例の報告書検証会議で、座長を務めた McGowan DAVIS 氏が示した懸念に同意していた模様。
・Council Holds Interactive Dialogue with Committee of Independent Experts on Follow-up to Recommendations in the Goldstone Report(2011年3月21日 domino.on.urg)
ここで、DAVIS 氏は、イスラエル政府が例の報告書の勧告を受けて調査を行ったことを評価した一方、その内容について懸念を示していた。
以下、2011年3月21日分 domino.un.org『Council Holds Interactive Dialogue~』から、DAVIS 氏の発言部分を(略
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Israel had dedicated significant resources to investigating over 400 allegations of operational misconduct in Gaza, but given the scale of this undertaking, much remained to be accomplished.
There was no indication that Israel had opened investigations into the actions of those who designed, planned, ordered and oversaw Operation Cast Lead as called for by the Fact-Finding Mission report.
The concerns expressed in the previous report of the Committee of Independent Experts relating to transparency and the participation of victims and witnesses in investigations continued to be relevant.
Non-governmental organizations, victims and their legal representatives continued having difficulty in accessing information about progress in investigations and uniformly reported that the majority of their requests for information went unanswered.
The Committee expressed strong reservations regarding the promptness of some investigations of individual incidents and more than one-third of the 36 incidents that had featured in the Fact-Finding Mission report were still unresolved or unclear.
The duration of the ongoing investigations — over two years since the end of the Gaza operation — could seriously impair the effectiveness and the prospect of achieving accountability and justice.
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誰がどのようにして2008年12月~2009年1月にかけて Gaza 地区で行った(中略)を計画し判断を下したのか、については謎のままってか。
何にも調査を行ってない Hamas はそれ以前の問題だが・・・。
この状況に関しては、Amnesty International の Peter SPLINTER 氏が会議の中で厳しいコメントをしていた。
以下、2011年3月21日分 domino.un.org『Council Holds Interactive Dialogue~』から、SPLINTER 氏の発言部分を(略
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PETER SPLINTER, of Amnesty International, said that the conclusions of the report of the Committee of Independent Experts concurred with the latest assessment by Amnesty International published on 18 March that neither Israeli nor Hamas authorities had adequately investigated violations covered by the report of the Fact-Finding Mission.
This continuing failure demonstrated a lack of will by both sides to ensure accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Human Rights Council must take steps towards an international just solution for all the victims of the conflict.
Israeli authorities had not investigated the policy decisions that led to grave violations of international law during the conflict, or adequately investigated all alleged violations covered in the report of the Fact-Finding Mission.
Hamas failed to investigate the firing of indiscriminate rockets into Israel.
Amnesty International called on the Council to adopt a resolution that, among other, condemned the failure of Israeli authorities and the Hamas de facto administration to conduct credible, independent investigations or prosecute perpetrators of victims, and to urge the General Assembly to call on the United Nations Security Council to refer the situation in Gaza to the International Criminal Court.
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GOLDSTONE 報告書の失敗ってのは、武力攻撃とかにおける当事者による調査の限界(客観性とか)ってのを過小評価していたことかもしれん。
この件について国連の独立調査委員会がまとめた報告書(ゴールドストーン報告書:Goldstone Report)は、2009年11月に国連本会議で採択された。
・イスラエルのガザ攻撃、「双方に戦争犯罪」=国連報告書(2011年9月16日 reuters)
・イスラエル/被占領パレスチナ地域 : ゴールドストーン報告書の国連決議は説明責任への決定的なステップ(2009年11月5日 amnesty.or.jp)
・Goldstone report: UN adoption vote 'vitally important' for accountability over Gaza conflict(2009年11月6日 amnesty.org.uk)
が、今月2日の Washington Post 紙上で調査委員会の座長を務めた Richard GOLDSTONE 氏自身が、この報告書について妙なコメントを出していた・・・。
・Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes(2011年4月2日 washingtonpost.com)
元々 Goldstone 報告書では、イスラエル政府と Hamas の双方に対し実態調査を行うことを求めていた。
・Investigation as a ceremony(2009年10月26日 flagburner's blog(仮))
2011年4月2日分 Washington Post の論説で、GOLDSTONE 氏は例の報告書に関する説明を色々行っていた。
以下、2011年4月2日分『Reconsidering the Goldstone Report~』からその部分を(略
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We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report.
If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document.
The final report by the U.N. committee of independent experts — chaired by former New York judge Mary McGowan Davis — that followed up on the recommendations of the Goldstone Report has found that “Israel has dedicated significant resources to investigate over 400 allegations of operational misconduct in Gaza” while “the de facto authorities (i.e., Hamas) have not conducted any investigations into the launching of rocket and mortar attacks against Israel.”
---- 引用以上 ----
・Israel calls on UN to bury Gaza crimes report(2011年4月3日 english.aljazeera.net)
・'Goldstone owes Israel apology for war crimes accusations'(2011年4月3日 jpost.com)
・Goldstone: I was wrong on Israel’s intentions(2011年4月2日 jta.org)
ただし、イスラエル政府の姿勢は GOLDSTONE 氏の論説の「後半」を無視していた。
実は、この論説の後半でGOLDSTONE 氏は、国連人権理事会が先月21日に行った例の報告書検証会議で、座長を務めた McGowan DAVIS 氏が示した懸念に同意していた模様。
・Council Holds Interactive Dialogue with Committee of Independent Experts on Follow-up to Recommendations in the Goldstone Report(2011年3月21日 domino.on.urg)
ここで、DAVIS 氏は、イスラエル政府が例の報告書の勧告を受けて調査を行ったことを評価した一方、その内容について懸念を示していた。
以下、2011年3月21日分 domino.un.org『Council Holds Interactive Dialogue~』から、DAVIS 氏の発言部分を(略
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Israel had dedicated significant resources to investigating over 400 allegations of operational misconduct in Gaza, but given the scale of this undertaking, much remained to be accomplished.
There was no indication that Israel had opened investigations into the actions of those who designed, planned, ordered and oversaw Operation Cast Lead as called for by the Fact-Finding Mission report.
The concerns expressed in the previous report of the Committee of Independent Experts relating to transparency and the participation of victims and witnesses in investigations continued to be relevant.
Non-governmental organizations, victims and their legal representatives continued having difficulty in accessing information about progress in investigations and uniformly reported that the majority of their requests for information went unanswered.
The Committee expressed strong reservations regarding the promptness of some investigations of individual incidents and more than one-third of the 36 incidents that had featured in the Fact-Finding Mission report were still unresolved or unclear.
The duration of the ongoing investigations — over two years since the end of the Gaza operation — could seriously impair the effectiveness and the prospect of achieving accountability and justice.
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誰がどのようにして2008年12月~2009年1月にかけて Gaza 地区で行った(中略)を計画し判断を下したのか、については謎のままってか。
何にも調査を行ってない Hamas はそれ以前の問題だが・・・。
この状況に関しては、Amnesty International の Peter SPLINTER 氏が会議の中で厳しいコメントをしていた。
以下、2011年3月21日分 domino.un.org『Council Holds Interactive Dialogue~』から、SPLINTER 氏の発言部分を(略
---- 以下引用 ----
PETER SPLINTER, of Amnesty International, said that the conclusions of the report of the Committee of Independent Experts concurred with the latest assessment by Amnesty International published on 18 March that neither Israeli nor Hamas authorities had adequately investigated violations covered by the report of the Fact-Finding Mission.
This continuing failure demonstrated a lack of will by both sides to ensure accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Human Rights Council must take steps towards an international just solution for all the victims of the conflict.
Israeli authorities had not investigated the policy decisions that led to grave violations of international law during the conflict, or adequately investigated all alleged violations covered in the report of the Fact-Finding Mission.
Hamas failed to investigate the firing of indiscriminate rockets into Israel.
Amnesty International called on the Council to adopt a resolution that, among other, condemned the failure of Israeli authorities and the Hamas de facto administration to conduct credible, independent investigations or prosecute perpetrators of victims, and to urge the General Assembly to call on the United Nations Security Council to refer the situation in Gaza to the International Criminal Court.
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GOLDSTONE 報告書の失敗ってのは、武力攻撃とかにおける当事者による調査の限界(客観性とか)ってのを過小評価していたことかもしれん。