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"Jean-Marc AYRAULT" の言語表記は難しいらしいが(Jul 29, 2013)

2013-07-29 21:23:43 | 時事ネタ(海外)
現在のフランスの首相は、ジャン=マルク・エロー(Jean-Marc AYRAULT)という名前の人物らしい。
・仏首相の「姓」表記で再び問題、韓国メディア困惑(2013年7月29日 afpbb.com)
・Why French PM Jean-Marc Ayrault's name is so hard to translate(2013年7月25日 globalpost.com;AFP)

以下、2013年7月29日分 afpbb.com『仏首相~』を全文(略

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【7月29日 AFP】
自身の名前の表記をめぐり、訪問先の国々でメディア各社を悩ませるジャンマルク・エロー(Jean-Marc Ayrault)仏首相だが、最近訪問した韓国でも、やはり同様の問題が発生したようだ──。

韓国国内で最多の発行部数を誇る朝鮮日報(Chosun Ilbo)は、同首相の名前を伝える際、姓の「Ayrault(エロー)」に性的な意味を持つ言葉を選び、一方の聯合ニュース(Yonhap News)は、「困難」を意味する言葉を充てた。


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そもそも、フランス語における "r" の発音って、英語の "r" と大きく異なってるんだよな。


しかも、韓国語の "r" に相当する発音は日本語の「ラ行」に近いらしい。
要は、AYRAULT 首相の名前を、実際の発音にできるだけ忠実にハングルで表記するのが困難ってこと。

つか、アラビア語圏の人達が AYRAULT 首相から受けた災難(?)は、別の意味でシャレにならないレベルだったらしい。
・France’s Ayrault Creates Anatomical Challenge for Arab Press(2012年5月16日 bloomberg.com)

afpbb.com の記事で触れられてた問題点に加え、文字に書かれてることは全部発音するというアラビア語のルール上、AYRAULT 首相をアラビア語表記にするのは相当大変だった模様。
以下、2012年5月16日分 bloomberg.com『France's~』から中盤部分を(略

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The potential for embarrassment prompted France’s foreign ministry to put out a statement today as Ayrault took office with the recommended spelling in Arabic.
The official solution would add the letters L and T to the transliteration.
Arabic is a phonetic language where normally all letters are pronounced, unlike French where these two letters in “Ayrault” are silent.

An Nahar, a Beirut-based newspaper, chose that solution.
Al Hayat, a London-based newspaper widely considered a reference across the Arab world, published a front-page headline chopping Ayrault’s name to “Aro,” when a more correct transcription would be “Ayro.”

A U.A.E.-based Arabic-language channel has sent an internal note to its journalists, asking them to write his name as “Aygho.”

The Dubai-based Al Bayan newspaper chose to use just his first name on its front-page headline: “Hollande Inaugurates his Mandate by Appointing Jean-Marc as Prime Minister.”
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BBC のアラビア語版では、AYRAULT 首相を "إرو" と表記してるが・・・。
・نبذة عن جان مارك إرو، المرشح لمنصب رئيس وزراء فرنسا(2012年5月15日 bbc.co.uk)


なお、フランス語では、ウラジーミル・プーチン(Vladimir PUTIN:Владимир Владимирович Путин)ロシア大統領を "Poutine" と表記している。
・Putin/Poutine(2005年4月3日 nytimes.com)

参考までに、2005年4月3日分 nytimes.com『Putin/Poutine』から中盤部分を(略

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Now we come to the reason that French is known as the language of diplomacy.
In France's official documents, as well as uniformly in the French press, Vladimir Putin's last name is spelled Poutine.
As a natural result, it is pronounced poo-TEEN, rhyming with our ''routine.''
The French undoubtedly know that is not the way he or his compatriots, or even President Bush looking into his soul, pronounce Putin's name. (To head off a torrent of e-mail from Quebec, let me acknowledge that poutine is also French-Canadian comfort food: fried potatoes suffused in cheese and dollops of salty gravy.)

Why the error in transliteration?
Official French sources tell me that because the sound that we write as in has no place in French pronunciation, an e has been added to make the sound more amenable to the French tongue, and that's all there is to it.
They note -- somewhat stiffly, anticipating the direction of my inquiry -- that they have added a vowel to other names for this purpose.
But other, more conspiratorial linguists suggest that the spelling of Putin in English would be pronounced as putain in French -- that is, sounding close to pew-TANH.

Putain, in French, means ''prostitute; whore,'' or in current correctese, ''sexual-services provider.''
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it is the probable source, slightly corrupted, of the U.S. slang term poontang, a derogation of women as a means of sexual gratification.
Hence, the rejection of the English spelling of Putin and the switch to Poutine, pronounced poo-TEEN.
Small wonder that French arbiters of usage and pronunciation -- perhaps out of commendable delicacy, in the interest of the avoidance of offense and the leers of pundits -- have embraced phony phonetics, unanimously choosing to mispronounce the name of the president of Russia.
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