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Loser of Zimbabwe doctors' strike:patients...(Dec 27, 2014)

2014-12-27 20:11:59 | 時事ネタ(海外)
・Zimbabwe doctors strike for better pay(2014年10月28日 timeslive.co.za;AFP)

とりあえず、2014年10月28日分 timeslive.co.za『Zimbabwe doctors strike~』を全文(略)

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Around 300 junior doctors went on strike at the lapse of a two-week ultimatum for the government to address their demands for a pay rise of around 400 percent.

"The nationwide strike has attracted an overwhelming response from all government hospitals with over 300 doctors withdrawing their services until the employer meets their demands," Farai Makoni, president of the Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association, told AFP.

"What the doctors are asking for is not anything out of this world."

Makoni said the junior doctors want their monthly salaries increased from $283 to $1,200, their housing and transport allowances raised and are also seeking a risk allowance.

"These grievances have been there for some time and the strike shall be protracted if the employer continues to pay a blind eye to the plight of doctors."

A few senior doctors were working at major government hospitals in the capital with patients having a long wait in the outpatients' departments.

At Harare Hospital, one of the country's largest health institutions, which caters mainly for the urban poor, doctors were attending to emergencies only while turning away non-critical patients.

The health ministry said in a statement it was concerned that the doctors went on strike "without exhausting the existing mechanisms for dialogue."

"The government remains committed to improving the working conditions of all its workers within the provisions of the available fiscal space," it said.

Zimbabwe government hospitals suffer perennial staff shortages as well as a lack of equipment and essential drugs.

The situation has spawned a rise in the numbers of low-cost private clinics to cater for the poor.
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・The human price of Zimbabwe’s doctors strike(2014年11月10日 thedailybox.co.za)

以下、2014年11月10日分 thedailybox.co.za『The human price of~』からその部分を(略)

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At a minimum of $282/month it’s not hard to see why the doctors have held their ground and resisted government calls to return to work, but the human casualties of industrial action will inevitably haunt any gains that Zimbabwe’s underpaid striking medics may make.

The doctors’ stayaway is a grim reflection of the government’s dangerous indifference to a national health crisis and the poor salaries of civil servants.
Throughout the year the doctors have tried to lobby government, in and out of court, but the Health Services Board and the Ministry of Health have declined requests for salary and housing allowance reviews.

During strike negotiations the ministry has driven a hard bargain and urged the doctors to return to work. Making little headway with this week’s negotiations, the doctors have now appealed to President Robert Mugabe to hear their matter.

That 400 doctors have to petition the president in their struggle to earn above the national poverty line of $511 is a sign of desperation.
It is also a sign that government needs to take the doctor’s plight far more seriously.
Beyond money however, the real cost of the doctors industrial action has a human price tag the country cannot afford.
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つい先日、保健・児童ケア省(Ministry of Health and Child Care Zimbabwe)は、ストライキに参加した医師の12月分と来年1月の給与を減額する方針を決めた。
・Doctors challenge docked salaries in High Court(2014年12月18日 dailynews.co.zw)

一応、2014年12月18日分 dailynews.co.zw『Doctors callange docked~』から後半部分を(略)

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In a document availed to doctors at Parirenyatwa Hospital, the Public Service Commission, as directed by the ministry of Health and Child Care, wants $264,48 deducted from their salaries for December and the same figure for January, bringing a total of $529,36.

“This evil move is intended to be implemented against the backdrop of doctors earning around $283 as basic salary and some meagre allowances,” the ZHDA statement added.

Paul Chimedza, deputy minister of Health and Child Care, has said the slash was justifiable under public service laws.

“As government, we pay for services rendered but if you spend the day drinking and smoking, why should you be paid unless you are on leave,” Chimedza told the Daily News.

“The next thing would be people withdrawing their service for six months, work somewhere else and come back.

“If anyone pays them, they can be sued and even the public will be after us. Even the auditor-general knows about it.”

The ZHDA said it “will never be intimidated or unnecessarily be coerced by the deputy minister’s remarks and of course his recent docking of salaries so that it loses track of what the government is set to deliver beginning January 2015, a clear sabotage of ZimAsset.”
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