flagburner's blog(仮)


Memorandum about the film "The Attack"(Dec 29, 2012)

2012-12-29 19:52:10 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
今回は、今年公開された映画『The Attack』を少し紹介する。
・Israeli Arab wrestles with grief, guilt in suicide bomb film(2012年12月20日 reuters.com;ネタバレあり)
・“The Attack”: A mournful tale of love, guilt and conflict(2012年12月18日 varietyarabia.com;ネタバレあり)

この映画の元ネタは、アルジェリア出身フランス在住の小説家ことヤスミナ・カドラ(Yasmina Khadra:ياسمينة خضرا)氏の『テロル(L'Attentat:The Attack)』(2005)という小説。

主人公は、イスラエルのテルアヴィヴ(Tel-Aviv)に住んでる Amin Jafari という外科医。
Jafari は、自分の人生とかアイデンティティを辿る旅に出るのだが・・・。

この映画の監督こと Ziad Doueiri 氏が、小説の映画化に取り掛かった際も色々大変だった模様。
以下、2012年12月20日分 reuters.com『Israeli Arab wrestles~』から序盤部分を(略

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Six years later "The Attack" is garnering interest on the festival circuit, winning praise in Toronto, an award in Marrakech, and wowing audiences at the Dubai international film festival in the United Arab Emirates this week.

"When they got the script they rejected it, and they not only rejected it, they pulled the project and kept the script. We had a three-year legal battle to try and get it back," Doueiri, whose 1998 debut "West Beirut" drew praise at Cannes, said after a screening.

"I understand the sensitivity of the film and I knew at the start it had a lot of landmines along the way. We knew we were going to have people who oppose it on the Arab side and the Jewish side."
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この映画の中で、Amin は、西岸地区を訪れるが、そこでは妻を「殉教者」として扱うポスターが貼られ Amin は(シオニストに魂を売った)裏切り者として扱われるという展開に。
そして、Amin は、旅の終わりに 2002年にイスラエル軍が大規模な攻撃を行ったジェニン(Jenin)に辿りつくのだが・・・。
以下、2012年12月20日分 reuters.com『Israeli Arab wrestles~』から中盤部分を(略

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Towards the end he takes a trip to Jenin - site of an Israeli operation in 2002 that left dozens of Palestinians dead - in a scene that Doueiri said was meant to signify that Amin understood what drove his wife though he didn't condone it.

Doueiri said graffiti on the ruins of homes in Jenin reading "Ground Zero" - a reference to the site of New York towers destroyed in the 9/11 attacks in 2001 - was one scene that particularly riled his original U.S. collaborators.

Amin also realizes that while he was a part of Israeli society, his wife had felt like an outsider.

"It's about this man who is absolutely attached to his wife, who believed at the beginning of the film that he could be very well-integrated into Israeli society," Doueiri said.
"Only, at the end there's that truth that comes up that the bottom line is there's us and there's them."
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少し前まで「彼ら」に溶け込んでると思ってたのに実際はそうでない、と気づいた時の Amin の心境はイカに・・・。


『The Attack』が日本で上映されるのはいつになるのやら・・・(謎)。


