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United States supporting Kurdish independence : when pigs fly...?(Jan 27, 2015)

2015-01-27 21:11:55 | 時事ネタ(海外)

去年の9月から、巷で噂の「イスラム国」(ISISとかISILとか)がコバネ(アイン・アルアラブ(アラビア語))(Kobane:Ain al-Arab)という重要都市を制圧するため攻勢を強めていた。
・クルド人部隊、シリアの要衝コバニを制圧 イスラム国を撃退(2015年1月27日 afpbb.com)
・Kurds expel ISIS from Syria's Kobani(2015年1月26日 dailystar.com.lb;AFP)


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【1月27日 AFP】
トルコ国境に近いシリア北部の要衝の町アインアルアラブ(Ain al-Arab、クルド名:コバニ、Kobane)をめぐりイスラム教スンニ派(Sunni)の過激派組織「イスラム国(Islamic State、IS)」との戦闘を続けていたクルド人部隊は26日、同町からイスラム国戦闘員らを撃退し、クルド人部隊の旗を掲げた。

非政府組織(NGO)「シリア人権監視団(Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)」によると、クルド人民兵組織の人民防衛部隊(YPG)はコバニからイスラム国の戦闘員を全て撃退し、町を完全に制圧。


米中央軍(US Central Command)も、クルド人部隊がコバニの約90%を制圧したと発表。
また、YPGのポラト・ジャン(Polat Jan)報道担当はツイッター(Twitter)上で「コバニ解放」を宣言し、コバニを拠点とする活動家も「戦闘は止まった」と語っている。

(c)AFP/Rita Daou
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以下、2015年1月26日分 dailystar.com.lb『Kurds expel ISIS~』からその部分を(略)

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The loss of Kobani, also known as Ain al-Arab, would be an important defeat for ISIS.

The group has lost 1,196 fighters since it began its advance on the town on September 16, according to the Observatory.

At one point, the jihadi group looked poised to overrun Kobani, which lies on the Syrian-Turkish border.

It wielded sophisticated weapons captured from military bases in Syria and Iraq and committed hundreds of fighters to the battle.

But Kurdish forces gradually pushed back the jihadis with the help of the U.S.-led air raids and a group of fighters from Iraq's Kurdish peshmerga forces.

Analysts say the loss of Kobani is both a symbolic and strategic blow for ISIS, which set its sights on the small town in a bid to cement its control over a long stretch of the Syrian-Turkish border.

Since the group emerged in its current form in 2013, it has captured large swathes of territory in both Syria and Iraq.

It has declared an Islamic "caliphate" in territory under its control, and gained a reputation for brutality, including executions and torture.

But its apparent failure in Kobani could put the brakes on its plans for expansion in Syria.

"Despite all that manpower, all that sophisticated weaponry, IS couldn't get the city, so it's a big blow for their plans and its a great achievement for the Kurds," Kurdish affairs analyst Mutlu Civiroglu told AFP, using an alternative name for ISIS.

"Kobani sets an example on the ground, showing that when you have skilled fighters on the ground with the support of airstrikes, this danger, these forces, can be stopped and eliminated."

Civiroglu said YPG forces would likely spend the next few days clearing Kobani before expanding outwards to surrounding villages captured by ISIS.

Civilians were largely spared in the fighting because the town's residents evacuated en masse, mostly across the border into Turkey, in the early stages of the battle.
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・Kurds angered by anti-ISIL conference snub(2015年1月23日 america.aljazeera.com)

以下、2015年1月23日分america.aljazeera.com『Kurds angered~』から後半部分を(略)

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All the while, coalition members including the U.S. have sent the Kurds mixed messages, said Gonul Tol, director of the Center for Turkish Studies at the Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C. Over the past seven months, the U.S. and its allies have offered unprecedented military aid to Kurdish forces in order to pressure ISIL on the ground.
The Kurds, Tol said, may have perceived this support as a sign that the U.S., which has long discouraged the Iraqi Kurds’ ambitions of independence from Iraq, could be shifting gears.
A State Department representative even attended an oil conference in London that featured Kurdish representatives (independent Kurdish exports of oil have long been frowned upon by the U.S., seen as an affront to the central Iraqi government).

“The Kurds thought this could be their moment, that the rise of IS [ISIL] would be a historic moment for Kurdish independence,” said Tol.
“There was this idea that the Kurds could be the best alternative to IS [ISIL] because they’re secular and pro-Western.”

Most surprisingly, the U.S. even airdropped arms to the Syrian Kurdish PYD militias defending the besieged town of Kobani from ISIL last year, in a bid to pressure Turkey to open its borders and allow the PKK ― the PYD’s Turkey-based partners who both Washington and Ankara deem a "terrorist" organization ― to enter the fight.
There has even been talk in Congress of delisting the PKK from the U.S. "foreign terrorist organization" list, given their role in rescuing threatened Christian and Yazidi minorities from ISIL onslaught.

But Tol said these deviations from U.S. policy may be more readily regarded as a matter of necessity.
"This doesn’t mean there’s a new strategy of the U.S. supporting Kurdish independence," she said.
Not inviting the Kurds to London signifies "we still want a unified Iraq, and Baghdad is the real representative.”

Still, the very fact that the coalition is forced to skirt around direct coordination with their most important ground partners points to a strategic dilemma for the U.S and its allies, said Wladimir van Wilgenburg, an expert on Kurdish politics with the Jamestown Foundation.

“It’s a little bit illogical,” said van Wilgenburg, who spoke from the Kurdish regional capital of Erbil.
“Especially if they hope to defeat ISIL in Mosul ― the most important symbol and base for IS [ISIL] in Iraq ― they’re going to need the Kurds.”
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