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イスラエル政府が抗議船団を嫌ってるのは理解できなくないが(Jun 28, 2011)

2011-06-28 21:13:19 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
イスラエルによる Gaza 地区封鎖に抗議するため Gaza 地区に向かう予定の抗議船団は、今月後半の出港を目指して色々準備してきた。
これに対し、イスラエル政府は抗議船団が Gaza 地区に近づいたら拿捕→拘束すると公言していた。
・Israel warns journalists not to board Gaza flotilla(2011年6月26日 reuters.com)
・Israel warns media against boarding Gaza flotilla(2011年6月27日 ynetnews.com;AP)

さしあたっては、2011年6月26日分 reuters.com『Israel warns journalists~』から、イスラエル政府広報局(Israel's Government Press Office)の Oren Helman 氏がイスラエル国内で活動する国外通信社(ややこしい)に送りつけたメールの内容とかについて述べた部分を(略

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In a statement sent by email to Reuters and other international news organizations, Oren Helman, director of Israel's Government Press Office, said participation in the flotilla would be "an intentional violation" of Israeli law.

A year ago, nine Turkish activists, including one with dual U.S.-Turkish nationality, were killed by Israeli soldiers who raided a Gaza-bound aid convoy and were confronted by passengers wielding clubs and knives.

Pro-Palestinian activists have said ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip could depart from European ports in the coming days.

Helman said that sailing in a new flotilla "is liable to lead to participants being denied entry into the State of Israel for ten years, to the impoundment of their equipment and to additional sanctions."

"I implore you to avoid taking part in this provocative and dangerous event, the purpose of which is to undermine Israel's right to defend itself and to knowingly violate Israeli law," Helman wrote in the email, asking Israel-based journalists to pass along its contents to their editorial boards overseas.
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要は、「これ以上はお見せできません」とか「しばらくお待ちください」というテロップが TV の画面に流れるレベルのことをやる、ってことだが・・・。

外国のジャーナリストが加盟している Foreign Press Association は、イスラエル政府のこの通達に抗議した。
・The FPA protests against limitations on foreign media covering the upcoming flotilla. See: Statements(2011年6月26日 fpa.org.il)

以下、2011年6月26日分 fpa.org.il『The FPA protests~』を全文(略

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The government’s threat to punish journalists covering the Gaza flotilla sends a chilling message to the international media and raises serious questions about Israel’s commitment to freedom of the press.
Journalists covering a legitimate news event should be allowed to do their jobs without threats and intimidation.
We urge the government to reverse its decision immediately.

The board of The Foreign Press Association 26th June, 2011
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ちなみに、同様の非難は、国境なき記者団(Reportiers Sans Frontiers)からも飛んでいた。
・Israeli government openly threatens journalists planning to sail with Gaza flotilla(2011年6月27日 rsf.org)

・・・といった一連の抗議を受けて、Benyamin NETANYAHU イスラエル首相は、問題の通達を撤回すると表明した。
・PM Netanyahu Instructs Responsible Authorities ro Formulate Special Procedure for Foreign Journalists(2011年6月27日 pmo.org.il)

以下、2011年6月27日分 pmo.org.il『PM Netanyahu Instructs~』を全文(略

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today instructed the responsible authorities to formulate a special procedure regarding foreign journalists that participate in the flotilla and arrive in contravention of the Entry into Israel Law.
When the matter was brought to his attention, the Prime Minister directed that the regular policy against infiltrators and those who enter Israel illegally not be implemented.
It has also been agreed that members of the Israeli and international media will be attached to Israel Navy vessels in order to create transparency and credible coverage of the events.
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・IDF fears flotilla activists will try to kill soldiers(2011年6月27日 ynetnews.com)
・Flotilla activists not all peaceful, government warns(2011年6月28日 Haaretz.com)
・FM: Flotilla participants are blood-seeking terrorists(2011年6月28日 jpost.com)

まぁ、抗議船団の方々を Hamas の手先とか言い張るくらいだからこれくらいのことは言うのは当然だろうが・・・。

果たして、抗議船団は無事に Gaza 地区にたどり着けるのだろうか?(←まだ出港してないっての)


