flagburner's blog(仮)



2008-11-04 20:07:31 | 時事ネタ(海外)
なんか、ジンバブェの中央銀行にあたる The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe(RBZ)が、激しすぎるインフレに対抗するためのデノミを実行予定を伝えたのだが・・・。
・RBZ reviewing cash limits(2008年11月3日 The Herald)

現在、RBZ は以下のような一日あたりの預金引き出し額制限をかけている。


ってことで、一昨日の声明で RBZ はデノミをやると言い出した。
以下、The Herald の記事から、RBZ が計画してる今後の政策について述べてるところを引用しておく。

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"In a market that has become predominantly speculative, most providers of goods and services are demanding cash as the only acceptable means of payment, penalising those that could otherwise be willing and able to use cheques for transaction purposes.
"In the measures underway, the Reserve Bank plans to introduce a number of new, higher denominations, review the cash withdrawal limits as well as commence aggressive campaigns for increased usage of other alternative means of payment," the statement said.
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なんせ、Mugabe 大統領が今までのことに責任をとらない上に、全然政権を譲る気がない状態だからな~。

ここにきて、RBZ が Global Fund to Fight AIDS という団体から援助目的で受け取った資金を別の目的で使ったという噂が・・・。
・Questions over aid spending in Zimbabwe(2008年11月3日 International Herald Tribune)

以下、IHT の記事から、情報相の Sikhanyiso Ndlovu 氏と RBZ の最高責任者である Gideon Gono 氏のコメント部分を長いけど引用しておく。

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Zimbabwe's information minister, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, said Sunday in an interview that he was not aware of the particulars of the disagreement, but he defended what he described as the Reserve Bank's good intentions and accused the Global Fund of politicizing aid.

"They always want to put certain standards and concoct certain things to make us look bad and horrendous in international eyes," he said.

Gideon Gono, governor of the Reserve Bank, the custodian of the Global Fund's money, has been spending large sums this year on a range of things, according to reports in Zimbabwe's state-owned media.

Gono gave the country's judges new vehicles, satellite dishes and televisions and allocated 79 vehicles for the Information Ministry.
He announced the provision of 3,000 tractors, 105 combine harvesters and 100,000 plows for the country's farm mechanization program.
Ndlovu, the information minister, said the Reserve Bank had been getting foreign currency for imports of food and medicine.

Ndlovu said the Global Fund had sided with Western nations that had restricted aid to Zimbabwe and imposed sanctions on it -- sanctions that Mugabe and his party blame for the country's economic ruin.

"The money from the Global Fund is nowhere near what the Reserve Bank has spent on health care for the country," the information minister said.
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Gono 氏の言うように農業分野の復興と称して機材を買ったとしても、それを有効に使う政策をやらないと意味は無いと思う。
ま、Gono 氏もその辺は理解してると思うんだが・・・。



