flagburner's blog(仮)


Alan Johnston 氏に関する動き(その4)

2007-07-04 21:12:07 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
今年の3月12日、Gaza 地区で誘拐された Alan Johnston 氏がようやく解放された。
・BBC's Gaza correspondent released (2007年7月4日 bbc.co.uk)

つーか、Hamas のコメントから 2週間遅れの解放かよ・・・(苦笑)。
Hamas が今回の解放に、どれだけ力を発揮したかを疑わざるを得ないぞ。

にしても、Johnston 氏が拘束されている間の扱いは良くなかったようだ。

>He described his experience of captivity as "appalling" and "occasionally quite terrifying".
>"It became quite hard to imagine normal life again," he said.
"The last 16 weeks have been the very worst of my life," he added.
>"I was in the hands of people who were dangerous and unpredictable."
>"I literally dreamt many times of being free and always woke up back in that room."

>Mr Johnston said he was not tortured during captivity but he did fall ill from the food he was served.
>He added that he had been kept in four different locations, two of them only briefly.
>He was able to see the sun in the first month but was then kept in a shuttered room until a week before his release, he said.
>He was kept in chains for 24 hours but was not harmed physically until the last half hour of his captivity, when his captors hit him "a bit".

とりあえず、Johnston 氏には当分の間休養をとって欲しい。



