flagburner's blog(仮)


After the Boston Marathon Bombings...(May 5, 2013)

2013-05-05 21:40:36 | 時事ネタ(海外)
・ボストン・マラソン爆発:歓喜のゴール一転、惨劇の現場に(2013年4月16日 毎日jp)

・米でムスリム差別、爆弾テロ以降(2013年4月30日 nationalgeographic.co.jp)
・Muslim Bashing in the Wake of Boston Bombing(2013年4月26日 nationalgeographic.com)

とりあえず、2013年4月30日分 nationalgeographic.co.jp『米で~』から前半部分を(略

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 ボストンマラソンの会場で起きた爆破事件の容疑者として、アメリカ連邦捜査局(FBI)がタメルラン・ツァルナエフ(Tamerlan Tsarnaev)とジョハル・ツァルナエフ(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)兄弟の身元を特定したことで、アメリカのイスラム社会に緊張が走った。

ボストンの爆破事件の現場では、負傷したサウジアラビア出身の学生が居合わせた人に取り押さえられたうえに、「New York Post」紙に容疑者と報じられた。

ツイッターでは「#Muslims」というハッシュタグがトレンドとして浮上したほか、「Fox News」にも出演するコラムニストのエリック・ラッシュ(Erik Rush)氏がツイッター上で別のユーザーから「もうイスラム教徒を犯人扱いする気か?」と追及され、「ああ、やつらは悪党だ。皆殺しにしよう」と応じている。


When the FBI identified the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects as Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev, the American Muslim community braced itself for another onslaught of anti-Islamic feeling—a caustic sentiment that has persisted in the country since 9/11.

In fact, the wave of suspicion and accusations had already begun. A Saudi student, injured in the blast, was tackled by another bystander and labeled a suspect by the New York Post.
The hashtag #Muslims trended on Twitter, which was also the platform for one of the more incendiary comments from Fox News contributor Erik Rush, who, when prompted by another user if he was "already blaming Muslims," responded: "Yes, they're evil. Let's kill them all."

American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), which issued a statement "expressing deep concern" regarding the negative statements and threats against Arab and Muslim Americans, demanded an apology.
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ちなみに、Rush 氏は、件の Tweet について非難を浴びる→削除→逆ギレ、という Twitter での典型的炎上パターンをやらかしていた。
・'Let's kill them all': Fox News guest Erik Rush 'jokingly' blames deadly Boston Marathon bombings on Muslims(2013年4月16日 dailymail.co.uk)

以下、2013年4月16日分 dailymail.co.uk『'Let's kill~'』から Rush 氏の逆ギレ Tweet を紹介してる部分を(略

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Rush responded to the verbal attacks on him with a series of foul-mouthed tweets.

'Keep 'em coming, muzzie[sic] apologist vermin! I LOVE it!' he wrote.

He later wrote: 'Hypothesis proven [sic]: Libs [liberals] responding to "kill them all" sarcasm neglect fact that their precious Islamists say the same about us EVERY DAY.'

Rush remained defiant in the face of continuing criticism, writing on his Twitter account Tuesday morning that he plans to re-tweet 'the illiterates' worst and most entertaining tweets today for pathos and comic relief...'
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・Muslim Woman Describes Assault, Harassment near Malden Center(2013年4月19日 malden.patch.com)

以下、2013年4月19日分 malden.patch.com『Muslim Woman~』から前半部分を(略

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A Palestinian woman said she was assaulted and aggressively harassed while walking with her infant daughter and friend near Malden Center late Wednesday morning, in an apparent hate crime motivated by Monday's attack at the Boston Marathon.

Malden resident Heba Abolaban said she and her friend, both wearing hijabs, were walking with their children on Commercial Street when a man forcefully punched her left shoulder and began shouting at them.

“He was screaming 'F___ you Muslims! You are terrorists! I hate you! You are involved in the Boston explosions! F___ you!'
Abolaban remembered.
“Oh my lord, I was extremely shocked.”

She said the man – described as a white male in his thirties wearing dark sunglasses – kept shouting and walking toward her as she backed away.

“I did not say anything to him,” she said.
“Not even that we aren't terrorists...he was so aggressive.”

After about two minutes, Abolaban said the man continued his brisk walk toward Malden Center.
Shaken, Abolaban called her husband in tears, and then 911.

“The police came and were so kind and helpful,” she said, though no suspects were arrested in the incident.
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なお、南部貧困法律センター(Southern Poverty Law Center、SPLC)のマーク・ポトック(Mark Potok)氏に言わせると、ヘイトクライムが明るみになる場合は実際の件数より相当少ない模様。
以下、2013年4月30日分 nationalgeographic.co.jp『米で~』から最後の部分を(略

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Hate crime statistics for 2013 won't be released by the FBI until late next year, so the consequences of the Boston Marathon bombing for Muslims in America may not be known until then.
The thing to keep in mind, warns Potok, is that hate crimes are dramatically under-reported.
"And Muslims are among the groups least likely to report."

Potok hopes that U.S. leaders will set the example and speak out.
"Barack Obama needs to act soon," he says. "The propagandists move very fast."
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