flagburner's blog(仮)


Deporting more foreign children?(2010/08/23)

2010-08-24 20:05:27 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・Deporting more foreign children(2010/08/02)(2010年8月2日 flagburner's blog(仮))
・Deporting more foreign children?(2010/08/09)(2010年8月12日 flagburner's blog(仮))

この動きに大きくかかわっているのが、イスラエル内務相こと Eli Yishai 氏。
Yishai 氏は、数日前にも謎発言をしていた。
・Yishai: 20,000 foreign kids living in Israel illegally(2010年8月20日 ynetnews.com)

これに対しては、Netanyahu イスラエル首相の妻こと Sara さんが Yishai 氏に抗議の手紙を送る、というわけのわからない展開も。
(2010年8月15日 guardian.co.uk)

そんな中、Yishai 氏がイスラエルで猛威をふるっている電波芸者(?)こと Yair Lapid 氏とのインタビューで釈明していたのだが・・・。
・'Foreign workers abusing their children'(2010年8月23日 ynetnews.com)

訳文でも、Yishai 氏による責任転嫁と居直りのオンパレードってのがよ~くわかるわ。

このインタビューの冒頭で、Yishai 氏は件の政策を打ち出した理由について少し不思議なことを述べていた。
以下、2010年8月23日分 ynetnews.com『’Foreign workers~’』から序盤部分を(略
ただし、Lapid 氏の発言部分は斜め文字。

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But you always get dragged into it.
Those who defend the kids are crying out you're a racist, unenlightened, child hater and xenophobe, and you always get angry and say something horrible about the foreign workers - like what you said about them carrying disease - and everyone is happy since each side played its part in the puppetry.

"What can I do?
That is how the Israeli dialogue is held.
It's been this way for years.
I'm telling you Yair, it's frightening.
I meet with ministers and Knesset members, talk to them about important issues, including this one.
What do they tell me?
'Look, you're right, but I can’t talk about it because I'll get slammed by the media.'
Another one says 'Leave it, it won’t get a headline.'
That's what they're interested in, the headline.

"We've lost the courage to make unpopular decisions, we've lost the ability to lead.
Everything is measured in ratings.
We've lost the ability to make bold decisions, as well as the ability to engage in a normal discourse, surely on such a complex issue such as this."
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つーか、Yishai 氏の打ち出した政策や発言は結構支持されてるような気がしないでもないが。

で、Yishai 氏は(合法違法問わず)移民の子どもたちの扱いに関して、イスラエル政府が指針を持ってなかったことに言明していた。

そして、この後、Yishai 氏は、件の政策に関して議論を行った2010年8月9日の Knesset での発言について釈明していた。
以下、2010年8月23日分 ynetnews.com『’Foreign workers~’』からその部分を(略

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You create ratings yourself. It's one thing to say "policy must be adhered to" and quite another to stand on the Knesset podium and declare "Kids, the trip is over."

"What did I say?
For heaven's sake, see how they scrutinize every word I say just because it's me.
Every little sentence.
Just because it's Eli Yishai, for what he represents, for his beard, because he's Sephardic, I don't even want to say it, otherwise they'll call me a racist again.
I don't know why they do it to me, because I'm from Shas?
Ask anyone who has ever worked with me, I was never a sectorial minister."

What does that have to do with the trip?

"I said trip because most of them came here on a tourist visa.
That's what they told us when they came.
That they're on a trip.
They came here as travelers with their children and then stayed."

I'm talking about the kids and you're talking about the parents.

"You think my heart isn’t torn when I have to face the children?
Do you know how hard it is for me to see these pictures?
Look how they've lynched me.
This whole media lynch, the hypocrisy and the lies.
If someone came on a tourist visa - they're the ones who said they were on a trip, not me.
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Yishai 氏が問題としていたのは、2010年8月9日分 Knesset 議事録 P.69 掲載分。
・(2010年8月9日分議事録)(2010年8月9日 Knesset.gov.il;ヘブライ語)

上の引用部分で Yishai 氏があーだこーだ述べてた発言部分をざっくり解釈すると、『子どもたちに親が「イスラエルで数年暮らす」ために旅を終わらせると告げたことに示されてるが、親たちは子どもたちを利用している。これに対してイスラエル政府は移民たちを子ども含めて追放する必要がある』ってことらしい。
つーことは、Yishai の釈明は釈明にもなってないってことになるぢゃね~か(毒)

ちなみに、この後(といってもインタビューの終わりじゃないけど) Yishai 氏はどうしようもない発言をしていた。
以下、2010年8月23日分 ynetnews.com『’Foreign workers~’』からその部分を(略

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You helped the charade by talking about the children.

"Not true!
Not true!
I said it from the beginning, Yair, I said it all along: I'm not deporting kids, I'm sending their parents home to raise their kids with their families.
I never said I was deporting kids.
I'm not even deporting the parents.
I'm returning them to their countries of origin.
I never used the word 'deportation.'
But I got labeled with it."

You don’t see where this is coming from?

"I know full well, but it still doesn't mean I'm a racist.
I came and suggested voluntary departure.
I suggested bonuses.
Anything to allow them to leave with dignity.
That's not a racist's conduct.
Believe me, being portrayed as the bad guy is the worst thing as far as I'm concerned.

And look what it came to.
MKs, public figures are calling not to adhere to government decisions.
It's a catastrophe.
It’s the end of democracy.
Can you imagine what would happen if a haredi came and said such a thing?
Or a settler?
Or an Arab?
What would happen to the state?"
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どう読んでも Yishai 氏の発言は言葉遊びです本当に(略


