キム・チャンワンに恋してる I'm in love with Kim Chang-Wan 김창완님에게 사랑에빠졌다

Introduces how great Kim Chang-Wan is.

詩集を出版!Kim Chang-Wan's poetry book for children

2019-04-29 18:52:20 | Book


Kim Chan-Wan published a poetry book for children!

김창완 동시집 <무지개가 뀐 방이봉방방> 출간!

関連記事(Related article,기사)

チャンワンさんらしい、ユニークで、時にユーモラスな視点で書かれた51作の詩。児童向けの詩集です。 この中の1作品は、児童向けの詩を表彰する「동시마중」で作品賞を受賞しました。授賞式は、5月23日、ソウルで行われる予定です。 チャンワンさん、おめでとうございます!

The book contains 51 poems he wrote, and one of them recently won a children's poetry award for the best poetry. The award ceremony will be held in Seoul in May 23. Congratulations, poet Kim Chang-Wan!

이 동시집안의 "칸 만들기"는 제3회 <동시마중> 작품상을 수상했습니다. 시상식은 5월 23일(목) 서울시민청 바스락홀에서 열립니다. 김창완님 축하드립니다!



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