

2004-11-11 10:21:15 | ニュース@海外

Hours before the ground offensive, the U.S.-backed interim prime minister Iyad Allawi flew to a US military base near Fallujah to rally Iraqi soldiers. He told them "Your job is to arrest the killers but if you kill them, then so be it."


 Back in the U.S., Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke to reporters at the Pentagon about the purpose of the assault. Sep.8, at Pentagon.

 DONALD RUMSFELD: If Iraq is to be free, and a peaceful society, one part of the country cannot remain under the rule of assassins, terrorists, and the remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime. Every effort has been made to persuade the criminals running roughshod over Fallujah to reach a political solution, but they have chosen the path of violence instead. So, at the request of the interim Iraqi government, Coalition soldiers are today assisting Iraqi forces in conducting coordinated offensive operations in and around the city of Fallujah to restore law and order to this troubled area.


The Association of Muslim Scholars, which has threatened to boycott elections, put forth a peace plan that the U.S. all but rejected with no public discussion.


 Japan's Prime Minister, Koizumi Jun'ichiro expressed full support to the U.S. offensive in Fallujha. On Sep. 9, Koizumi told the press that "the offensive must be brought to a success. The key to Iraqi's reconstruction is to restore law and order of that country."
