文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Once again, it is a chapter I want people all over the world to read.

2018年08月04日 10時45分35秒 | 日記

It is a chapter that transmitted to the world on 7/10 entitled  'Although I clearly said this thing to the world I have a pride that it is the first person' 

Once again, it is a chapter I want people all over the world to read.

"In the 20th century, there was no name for a woman till Japan came to Korea."

While introducing the latest publication of Takayama Masayuki, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, there was a beginning part.

When President Lee Myung-bak was at the end of the year, suddenly landed on Takeshima,

The Emperor came to South Korea and apologized,

I saw the behavior,

What kind of country is Korea? Or thinking what kind of people Koreans are,

Internet that I mention many times as being the largest in library in human history,

Searching for the first time, in just one hour,

Korea = The history and actual condition of the Korean Peninsula is understood as described above.

The thing that characterizes the Korean Peninsula is Yangban ... Although I clearly said this thing to the world I have a pride that it is the first person.

As soon as I learned about the form of Yangban, I quickly realized that it was a prototype of a Japanese yakuza's ‘protect money’ in a nude form.

Because most of the Japanese gangsters are Koreans in Japan.

They do not work, live with sponging to others and blackmail others ...

Not only yakuza, politicians of the Korean Peninsula ...

The essence is the same naturalized Japanese opposition politicians as theirs ... There are plenty of opponents in Japan ...

It is a tradition that remains as a cascade.

In the recent example, it is clear from the viewpoint of Kim Jong-un in the US-North talks in Singapore.

Saying that there are not any airplanes safe to Singapore but also no accommodation expenses ... In a manner not to be ashamed of staying in a top-class hotel ...

People are not only to oppress, but they are moving to death just before starvation,

A form of keeping nuclear development silent.

Just with a content-free chat complaining about Government politics, they are brought to the orthodontic camp and are tortured and killed.

I was amazed when I saw the tool of torture that was revealed when the United Nations resolved reports and recommendations on this violent North Korean human rights violation last year.

Because Yangban's real situation I learned in an hour ... when the people could not offer the money or food that they requested, they were totally with the detention and torture tools that came to the mansion.

Today, now, in this chapter, all Japanese citizens and people all over the world must know the truth.

In the 20th century, there was no name for a woman on the Korean Peninsula until Japan annexed Korea.

King and Yangban reigned in the Korean Peninsula and all the other citizens were people of the discrimination class. Even scholars were.

The woman was Yangban's private property = slave.

So, the woman had no name.

Yangban was, as it were, dealing with women as things.

Not only being made a comfort of the sex of the Lord but also a wife of Jealous that is jealous of that, it is killed by being insulted like a stick inserted in the genital area and can be thrown and thrown to the Han River ... Yangban asks for sin there is nothing at all.

Every time the river overflows its corpses are caught on the branches of the river bank, which is the daily routine of the Korean peninsula until Japan annexed Korea and it was real.

In other words, the Korean Peninsula is the country where most of the people were slaves.

On the other hand, how about Japan?

Japan is a rare person in the world (it is no exaggeration to say the only citizen) a citizen without slaves, a citizen who hated the concept of having slaves.

If you search for ‘Yasuke’ in Wikipedia, you can see it clearly, but extract excerpts.

Yasuke (an omission, birth and death annuities) was a black man who came to Japan during the Warring States period, as a missionary owned slave, but it was made an offering to Sengoku Daimyo Oda Nobunaga, liked by Nobunaga, was employed as a vassal.

This draft continues.


