文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The high number of victims would have been ‘psychological handicap’ in negotiations with

2018年07月17日 16時28分53秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The Northern Territories are ‘Japan versus the Allies problem’


At the Yalta talks, a sovereignty that was deprived by the aggression state and a statement calling for the recovery of autonomy were issued.

There is a provision ‘by the aggression state’ that the Soviets, which is a member of the Allies, is not an invasion state, it does not apply to countries that have been deprived of liberty by the Soviets.

The focus here is Polish treatment.

World War II began with the invasion of Polish independence that the British and France guarantee safety Nazis · Germany invaded.

At that time in London there was Polish exile, Britain guaranteed Poland's independence.

Therefore, Churchill had an obligation to protect the Polish asylum regime.

Meanwhile, Roosevelt also promises the country's free recovery to acquire votes of Polish voters in November 1944 elections.

However, at the time of the Yalta talks, a communist organization was already built in Poland by the Soviet boost.

Even more, Churchill and Roosevelt confirmed this situation.

It was because they had strong negatives because they recognized the communism not only in Poland but also in Eastern Europe without the help of the military force of the Soviet clearly recognizing that they could not win against Nazi · Germany. Nakanishi

During the Second World War, the Pacific Front was pressed by the overwhelming military power of the United States.

But at the European front, there was no victory of the allied without four years of death and Sacrifice with the Soviet Army against Nazi · Germany.

Indeed, in June 1944, after the Normandy landing campaign, the United States and British coalition forces opened a western fight and began advancing towards Germany, but the number of victims is lower than that of the deaths of the previous German Soviet match It is small enough to be no comparison at all.

Most of the German anti-warfare abilities were directed against the Soviet war, the East Front.


In the Second World War, the Soviets have indeed issued as many as 20 million dead.

The high number of victims would have been ‘psychological handicap’ in negotiations with Stalin for Roosevelt and Churchill too.


From the two of them in the United States and Britain that were in the ability and position to see war on a global scale,

Because it was based on the essence of World War II as an imperialist war aimed at picking up interests,

They should have known that it is only possible to give the Soviets a corresponding 'takeover'.

In other words, while they know that both Poland and Eastern Europe are located a repressive communist regime, it means 'they gave it to Stalin'.

From this point the above-mentioned ‘policy of non-expansion’ in the Atlantic Charter was only propaganda for the Axis countries or their citizens.

In addition, what we should look back on today for Japanese,

The relationship between the Northern Territories issue and The Yalta Agreement (secret American-British-Soviet agreement and the Soviets agreed to attack Japan within three months of the German surrender: Feb. 11, 1945).

American historians have excused that ‘Roosevelt did not know the existence of Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan and Russia (1855) and Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1875)’, but of course this is a lie is.

Of course, it is being fully aware of that the US State Department and Roosevelt as well as the Kuril Islands, especially the Northern Territories, are the territories unique to Japan, it means that they have ceded to the Soviets, they expanded the territory, which is the privilege of conquerors by the Allies.

As the basis for requesting the return of the Northern Territories as ‘It is unjustly occupied by Russia’, the Japanese government is based on the above-mentioned Atlantic Charter, which Roosevelt and Churchill called ‘territorial no expansion’.

But if you look closely at the movements of the U.S. and U.K. leaders during the Great War to the Yalta talks, remember that it is exactly this UK and the U.S. that created the Northern Territories issue.

In other words, the Northern Territories is not a matter between Japan and the Russo (Japan-Russia), but ‘Japan's vs. allied country problem’.


As you pointed out, the Northern Territories issue, which still plagues Japan today, is undoubtedly due to the stupidity of Roosevelt and Churchill's judgment at the Yalta talks.

To solve this problem, it will be the first step to recognize the failure of secret agreement at the Yalta talks.

However, that recognition also means the change of the conventional wartime historical view ('explanation view of history'), 'The UK and the US fought with totalitarian countries to protect democracy'.

Skeptically looking at the diplomacy advocated by Roosevelt and Churchill If history revisionism does not become mainstream of history interpretation, we cannot help thinking that it is difficult to solve the Northern Territories issue.


In this respect, the Putin administration said that ‘the Northern Territories have become Russian territory as a result of the Allies' victory in World War II’, but this is a kind of real intention, historically from a more accurate perspective, it can be said that it is in line with the true ways of the war of the Second World War as a traditional ‘conquest war’ ....

Since the Northern Territories deprived Japan from the fundamental norm of international politics, the legitimate ‘game of rules’, there is no need to return.

If you are so inclined, ask the real intention of the United States or Britain, he is teaching Japanese people.

The United States and the United Kingdom have also expanded substantial territory at many strategic bases, including the islands of the Pacific, after the war as victorious countries in the Second World War.

In this respect ‘the Soviet Union and the birds of a feather’.

Of course, Japan must adhere to the position of returning the four islands in accordance with the principle ‘law and justice’ to the last, as a defeated country, continue to appeal return as a protest unfair postwar processing by the United States British Soviet Union.

This draft continues.


