文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Perhaps you think you can fool such as readers, but as you can see from the fact that the

2019年07月13日 15時24分50秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Bridge over Oigawa

Meanwhile, the reporter of the Asahi Shimbun tends to decide the conclusion from the beginning of an interview.

In March of this year, an article titled ‘Kent Gilbert's Chinese-Korean book, why are you able to sell?’ I was posted in the Asahi Newspaper, but I got back to asking for an interview.

‘If you send me a question as a document I can answer in the document, but here also there is something I would like to ask reporters from the Asahi Shimbun, so it is a condition to answer it in writing. Please acknowledge posting the full text to SNS etc.’

Asahi reporter abandoned the interview, but it cannot be helped.

I do not want to be cut off just a part of my argument and write only biased articles that are biased to them.

The Asahi Shimbun's newspaper, which is only in the ‘overthrow of the Abe administration,’ is not a place to tell the readers the news, but it is no longer a place to dispel reporters' wishes and delusions.

Perhaps you think you can fool such as readers, but as you can see from the fact that the Asahi Shimbun was the lowest in Japan's leading five papers in Oxford University's ‘Newspaper Reliability Ranking,’ many Japanese people are aware of it.

Is there worth existing value in newspapers not trusted by the public?

In the past, the Mainichi Shimbun, which had a presence to a certain extent, also had a scandal of English posted net articles, now nobody gets noticed.

Asahi Shimbun maybe ‘It's better than being ignored.’

In the Edo era, there was a ‘cruising porter’ carrying pedestrians by Piggyback in the Oigawa where the bridge could not be built with the order of the shogunate.

But, in the Meiji era, if a bridge was established, it became useless. The current Asahi Shimbun is like a bridge waiting on the river bank even if a bridge can be made.

In an era where you can instantly know the latest news on the net, you should have a considerable added value for that to read the newspaper on which the information of the previous day was written.

However, the Asahi Shimbun keeps on doing the old-fashioned way while pretending not to be aware of reality.

Not only the Asahi Shimbun but also many newspapers do not examine themselves on their own, by merely shedding down the information flowed down from the top.

‘Interviewing force’ has beaten at one's own game in a weekly magazine, but ‘Bunshun gun’ is aimed at scandal only.

The connection between Governor Onaga and the Communist Party of China, the relationship between Rep. Kiyomi Tsujimoto and ‘kannama.’

Renho lawmakers who went to Taiwan to visit Taiwan during the National Assembly for 18 consecutive holidays ...

It is a big welcome if the scoop matches Japan's national interests.


