文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

who are doing spies while Japan is at war, he fell from the chair with a pale face

2018年07月27日 08時02分56秒 | 日記

The following is a weekly Shincho released today: It is from the column serialized by Takayama Masayuki who is the one only journalist in the postwar world.

Everyone in the world as well as in Japan, from the bottom of their heart, my opinion about Takayama Masayuki, 'You are right!', It should be thought.

I subscribe to the Weekly Shincho weekly only to read him.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

Now it's death sentences

Around 2 months to Pearl Harbor, the Hotsumi Ozaki of one of the group of Sorge's case was caught by the Metropolitan Police Department.

'When he was imprisoned at the Meguro police station he was tortured every day, crawling in the custody at night', Ozaki's old home, a person belonging to the Asahi Shimbun was writing.

No, Miyashita Hiroshi of the investigating Special Higher Police assistant section chief denies decisively that it is false.

When I said that it is impossible to permit the people who are doing spies while Japan is at war, he fell from the chair with a pale face.

After quieting a while, he did appeal 'Do not talk like spy and spy and human waste.' I am a politician. Please admit it. '

It was an expansion like that he fell easily as I forsook he only must think so himself.

I can understand this story.

Although the investigator's story such as corruption, those with officials or social status thoroughly scrape their mood.

It is said that it falls easily if it is psychologically naked.

If you plan to stand with Comintern on hand, if you are dealt with sneaky smut, I will understand the mind to arse over elbow.

He was arse over elbow confessed obediently, sent to Sugamo.

In April 1947 the appeal was rejected, and the death penalty was finalized.

By that time, the appearance which convinced ‘merely spy’ evaluation also seems from the letter to his wife feeling concerning the future of a daughter who has such a father.

One thing that makes me laugh a little is that he recommends Carl Crow's ‘China Guide’ to be fun in personal communication.

After the First World War, the United States launched the Public Relations Committee (CPI) Shanghai Branch to manage with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Army and the Navy, and the Media Representative to rip off Japan and China.

Embracing Chiang Kai-shek with money, US diplomat, correspondent, missionary used Pearl Buck, they inspire the Chinese with pro-America and anti-Japan.

One of the accomplishments was commanded by US ambassador Paul Samuel Reinsch at May Fourth Movement. 

Even though its CPI local commander is Carl Crow, he does not know such a background, he does not know the intention of US diplomacy, and Ozaki Hotsumi, who has been doing Agnes Smedley and sex for the world Communist revolution, appears to be a small entity.

This draft continues.


