文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

To the present of 70 years after the war, newspaper companies and so-called intellectuals who

2018年11月19日 15時32分39秒 | 日記

The Japanese people and the people all over the world must notice, by such a tribe, which the Asahi has been finding fault a Cabinet minister and attacking, making a administration become weak and dwarfing in Japan, no limit to the amount of false coverages they do.

Because it is a brain of Marxist in pseudo-moralist,


By the Communist Party dictators and the actual situation is the Nazism country Korea peninsula,

Continued to be brainwashed and maneuvering at will,

Trivialize Japan,

It has continued to defuse the honor and credibility of Japan and the Japanese people,

A newspaper company and so-called intellectuals who have continued to place Japan as a political prisoner in the international community, even now to 70 years after the war.

In the century of war as the consequence of Western colonialism,

In the last war Japan was forced to choose the side of the loser,

Not only were almost all cities indiscriminately bombed and more than 3 million noncombatants murdered,

At the end two drops of atomic bombs were dropped, along with the flash of hell, a momentarily killing more than half a million noncombatants,

In the history of Japan, only once we lost the war,

Besides, even though it was the first-time horrible things in human history,

To the present of 70 years after the war, newspaper companies and so-called intellectuals who continued to regulate Japanese as bad,

Evil as a one-party dictator of the Communist Party, the reality is the evil of the Nazism state, to be a joint newspaper company and so-called intellectuals,

The time has already come that the Japanese people and the people all over the world must notice.
