文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

When it learns that it becomes useless with the appearance of Trump,

2018年07月27日 23時00分00秒 | 日記

The following is from the serial column of Kudan Yasunosuke which is published at the beginning of the monthly magazine HANADA this month titled 'Approaching US and Russia, where is Bad.'

I am emphasizing the sentence except for the headline.

While the US-China tariff war is intensifying, debates have been emerging that it was a mistake to put China in the WTO (World Trade Organization) initially led by the United States.

For example, the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced on the compliance status of China's WTO regulation, 'In China, the introduction of an open market-oriented trading system has not progressed, it was clearly wrong that the US supported China's entry into the WTO.'

It is a stupid story about what you are saying so far.

China does not give a damn about, such as WTO rules from the start.

Do you know such a thing thoroughly, do not you?

To force technology provision, intellectual property steal, foreign investment restricted, protect by giving subsidies to companies in the Chinese country ... It's all China wants to do.

Japanese companies that have entered China cannot bring profits with the rules to return to China.

To pass a Hong Kong bank, etc., bring out a confusing device and bring it out.

China, like protectionism incarnation, is now a flag of free trade, casting the global economy, As Trump's protectionism jeopardizes the world economy, shake the opposite flag.

China got it all self-seeking impudence.

Nonetheless, since Trump's attack on China began, the Chinese economy has declined steadily, and a crisis of default (debt default) is imminent to several companies of significant companies.

For example, in early July, one Chinese died suspiciously in Paris.

In Chinese named Wang Jian, the cause of death is death from a fall.

This person was the boss of China's largest private airline company, HNA, HNA had a considerable debt.

The amount is estimated to be 600 billion yuan (10 trillion 100 billion yen) in one opinion.

As Trump says, China has been swindled thoroughly in the United States.

When it learns that it becomes useless with the appearance of Trump, China is rapidly approaching the EU, in particular, Germany.

By the way, Merkel has visited China more than ten times.

Now the German economy and the Chinese economy are in a relationship to share their fate.

Prime Minister Li Keqiang visited Merkel in Germany.

Deferred management of Deutsche Bank has been under discussion since early.

By the way, the right HNA is the largest shareholder of Deutsche Bank.

We should be aware of the poor management of Deutsche Bank.

Perhaps Merkel and Li Keqiang have consulted about the disposition of the shares of Deutsche Bank owned by HNA.

Merkel is defeated by the previous election, forced to a small coalition, whose administration lies in imminent danger.

This draft continues.


