文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Korean racism against Japanese is widespread, a product of Korean anti-Japanese education

2019年03月05日 11時22分58秒 | 日記

South Korea that is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie makes the United Nations and Europe and America a stage, and it is the anti-Japanese propaganda that came, unrolling persistently.
On the contrary, those who lived as Japan's treasures in various fields of Japan, finally rise up against the lies, on the official website of the UN Human Rights Committee in November last year, Posted the truth of things ... It is a paper as a result of real intelligence and academics.
You truly received their anti-Japanese propaganda, and stopped progress the Turntable of Civilization, which is turning to Japan as a country that years to 1900 years later, along with the United States,
People all over the world who are making the unstable and extremely dangerous world now, know how ignorant and stupid you are and you never again commit the crime of stopping the progress of the Turntable of Civilization.
3-3-2. Installation of comfort-woman statues in front of foreign consulates
On December 12, 2011, The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (“Council for Draftees”)16 installed, without legal permission, a statue of a comfort woman on
the pavement in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, in commemoration of its 1000th demonstration of a national campaign to resolve the Japanese military “comfort women” issue (a.k.a.
Wednesday demo) and condemning Japan regarding the comfort women issue.
In addition, on December 30, 2016, a similar statue of a comfort woman was installed by a civil group in front of the Japanese Consulate in Pusan.
Demonstrations and installation of comfort woman statues in front of Japanese consulates clearly breaches the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Article 22-2, concluded to protect the safety, peace and dignity of foreign consulates.
It stipulates that: State parties shall be held responsible for taking all the appropriate measures to protect against invasion and destruction and against interruption of peace and safety and against infringement on dignity of the consulates.”
15 https://www.sankei.com/world/news/170628/wor1706280039-n3.html
16 The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan http://womenandwar.net/kr/
However, the Seoul City Assembly approved a rule to prevent the removal of the comfort woman statue in front of the Japanese
Embassy, and the Jong-ro district of Seoul designated the statue as the district’s first “public formative matter.”
Over the issue of the comfort women, the agreement concluded by the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea in 2015 stated that that the Korean Government will make efforts to resolve the issue of the statue “in an appropriate manner,” but things are instead moving in the opposite direction.
We cannot help but conclude that one of the major reasons why the Korean Government makes much of anti-Japanese public opinion within the country, while making little of the agreement with Japan, is that Korean racism against Japanese is widespread, a product of Korean anti-Japanese education, allowing Koreans to believe think that they need not keep their agreements made with the Japanese.



