文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

thanks to Stimson, China began to say that the outside of the Great Wall and the land of

2018年11月01日 16時49分27秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Now, how did the destination to reach become?

It used the Chinese who was dealing with waste as a lift as much as greatest during the Pacific War.

US incite Chiang Kai-shek to fight against Japan, so that Japan was forced to stop 40 divisions out of 51 divisions.

It was only 11 divisions that fought against Britain, US, the Netherlands in the Pacific Ocean.

In return, ‘Stimson Doctrine’ came out in 1932.

The life line of Japan was Manchuria.

It is Stimson that he said that Manchuria is also Chinese territory, that China has long been the inner wall of the Great Wall was a territory.

After Xinhai Revolution, the con artist, Sun Yat-sen said ‘we are going to build a Republic of China and take care of the Manchuria Dynasty’, it is Five Races Under One Union.

In other words, it was a tall story without any grounds such as the territory of the Qing dynasty, Manchuria, Mongolia, or Uighur, Tibet, it wanted to inherit all.

No one dealt with.

Stimson came out there and pulled out the will of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

International public opinion was also anti-Japanese, so it rode on.

As a result, Manchuria a territory in China and Japan invades a territory in China its own way, therefore, it became to violate Kellogg-Briand Pact and Nine-Power Treaty, too.

That would put Japan in an awkward position.

With Stimson's complaint, Japan came to have to with draw from the League of Nations, too.

America has guaranteed that China has sovereignty over Manchuria, Mongolia, Uyghur and Tibet.


However, since the People's Republic of China did not exist at that time, it is to the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek.


So. Either way, thanks to Stimson, China began to say that the outside of the Great Wall and the land of outlander are mine.

After the war, US has admitted China's possession of territory as a suppression of the revival of Japan.

When China got bigger, he collected a large amount of admission fee.

However, now China has become get cocky with ‘It is not thanks to America that we have Uygur and Tibet both Manchuria and Mongolia, it's my business since long ago’, President Trump is the first time to 'Do not say jokingly' it turned to denial.

The first invalid declaration is that ‘Taiwan is not China's.’

This draft continues.
