文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The king and the rulers were always strong, discriminatory and irresponsible, as the people

2018年09月21日 22時37分59秒 | 日記

The following is authentic book of Hiroshi Furuta 'Unified Korea is a disaster of Japan' is a must read for not for Japanese citizens but also for people all over the world.

Especially Alexis Dudden et al. who is not an exaggeration to say as an agent of Korea is totally unable to walk on the road from now knowing how poorly their studies are, it does not deserve the name of a scholar.

Of course, I think that you will find out that you cannot do anything at all in the future if you have made the least criminal offense even in the history of mankind, against Japan and the Japanese people.

However, since it is a story if you have a piece of intelligence, you do not even have a piece of intelligence, probably, I think that there is no ability for people who are immersed in money traps or honey traps.


To protect the Japanese citizens from ‘troubled neighbors’

The Korean Peninsula is just a corridor

First, from the explanation of geography.

I would like you to imagine a map of China, North Korea, South Korea.

The mountainous areas of the Korean Peninsula are concentrated in the northeast of North Korea now.

On the contrary, the west side is almost flat land with no big mountains.

In other words, it is just a 'corridor' in a word.

I have studied this corridor for 40 years.

It is a clear failure.

After 40 years, I finally realized that it was a corridor.

When I was a young student, all the teachers studying on the Korean Peninsula were leftist or liberalists.

‘An unscrupulous Japanese took over the Korean Peninsula, made it a colony, and did terrible things.

Korea - North Korea which was independent gallantly after the war must be shown in the study that it is autonomous’, so I was taught.

But it was all a lie.

Corridor cannot be made subjective.

Because it is a flat land, even if it looks at history, they have not been to prevent enemies at all.

The king of the country of Goryeo was attacked by a different ethnic group called Khitan people three times and fled to the southern end of the Korean Peninsula.

The northern half of the country and Jeju is taken up in Mongolia, the prince became half with the Mongolian.

The next King of Joseon rekt by the troops of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and escape again.

Ming dynasty army of reinforcement also with rundown with making their peace with.

Next, the son of Nuruhachi of Qing comes south.

Army departing from Mukden (the city currently equivalent to Shenyang City, China) took only about 2 weeks to drop Seoul.

The king escapes, of course.

Because it always escapes to Ganghwao Island coastlands, here, it was prepared to the palace for the escape.

In other words, it is a land that cannot be protected.A decent state cannot exist in such a place.

Japanese rule of the Koreans was good management

The Korea does not have a characteristic culture in terms of culture.

Because it is a way, the proper politics and the economy, too, aren't born.

With the court faction struggle and the careless ancient economy, the king and the rulers are always preparing to flee, it gives up the public completely to them.

This produced a unique consciousness of ‘Han (cultural)’.

‘Han (cultural)’ is not a resentment.

The king and the rulers were always strong, discriminatory and irresponsible, as the people would not hear what they said.

On the contrary, the people do not look up to them.

But if you go against it, you will be killed, so it gives up as regrettably.

This regrettable / lethargic is ‘Han’.

‘Han’ is not aesthetic sense.

It is pitiable.

However, when you are sympathizing, they are entwined you immediately.

Then, it is preyed on in the money.

Do not sympathize.

This draft continues.


