文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The security theory of Asahi Shimbun is dangerous for the country, Japan,

2018年03月01日 13時46分16秒 | 日記

The following is from the labor of the Mr. Yoshihisa Komori who was carried on the monthly magazine WiLL current issue.
It isn't necessary to say that it is one of the journalists that Mr. Yoshihisa Komori is genuine.
In addition to being one of the speech persons who investigate the fault of Asahi Shimbun and continue to tell the truth, in the work which may give People's Honor Award, it isn't necessary to say Japan about continuing to do the Japanese people, too.
Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.
It is obstinate, it does not learn their lesson, never feel apologetic
Asahi Shimbun's distorted view on security
It criticizes Trump 'the nuclear strategy' reconsideration but it is dumbness about North Korea, China, Russia.
Of surely 'if you are not prepared you do not have to worry' of Asahi Shimbun?
The defense opposition
The security theory of Asahi Shimbun is dangerous for the country, Japan, ―
I considered the Security Treaty theory which Asahi Shimbun insists on from the times of the Vietnam War and the cold war.
The claim is the tendency that anything anyway opposes after all for America in Japan and the ally to strengthen a defensive strength.
The long years of the about 40 years, too, I came in touch with the menace and the crisis of the actual security in each place in the world as the international news writer of the Mainichi Newspapers and the Sankei Shimbun and made an effort toward the report of the actual state.
In the meantime, the Asahi Shimbun has consistently opposed, which Japan and the United States strengthen self-defense measures in order to deter the threats, which are approaching to our own camp.
And then, Asahi Shimbun treated the side of USSR and China which runs to the expansion in armaments as 'the peace loving influence', ignoring a menace to Japan-U.S. union almost.
As for the defense of Japan, the posture of such Asahi Shimbun could be generalized with 'if you are not prepared you do not have to worry'.
If it does an ordinary human being and it does an ordinary state, 'if you are prepared you do not have to worry' is a principle of course.
However, Asahi Shimbun always expressed opposition to 'the preparation' of the defense of Japan.
Therefore, Asahi Shimbun cannot help concluding that it is very dangerous existence for the security in Japan.
When I saw the latest paper of Asahi Shimbun, I was keenly aware that there is nothing to learn from history as well as from reality.
It read the editorial of the index, 'the nuclear strategy in the U.S.' 'the stupidity which retrogresses in the history' of the morning edition with February 4th, 2018, and it was.
This article continues.
