文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

if democracy is destroyed, those that supported the modernity will fall one after another

2018年10月12日 17時03分13秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Inter-Korean ‘Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo’ Conception

Kim Dae-jung, Inter-Korean summits was held in June 2000 and October 2007 in the era of Roh Moo-hyun's Left Wing regime, aiding for North Korea equivalent to the state budget, this led to nuclear development.

Because Korea's assistance enabled North Korea to have nuclear they are stronger than Korea as a regime.

In that sense it is good to say that Kim Jong Il is a genius.

Since he understood that North Korea would be useless without nuclear he drove the residents on the hunger line and poured all the money into the nucleus.

In 1996, the slogan of overcoming starvation and economic difficulties, 'era of suffering march' was set.

It is different from the times of Joseon and the corridor state in today has no choice but to have a nucleus.

Thanks to that, even in the age of his son who lacks ability as a leader, it can keep keeping Korea down.

Indeed, it is a wonderful strategy.

In Korea, legalism and human rights have already collapsed.

Then, if democracy is destroyed, those that supported the modernity will fall one after another.

Then, it regresses in the Oriental tyranny which resembles ancient times, and the system is steadily approaching North Korea.

Finally, communicating successfully among the resembling ones may become possible.

As the previous step there are currently dependent on North Korea and people who are North Korea sympathizer.

In May 2017, Moon Jae-in was elected presidential election at the end of Mr. Park Geun-hye's misgovernment, regime subordinate to North Korea was born in the south.

People brainwashed by the press call them 'progressive regime'.

In addition to the fact that the Korean War does not occur, there is a great possibility that the reunification of the North and South can be achieved through such processes.

Then, the 'Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo' concept proposed by Kim Il-sung at the 6th Conference of the Workers' Party of Korea in October 1980 comes alive.

This is an argument that they will unify by federal system under one ethnic group, one nation, two systems and two governments.

Regional governments in the north and south implement their own policies and do not interfere with each other or extort any thought on the premise that the two systems coexist.

It may take this Federal Republic's concept.

Nonetheless, even if this concept is realized, there is a possibility that internal conflicts will occur.

Korean people are ethnic groups who are said to have four factions if they have three people.

Absolutely, having not the slightest idea, as we are next to them, it's in trouble as Japan, let's think about various things.

This draft continues.
