文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

To be quite different from the facts, get drunk by 'the tragedy of the nation', entrust yourself to

2017年12月30日 11時15分30秒 | 日記

The following is from this week's issue of Yoshiko Sakurai 's column serialized in the Weekly Shincho.
History war,
 Provide authentic information with drafting worker
A famous Korean speechist Cho Gab-je said on December 19th at a think-tank "National Institute for Basic Problems." In case
"Why do Korean citizens continue to endorse President Moon Jae-in, who has anti-Korean values in pro - North Korea, why Koreans do not notice the crisis faced by their homeland, because Korea People's ability to think is decreasing. "
As a cause of the decline in the ability of Koreans to think, it came to expel kanji and use only Hangul.
The right or wrong of the analysis holds on now.
However, instead of turning their attention to the actual state of history,
It is certainly it is deprived of thier heart to the story created irrelevant to historical facts.
To be quite different from the facts, get drunk by 'the tragedy of the nation', entrust yourself to a strong anti-Japanese feeling as a reaction.
There is a strong tendency toward biased towards emotion and lack of reason.
For them, the Japanese side has also escaped arguments based on facts.
In that unfortunate groove of historical issues lying between the two countries, both Japan and South Korea are responsible.
At least, it was before the Abe administration. 
The power to stop Korea's anti-Japanese history fight is in the fact of history.
By showing the facts, for the first time Japan can face the forging of history of Korea and China.
In other words, there are only facts in our country.
It is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who has noticed that fact and is trying to face the historical issue with facts. In case
However, even though the prime minister thinks that, the darkness of the people of related ministries and agencies including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is deep, and even some of the basic facts point out, there are those who resist as stimulating Korea.
This draft continues.


